Donald Ewer


O Evangelho Segundo João
O Evangelho segundo São João dá vida a um dos livros mais lidos e amados da Bíblia. Dramaticamente poderoso e arrojado, este filme testemunha Jesus como professor, milagreiro, curandeiro e o homem cheio de compaixão, que fala sobre a verdade e a esperança na vida eterna.
Spider - Desafie Sua Mente
Toothless Jack
Spider (Ralph Fiennes) é um sujeito estranho e solitário. Após um longo período de internação em um hospital psiquiátrico, ele regressa às ruas do East End de Londres, lugar onde cresceu. As imagens, os sons e os odores dessas ruas começam a despertar lembranças de sua infância que há muito haviam sido esquecidas. No coração das memórias de Spider encontra-se o grande trauma da perda de sua mãe. Ele acredita que seu pai, o encanador Bill Cleg (Gabriel Byrne), matou a esposa para que uma prostituta tomasse seu lugar e fosse morar em sua casa.
A Child's Christmas in Wales
Uncle Arnold
It's Christmas Eve in Wales. A young boy named Thomas is excited about the holiday, but he's also disappointed because it's raining instead of snowing. His grandfather gives him an old snow globe as an early Christmas present and starts telling colorful, amusing stories about his childhood Christmases that are shown in flashback. Thomas keeps asking his grandfather more questions because he likes the stories and because he doesn't want to go to bed. His parents finally insist that he go to bed, and his grandfather tells him one last story about going to bed on Christmas night while listening to his family singing carols downstairs. After Thomas falls asleep at last, his grandfather opens the bedroom window and sees falling snowflakes.
A Judgment in Stone
Mr. Parchman
An English woman, psychotic and sexually repressed, murders her sadistic father, then moves to America. She soon secures a job as a maid for a wealthy family. Soon her severe psychosis and her attempts to keep her sexuality from asserting itself combine to cause trouble for all concerned.
Alfred P. Doolittle
An adaptation of George Bernard Shaw's play.
Summer's Children
SUMMER'S CHILDREN is the story of a young man who tries to escape his troubled home and sister to find a new life for himself. He takes on a new job and enters into new relationships, but his sister pursues him in a cat and mouse game, getting into trouble in the city's seedy underground. In a series of flashbacks, we discover the reasons for his initial departure, as he and his sister try to find a peaceful resolution to their feelings about each other.