Graham Berry


Anima Mundi
Image and music are intertwined in this third collaboration between director Godfrey Reggio and composer Philip Glass. The film was produced to celebrate the World Wildlife Fund's Biological Diversity Campaign. The film combines images of nature with pulsing rhythms in a Microcosmos (1997) meets Koyaanisqatsi (1983) spectacle. Written by Martin Lewison
Powaqqatsi - A Vida em Transformação
Director of Photography
Se "Koyaanisqatsi", primeiro filme da trilogia, é basicamente poético e sensorial, "Powaqqatsi" já tem um cunho bem mais sociológico. Desta vez Reggio viajou pela pelo mundo - inclusive no Brasil, com locações em Serra Pelada e São Paulo - para mostrar como países do Terceiro Mundo são explorados pelos poderosos.
Behind the Rent Strike
Kirby, on the outskirts of Liverpool, England, October 1972. A chronicle of the fourteen-month strike by thousands of tenants to protest against the £1 increase in council house rents due to the Housing Finance Act.