Miroslava Gogovska


Vassil (41) is a documentary film director who has not achieved the success he dreams of. He puts all his energy filming the broken relationship between a monk and his mother. Meanwhile Vassil's wife and their 14-year-old daughter take second place in his life. The director learns that the monk is in a psychiatry while his mother will have to undergo a cancer surgery. To bring them together to forgive each other is Vassil's long awaited finale of his film. He faces a dilemma to shoot "life as it is" or show human compassion and empathy.
Svetla é uma viúva que, recentemente, perdeu o emprego como professora. A vila onde mora fica próxima à fronteira da Bulgária com a Turquia e, frequentemente, refugiados aparecem por ali. Um dia, enquanto caçava em uma floresta, Svetla se depara com um migrante africano, fato que suscita uma transformação dramática em sua vida. A mulher, então, é forçada a se rebelar contra as pessoas da comunidade, enquanto elas incitam o refugiado negro a deixar a aldeia imediatamente. Representante da Bulgária no Oscar 2022 de Filme Internacional. Seleção da 45ª Mostra de Cinema de São Paulo, em 2021.
A boy starts an affair with his famous dad's young new wife - an instinctive way of victory of a confused soul over his parent's inadequacy. Ever haunting dreams about his real mother start overwhelming the boy more and more often. Unsuspecting a thing, the father keeps trying to carry out his own views on beauty upon their joint living. In vain - faith intends differently.