An NGO worker in South America returns to Korea. During her month-long stay in Korea, she tries to spend as much time as possible with him, but the man is busy with his work at the TV station. They become disappointed with each other, and start quarrelling frequently. The woman now spends more time alone at home. Actor Yu Junsang has directed and starred in this film about two people who struggle to accept their differences. Although they are together, they are two different people who see the same things from different perspectives.
A man joins the national army as a soldier who does haircuts for other soldiers. However, he feels frustrated for being on miscellaneous duties rather than what he was conscripted for.
Sister Park
Jin-hee, tem nove anos e é levada pelo pai para um orfanato de freiras católicas na Seul de 1975. Ela resiste o quanto pode, sem acreditar que o pai que tanto ama vai abandoná-la. Lá as crianças esperam pela adoção e pelo começo de uma nova vida. Jin-hee, se adapta aos poucos e faz amizade com Sook-hee, de 12 anos, com quem aprende diversas brincadeiras. Apegada ao ambiente do orfanato, e com esperança de que seu pai volte para pegá-la, a menina faz de tudo para evitar a adoção, e assim não ter que enfrentar outra separação.