Nabhaan Rizwan

Nabhaan Rizwan

Nascimento : 1996-11-30, Regno Unito


Nabhaan Rizwan is a British actor known for his work in film and television. He gained prominence for his role as Raza Shar in the British drama series "Informer" (2018). Rizwan's compelling performance in the series garnered attention and critical acclaim. Additionally, he has appeared in various other projects, including "Station Eleven," showcasing his talent and versatility as an actor. Rizwan continues to make strides in the entertainment industry, establishing himself as a promising talent to watch.


Nabhaan Rizwan
Nabhaan Rizwan


In Camera
Aden a young man who spends most of his time recording self-tapes for parts he never gets. After he receives multiple rejections for a series of nightmarish commercial auditions, he takes it upon himself to find a new part to play.
Big Paris Moment
An actor tries to bolsters his confidence by trying on high end fashion.
Anna X
Immersed in an addictive world of front-row fashion shows, private views, and endless parties, Anna and Ariel find themselves struggling to keep up with New York’s dazzling social elite. How far will two outsiders go to construct the identities they want? And at what price?
A Última Carta de Amor
Rory McCallan
Após encontrar uma série de cartas de amor da década de 60, uma jornalista decide resolver o mistério de um romance secreto.
Mogul Mowgli
Um rapper britânico paquistanês está à beira de sua primeira turnê mundial, mas é atacado por uma doença que ameaça atrapalhar sua grande chance.
Sepoy Jondalar
Os cabos Schofield e Blake são jovens soldados britânicos durante a Primeira Guerra Mundial. Quando eles são encarregados de uma missão aparentemente impossível, os dois precisam atravessar território inimigo, lutando contra o tempo, para entregar uma mensagem que pode salvar cerca de 1600 colegas de batalhão.