When consumer news reporter, Ruby Herring stumbles onto a murder, the intrepid redhead inadvertently discovers a knack for crime solving. With the reluctant help of a handsome detective, Ruby finds a new career covering crime.
A hallucinogenic summer noir cocktail spiked with suspense is concocted as the unexpected arrival of a stranger ignites an inferno of secrets and guilt, complicating the relationship between a father and his daughter.
Julia é uma vlogueira canadense totalmente conectada e habituada a compartilhar sua rotina com os seguidores, famosa especialmente pelas selfies que faz com frequência. Sua vida, no entanto, toma um rumo obscuro quando, ao visitar sua prima Hanna nos Estados Unidos, cai gravemente doente e coisas muito sinistras passam a acontecer envolvendo seu smartphone.
Down and out in the mean streets of Girrawheen, Western Australia, jobless, man-less, aimless Tasha Scrimegour is forced to 'chick up' to sort herself out, and face her enemies (namely Centrelink and an egotistical MMA fitness center owner/energy drink entrepreneur).