The life of man is poor and nasty. A few plants give temporary relief: marijuana, alcohol, and opium. After a history of opium, including the 19th-century Opium Wars, we learn of the discovery of heroin; the rest of the film examines heroin trade and addiction in the U.S. Two tons a year enter the U.S., with only 100 pounds interdicted. Most is used in New York City. Interviews with customs officials, prosecutors, medical doctors and junkies provide points of view. The harsh 1956 law and the medically-oriented law of 1966 are contrasted, with the film on the side of treatment and rehabilitation. It ends with advocating reducing use here and finding other cash crops for farmers abroad.
This film describes the 1960s drug culture. Addicts discuss their experiences in the United States and in Vietnam. Dr. Stanley Yolles, director of the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), talks about the drug culture and the NIMH role in prevention and treatment. The tape describes growth in the use of marijuana and heroin. In 1966, the Narcotic Addict Rehabilitation Act is the first law to give the addict a choice of treatment or jail. Synanon in California is a private, self-help, residential community that helps people deal with their addictions. New York's Daytop Village works not only with addicts on addictions, but on developing a new lifestyle. Methadone, though still experimental, has proved to be an effective treatment for heroin addiction.
Robert Mitchum narrates an anti drug propaganda film.
Em uma sociedade futurística totalitária, controlada pelo "Big Brother", o amor é proibido. Winston Smith é um funcionários do Estado, ele é responsável por reescrever a história e, ao se apaixonar por Julia, é visto como rebelde, sofrendo tortura e lavagem cerebral pelo seu crime.
George Orwell's novel of a totalitarian future society in which a man whose daily work is rewriting history tries to rebel by falling in love. Episode 1 of Season 6 of Studio One's anthology series.
A panhandler who opens car doors for people in London's theatre district finds himself involved in a deadly mystery when a corpse with a cash-stuffed wallet falls out of a vehicle and he helps himself to some of the money.
The hero discovers his estranged wife dead and tries to frame her lover for the murder. He becomes involved with the criminals who make various unsuccessful attempts on his life while the police clear up the mystery.
Additional Dialogue
Um mordomo que trabalha em uma embaixada estrangeira em Londres torna-se o principal suspeito quando sua esposa cai acidentalmente e morre. A única testemunha é um menino impressionável. Philippe, filho de um diplomata e bom amigo de Baines, o mordomo, confunde-se com as complexidades e evasões da vida adulta. Ele tenta manter segredos, mas acaba dizendo a eles. Ele mente para proteger seus amigos, mesmo sabendo que deve dizer a verdade. Ele resolve não ouvir mais as histórias de adultos quando Baines é suspeito de assassinar sua esposa e ninguém vai ouvir as informações vitais de Philippe. (e 14 - Estimado 14 Anos)