Josefina Rodríguez


Double foyer
Sound Editor
Saint Omer
Sound Editor
A novelist attends the trial of a woman accused of killing her 15-month-old daughter by abandoning her to the rising tide on a beach in northern France. But as the trial continues, her own family history, doubts, and fears about motherhood are steadily dislodged as the life story of the accused is gradually revealed.
Our Eternal Summer
Sound Designer
Viver e amar aos 18 anos, mergulhando nos dias e noites despreocupados do verão, perdendo seu melhor amigo de repente e percebendo que nada dura para sempre. É tempo de encontros decisivos para renascer.
Sound Editor
País Basco, 1609. Para adiar sua execução, um grupo de mulheres acusadas de bruxaria se oferece para realizar um Sabbath para o inquisidor.
Los conductos
Sound Designer
Pinky is on the run. At night the empty streets smell of the apocalypse and the city seems to be on fire. Narcotics swirl through the veins and the air. Having freed himself from the clutches of a sect led by a certain “padre” and determined to take his fate into his own hands, he is now holed up in an illegal T-shirt factory, surrounded by paints, slogans and heat presses. Pinky is looking for the light at the end of the tunnel, but ghosts are breathing down his neck. He is running for his life, and Colombia is on fire. But Colombia is alive.
The Defendant
Silvia, a single mother and a lawyer, is implicated in a corruption scandal. But in addition to trouble at work, she is also facing a more crippling problem: her mother’s cancer has returned. While she is forced to face up to her mother’s inconceivable yet inescapable death, Silvia embarks on a love story, her first in many years.
I Invite You to My Execution
Sound Editor
Como o escritor russo Boris Pasternak (1890-1960) considera impossível que o seu romance «Doutor Jivago» seja publicado na União Soviética, porque supostamente mostra uma visão crítica da Revolução de Outubro, ele decide contrabandear vários exemplares do manuscrito para fora do país. É publicado pela primeira vez em 1957 em Itália e o autor recebe o Prémio Nobel da Literatura em 1958, o que tem consequências.
Sound Editor
O filme é uma reflexão muito atual e quase serena sobre o caminho comum das sociedades europeias de hoje, sobre o isolamento, a perplexidade diante das dificuldades que surgem, sobre a vida nas cidades e dentro das famílias. É uma tensão crescente que nunca explode.
Sound Editor
To keep the promise she made to her dying mother, a young woman sets off to find her father, a fickle man she has never known. On the way, she discovers he is in fact dead, but, driven by the bewitching rhythms of the Maloya, a Reunion Island ritual singing and musical tradition, she does not abandon her goal: she must find her father.
Não Sou Um Canalha
Eddie is no longer living with his wife and their son Noam. One night, he gets mugged and badly injured, and consequently becomes a hero to his son and the victim of a vicious crime to his wife. But when Ahmed, the perfect scapegoat for the attack, is charged, the gravitas of his accusation sucks Eddie into an infernal spiral of self-doubt and lies, marking the start of a dangerous freefall.
Holy Motors
Sound Editor
O senhor Oscar parece um importante executivo indo para o escritório ao entrar em sua limusine, mas seu "trabalho" real é um pouco mais complexo: ele tem uma série de compromissos durante o dia, onde encarna personagens, desde uma idosa pedinte, um milionário em estado terminal, até um assassino frio. O objetivo e a motivação de Oscar, no entanto, são misteriosos.
Minha Terra, África
Sound Editor
Amidst turmoil and racial conflict in a Francophone African state, a white French woman fights for her coffee crop, her family and ultimately for her life.
35 Shots of Rum
Sound Editor
Lionel, a widower, has raised his daughter, Josephine, on his own since she was young. The two are used to living alone, depending solely on one another. But, now that Josephine is older, Lionel is beginning to realize they cannot stay isolated forever.