Hester Wilcox


White Friar
Alice Murphy
Vienna, at the close of World War II. An intriguing relationship between a priest and a wealthy Jewish woman. Both tender and violent, a story of faith, love and service. Based on the life of an Irish catholic priest who was a Chaplain in the RAF.
O Mundo Secreto de Nasca
Graças à análise de DNA, scanners 3D e o radar aéreo da Nasa, uma equipe de cientistas especialistas foi capaz de desvendar o mundo misterioso de Nasca.
Being George Clooney
A documentary that delves into the creative, often humorous world of audio dubbing a Hollywood motion picture for the international market.
Afghanistan 1979: The War That Changed the World
'Afghanistan 1979: the war that changed the world', is a French documentary about the Sovjet invasion in Afghanistan in 1979. It was one of the most crucial events of the 20th century, and changed the world forever. This documentary gives a good insight in the Afghan-Russian war ; the alliance between the Russian and Afghan communist governments ; Islamic resistance ; the support of America for the resistance and its consequences on the war.
A Casa dos Contos de Fada
Alice (voice)
Nathaniel está em processo de alfabetização e sempre adorou ouvir as histórias dos livros com sua tia. Quando ela vem a falecer, ele é eleito o guardião da biblioteca e precisa aprender a ler uma frase mágica na parede da biblioteca, antes que as histórias desapareçam para sempre. Assim, ele embarca numa aventura contagiante!
Rencontre avec un tueur
Fiona Correy
Camille Claudel
The life of Camille Claudel, a french sculptor who becomes the apprentice of Auguste Rodin and later his lover. Her passion for her art and Rodin drive her further away from reason and rationality.