Matti is 11 years old and dreams of a family vacation in his father’s native country, Finland. He manages to get what he wants by telling a whopping lie. But once they get there, Matti, his younger brother Sami and his parents find themselves without a place to stay, no money and no car in the middle of Finnish wilderness. Only a miracle can save them – or Uncle Jussi, who has been struggling to compete with Matti’s father his whole life. This movie based on Salah Naoura’s award-winning children book offers entertainment for people of all ages.
Police chief Horst Krause is retired. Together with his sister Elsa, he takes care of the inn in Schönhorst. But none of that makes him happy.
Baby Peter
O exército alemão entrou em colapso. O Terceiro Reich chegou ao fim e os aliados ocuparam a Alemanha na primavera de 1945. Esta situação faz com que a família da jovem Lore se desintegre, já que seu pai, um oficial da polícia nazista, foge às pressas e logo é seguido pela mãe. Lore recebe instruções para levar seus quatro irmãos mais novos ao encontro da avó, que vive na distante Hamburgo, precisando enfrentar a fome, o frio e os perigos inerentes da viagem.