In the surreal aftermath to a plane crash at sea Dr. Iven an eminent scientist is the only survivor to be taken into the confidence of the alien rescuers. He learns that the world with its weapons of mass destruction is not ready for the wonders of the culture of the pacifist visitors. The situation is further complicated by the close relationship that blossoms between the doctor and the female alien, and due to this relationship he is the only survivor allowed to retain his memory of the events, unlike the other survivors including his wife, whose memories are erased.
Dilacerado por culpa pessoal o general italiano Umberto Nobile relembra sua fracassada expedição ao Ártico, em 1928, a bordo do avião Itália, do acidente e dos esforços de resgate subsequentes. Os 'fantasmas' de pessoas envolvidas nos eventos aparecem em suas memórias para ajudá-lo a determinar sua culpa no caso. As reminiscências são misturadas com a ação real: o voo do 'Itália', a operação de resgate aéreo do aeródromo de Kings Bay e a expedição do quebra-gelo 'Krassin'. (e 10 - Estimado 10 Anos)
The end of the civil war. A sailor Alexey Zvorykin is appointed Director of the automobile plant. After training in America at Ford he finishes release of the first Soviet lorry and personally takes part in the international motor rally in Sands of Kara-Kuma which is won by our car.
A group of Soviet counterintelligence officers manage to neutralize spies sent to the territory of the country to obtain secret information about the construction of a large military-industrial complex in Priozersk.
Piloto britânico Chadwick é abatido pelos nazistas em território soviético e recupera-se com a ajuda de uma professora e seu aluno. Os três devem romper a berreira nazista para serem resgatados.