Gloria Demassi


Aos Olhos de Ernesto
Um fotógrafo uruguaio está perdendo a visão, mas acha que consegue enganar a todos. O senhor, porém, descobre que ainda pode se divertir e rejuvenescer, fazer amizades e se apaixonar aos 80 anos.
Roads in February
Driven by childhood memories and the hope of a reencounter, Sarah visits her paternal grandmother in her village in Uruguay. She takes long to understand the prevailing unease… But she is soon faced with the gap between her fantasy regarding the place of origin and that village of old people forgotten by Modernity where the heat is overwhelming and the days seem to last forever. Cultural shock, humor, tenderness and sadness give shape to this bitter-sweet film.
Distracción Fatal
A woman that is an excellent wife and mother, and responsible and efficient in her work, commits a shameful act pushed by fate.
El lugar del humo
A touring theatre travelling through Uruguay soon turns into a melodrama, which in turn degenerates into an incredible police affair.