Omri Aloni


Director of Photography
An Israeli swimming tutor living in Chicago returns to Israel after 10 years of absence to bury his father. An encounter with a beloved childhood friend and his newly engaged girlfriend will set a series of events that will affect everyone's lives. A story set between a flower shop and an ancient monastery, between a swimming pool and the Mediterranean sea, between life and death - and somewhere in the middle.
Director of Photography
After years of radio silence, Sharon Ryba-Kahn re-established contact with her father. She talks to him about his absence and his family. From the perspective of someone who belongs to the third generation after the Shoah, the director examines herself and her German surroundings.
Tracing Addai
In 2013 Addai joins a salafistic group in Syria. The encounter of Addai's mother with Ilias, a homecomer from Syria, gives rise to invidual fragments, by means of which the story of the son and comrade can be traced.
O Confeiteiro
Director of Photography
Thomas, um jovem confeiteiro alemão, tem um caso com Oren, um israelense casado que vai a Berlim à negócios com frequência. Quando Oren morre em um acidente de carro, Thomas viaja para Jerusalém buscando respostas sobre o amante. Sob uma identidade falsa, Thomas conhece Anat, a viúva de Oren, que é dona de um café na cidade. Aos poucos, o alemão começa a se envolver na vida dela, arrumando um trabalho no café e criando bolos e biscoitos para dar mais vida ao estabelecimento.
Monday – A German Love Story
Klaus has a new job. And it's brilliant. The best job in the world. There is just one small snag: after work.
A Gentle Noise Between the Lines
George is in his 40s, a family man, on the fast track in his job - until one day a stranger claims ownership of 2m² of his house, enters the home, sets up his bed in the living room and stays. While the stranger is expanding his space in the house bit by bit, a gloomy feeling is taking hold of George.