Alex Quevedo


Ricardo levou suas filhas para sua casa à beira de um lago no sul do Chile. Enquanto navegam, eles avistam um barco afundando, mas ele se recusa a ajudar as pessoas porque elas parecem suspeitas.
Alejandro, a freshman, and Sofia, who’s doing her thesis, meet in college. They build an asymmetrical relationship: he’s in love while she just wants to see her sexual desires fulfilled.
Bad Influence
A rebellious young man nicknamed Tano and a shy Mapuche boy named Cheo bond together by facing the violence and prejudice they carry during their complicated adolescence.
Andrés Reads and Writes
A young factory worker who has lost his way and forgotten his teenage dreams, will soon realize that although he hasn’t made the right choices, it’s still not to late to make amends; accompanied by a new friendship that will encourage him to move forward.
Miguel San Miguel
The film traces the origins of the Chilean band band Los Prisioneros from the perspective of the drummer Miguel Tapia. Set in the Late 70's, during Pinochet's military dictatorship.