Sabine Bally


The film unfolds in Geneva, in the district around the Vernets barracks. It delves into the spaces of life and the encounters with its inhabitants. These domestic chronicles evolve between the military barracks at the edge of the blocks of flats and the insane asylum which had occupied the space in the past. Through these chronicles and the history of the place, the question arises for each spectator: what, then, is my place within?
Store Policy
Lea starts a job as a cashier in a big supermarket chain. During the adaptation and learning process, and under a layer of apparent normalcy, she is gradually confronted with the insensitivity to which her coworkers, all women, are subject in the name of efficiency and productivity.
Faced with the injustices of this world, Margot has lost all hope in the future. Giving up on politics, she decides to entrust her fate to the Dardu, a legendary carp that supposedly predicts the future. But the lake's rules have changed: fishing is now forbidden.
Albert Hofmann - Wahrnehmungen
Albert Hofmann - Wahrnehmungen