Pierre Gribling

Pierre Gribling


Pierre Gribling


A young disabled man realizes his dream of being an actor. But blinded by the artificial light of success, he loses his inner light, until he tries to find it in real life. An avant-garde high school puts the spotlight on the forgotten people who are disturbing, abnormal, handicapped, old, fragile, different, who are said to be maladjusted. And yet they are much more likely to be happy.
Les Misérables et Victor Hugo : au nom du peuple
Victor Hugo
The prodigious genesis of a monument of world literature, too often reduced to its popular success, also recounts the tormented conversion of its author, Victor Hugo, to the ideal of social progress.
Auguste Escoffier: The Birth of Haute Cuisine
Dramatization Actor
A succulent account of the life of French chef Auguste Escoffier (1846-1935) who made the simple act of cooking food a true art by creating the modern concept of haute cuisine, and who also became the main reference point for many generations of future chefs.
Jacques, le mari de Violette
No início dos anos XX, a escritora Violette Leduc (Emmanuelle Devos) encontra a filósofa Simone de Beauvoir (Sandrine Kiberlain). Nasce entre as duas uma intensa amizade que dura toda a vida, ao mesmo tempo que Simone encoraja Violette a escrever mais, expondo as suas dúvidas e medos, abordando todos os detalhes da intimidade feminina.