Na década de 80, o rock underground chegava na União Soviética. Sob a influência de artistas internacionais, como Led Zeppelin e David Bowie, o rock vibrava na cidade de Leningrado, marcando o nascimento de uma nova geração de artistas independentes. Embalado por clássicos, o jovem Viktor Tsoi ganha fama internacional e torna-se o primeiro grande representante russo do gênero. Além da música, ele fica conhecido pelas polêmicas envolvendo seu mentor musical, Mike.
A look at the story through the prism of the present. Artists in front of the audience reincarnate in the heroes of the film (the poet Vladimir Mayakovsky; the women he loved and left him; the friends who admired him and backed away from him; the ruthless “Knights of the Revolution” who proclaimed him his banner) and lead the viewer “to” Mayakovsky, forcing him to live his love, creative, and human drama as his own.
The film tells the story of a young Russian in the early 90s, trying to escape the army in a psychiatric clinic. He's released years later, after intensive compulsory treatment. Has a documentary film maker he gets involved in the Chechen conflict, where he meets his own apparent death. He recalls his life and realizes it mirrors that of his whole generation.
From his childhood in Russia to his last days in California, the tumultuous ininerary and bathed in melancholy of the legendary pianist and composer Serguei Rachmaninov. This film is based on the legend that Rachmaninoff received a bouquet of lilacs from an unknown admirer after every performance. He emigrated to the United States, and after an interval, began to receive the mysterious lilacs again.
União Soviética, 1984. A filha do líder do partido comunista local desapareceu sem deixar rastros ao sair de uma discoteca. Na mesma noite, é cometido um assassinato cruel na periferia da cidade. Ambos os casos são investigados pelo capitão da polícia local.
A slice of life among Russian intelligentsia on the eve of WWII. A haunting reminder of Stalin's psychotic purge of 1938 and the nightmarish German siege of Leningrad.