Self (archive footage)
A fantástica história de como uma antiga arte marcial, o kung fu chinês, conquistou o mundo através das centenas de filmes que foram produzidos em Hong Kong ao longo das décadas, transformou o cinema de ação ocidental e inspirou o nascimento de vários movimentos culturais.
Himself (archive footage)
A tribute to Run Run Shaw by TVB/Pearl.
Hong Kong cinemas had a wide range of glamorous female stars during the golden age of the 60's and 70's. The series will take the audience on a sentimental journey to the good old days and once again look at the expansive epic costume dramas and huangmei operas in which actresses played both the male and female roles. Rare interviews with Sir Run Run Shaw, stars Ivy Ling Po, Shaw Yin Yin, Tanny Tie Ni and Cheng Pei Pei are also featured.
Self (archive footage)
Um olhar sobre filmes de ação de Hong Kong, a partir de suas raízes na coreografia da Ópera de Pequim e da tradição Wuxia de combatentes honrados solitários para a evolução do cinema de artes marciais (esgrima) para Kung Fu (punhos, pés e paus).
Executive Producer
Fong Sai Yuk é um jovem encrenqueiro incorrigível, que graças as suas habilidades nas artes marciais é praticamente invencível. Seus pais e professores, não conseguem discipliná-lo e ele vive se metendo em confusões. Até que um dia ele arruma encrenca com pessoas poderosas e é condenado pelos governantes a decapitação. Sua família consegue em segredo, manda-lo juntamente com seus irmãos para o Templo de Shaolin e assim salvar sua vida. No Templo, o monge San Te submete-o aos mais rigorosos treinamentos buscando discipliná-lo, mas Fong Sai Yuk arruma mais confusão do que antes, colocando em risco a segurança de todos os discípulos do templo.
shaw production
Executive Producer
Leslie is Simon, a mild mannered guy starting a new job and taking care of his mom and dad. He catches a glimpse of a pretty girl named Monica at the MTR station--and it's love at first sight. But she's going through a tough breakup with a guy who's married. She does get over it and the two become a couple. But not only does her ex return, Simon is constantly interrupted by a perky rich girl Anita, who spends lots of money on him, is annoying, but is just looking for company. This strains Simon and Monica's quest for love, but finally she puts Simon to a test, once again at the MTR station.
Taking place in 1941, Love in a Fallen City centers on Pai, a young woman who has been ostracized by her family for divorcing her rich husband. A local match-maker, Mrs. Hsu, takes pity on Pai and decides to bring her to Hong Kong, under the guise of employing her as the Hsu's nanny, but in reality to introduce her to Fan. Pai and Fan seem to hit it off, but Fan's refusal to marry Pai soon sours things. However, as the Japanese begin to invade Hong Kong, the two begin to realize their true feelings for each other.
Chen Li is the son of an enormously wealthy Hong Kong businessman and is vacationing in Hawaii, experiencing typical girl problems. His lothario friend Lolanto flies in from Hong Kong and is determined to find Chen Li a girl within a few days. After a series of hijinks, Chen Li and Lolanto are back in Hong Kong and investigating high-level embezzling in Chen's father's corporation. It also turns out that Kitty and May are employed there as well, with Kitty being the secretary of the supposed embezzler. Because Chen has been notoriously inconspicuous and no one knows what he looks like, he is able to assume to role of a limousine driver for Lolanto, who takes on the persona of Chen Li himself. While tracking down the corruption, Lolanto and Chen also are trying to win the hearts of the two women, but are they looking for true love or only money?
Guerreiro sobrevivente de uma emboscada onde quase todos os seus irmãos foram mortos foge para um monastério, onde fica treinando durante anos. Quando sua irmã mais velha é capturada pelos assassinos de seus irmãos, ele retorna para se vingar.
A small town is protected by one of the famous Ten Tigers of Kwangtung. The town is very safe as Ti Lung and his Kung Fu students patrol for criminals. Enter the rival Kung Fu school whom Ti Lung's students have beaten in a lion dance competition and then humiliated in a brawl. The rival school is joined by an opium dealing Kung Fu master who plans to turn the town into a community of addicts!
A hot-head cop, a by-the-books cop, and a hitman all vie to take down a drug boss. Meanwhile, a gang of criminals plan to rob an armored truck.
Traveling swordsman Shen Sheng-yi (Ti Lung) and his lady friend match wits and swords with the last surviving member of the once great Murung family who is determined to rule the martial world by stealing plans to crafting firearms.
Kuo Choi (Phillip Kwok) interpreta um ingênuo e simples camponês chamado "Bastardo" por sua mãe. Ele é a cópia idêntica do líder de uma clã criminosa que está sendo perseguido por um mestre de artes marciais que castiga sozinho as clãs por suas faltas. Bastardo é sequestrado pela gangue para substituir o líder desaparecido na esperança de que ele se culpe por suas faltas quando o mestre aparecer e sofrer a punição sozinho salvando os demais membros da gangue.
The Pure and The Evil is about two teenage friends who meet later in life when the sexual tension between one friend and the other friend's husband reaches a high level.
Uma visão do futuro marcada pelo pessimismo, sobre a cidade de Los Angeles, algures no século XXI. Apesar da proclamada filiação em Metropolis de Fritz Lang, Blade Runner é exemplar da transformação da configuração da cidade no cinema e influenciou nitidamente filmes como Batman, Batman Returns e Dick Tracy. Um filme emblemático do fim da cidade racional substituída.
Uma visão do futuro marcada pelo pessimismo, sobre a cidade de Los Angeles, algures no século XXI. Apesar da proclamada filiação em Metropolis de Fritz Lang, Blade Runner é exemplar da transformação da configuração da cidade no cinema e influenciou nitidamente filmes como Batman, Batman Returns e Dick Tracy. Um filme emblemático do fim da cidade racional substituída.
Executive Producer
Após a revolução dos "Boxers", um oficial da corte da imperatriz ordena a um culto de lutadores espirituais que matem um membro traidor, Lui Gung, que está vivendo escondido.
An expert swordsman is suspected of being the thief of a treasure sent to Emperor. The swordsman who has nothing to do with the theft investigates and is led on the trail of the supernatural "Bloody Parrot". This leads to the "Parrot Brothel" and the star prostitute who walks around half naked. Strange things happen including a demonic possession, witches casting poison spells, disgusting autopsies and numerous sword fights. Then a dead constable turns into a vampire! This is all in the first 30 minutes!
Li Xunhuan comes back to his home after three years of wandering. He had decided to have a normal life, but a group of skilled martial arts fighters and leaders are bent on killing him, so they can be ranked top by Bai Xiaosheng in his renowned list of the best warriors in the martial arts world. Li Xunhuan battles them as he searches for his estranged friend A'fei, who is now married and living in seclusion. Li asks A'fei to join forces and fight against a new threat that wants to rule the world: the Money Clan.
Cheng, a beautiful martial arts ace, battles to keep her inheritance from the ruthless Yun Wei, but her efforts are sabotaged by Yu Tao, her wayward and irrepressible great-nephew. Following a frenzy of spectacular comic mishaps, the hapless duo are setup and imprisoned and the deeds to Cheng's estate are stolen. She is held hostage after a doomed attempt to reclaim the papers back from Yu Wei's place, and the stage is set for a savage fight to the death.
When a notorious fiend known as the "Bat Without Wings" returns to his small village after a five-year absence and kidnaps a young maiden, it's up to her family and a resourceful swordsmen to brave the horrors of the underworld to bring her back home alive.
Durante o esplendor da desonrada dinastia Ming, dois jovens guerreiros que pertencem ao clã de rebeldes do Templo de Shaolin estão numa missão secreta mortal, que poderá causar a derrubada do império. Os temidos guerreiros Wutang, que estão do lado do governo, procuram impedi-los a todo custo. Assim, explode uma violenta rivalidade ente os dois clãs, que marcará com sangue a fantástica batalha pela liberdade política e social, onde os guerreiros de Wutang lutam contra os guerreiros do Templo de Shaolin. O confronto entre vários estilos das artes marciais é o ponto alto dessa história de vingança e traição.
Uma caça ao tesouro desperta a violência contínua neste filme de ação da Shaw Brothers. Um jovem estudante de kung fu é preso sob uma acusação falsa. Ele divide uma cela com outro condenado, Ting Dien que é repetidamente torturado pelo magistrado para revelar "o segredo mortal". Uma quantidade de bandidos aparece para arrancar o segredo mortal de Ting. Acontece que Ting acabou de dominar uma técnica de kung fu muito poderosa e ele mata qualquer um que entre na sua cela. Enquanto isso, do outro lado do pátio está à mulher que Ting ama e seu pai, o perverso magistrado, que não hesita em usá-la para descobrir o segredo mortal. Além disso, existem três mestres de kung fu interessados no segredo que está em poder de Ting.
Something or someone is attacking people one by one on the beach. Some of them are mutilated, but most of them are sucked into the sand, disappearing without a trace. What is the creature responsible? Where does it live, and where did it come from? And is there any chance of it reproducing? Meanwhile, David Huffman and Mariana Hill are once-almost-married old friends, reunited over the death of her mother on the beach, and searching for clues in the abandoned buildings where they used to play when they were young.
Executive Producer
Chao Jen-Cheh é um falso monge shaolin, que engana os outros fingindo ser San Te (o invencível herói do filme original, "A Câmara 36 de Shaolin"). Quando seus amigos começam a ser explorados pelos novos administradores de uma fábrica de tecidos, Jen-Cheh ameaça os vilões como se fosse San Te, mas a farsa é descoberta. Humilhado, resta ao jovem ir ao Templo de Shaolin e aprender kung-fu com o verdadeiro San Te para vingar-se.
Kao is given a mission by his elderly master to take a cursed sword and solve petty squabbles between skilled martial masters.
A French TV documentary from 1980 directed by Maurice Frydland, in which Sir Run Run Shaw gives an all-access tour of the Shaw Brothers backlot (including behind-the-scenes footage from Return to the 36th Chamber.
Wang Chung plays the standard level-headed cop in charge of a rag-tag bunch of misfits and stereotypes (the coward, the playboy, etc.) who are after a drug runner. After their informant is killed, the team turns to a former Triad member (Danny Lee) to infiltrate the gang and bring the big boss down.
O diretor Kuei Chih Hung foi famoso por seus modernos thrillers criminais, seus filmes de terror e até mesmo suas comédias. Mas se o único filme de kung-fu que ele já fez fosse este, ainda seria falado com respeito pelo mais ardente fã de filmes de artes marciais. Dois milhões de taéis foram roubados de uma câmara na Cidade Proibida. A Imperatriz quer o dinheiro de volta dentro de dez dias. O chefe de polícia Leng Tian-Ying é contratado para capturar os ladrões, vivos ou mortos, mas Leng nunca captura alguém vivo. O policial Leng Tian-Ying tem uma reputação temível de matar criminosos sem remorso. Mas depois de ser designado para rastrear a gangue que roubou o tesouro imperial, ele descobre que sua reputação está sendo usada contra ele.
Na China do inicio do século XX, um andarilho chamado Teng Piao, procura por um misterioso homem chamado Lam Fei, responsável por sua condenação de 15 anos de prisão por um crime que não cometeu. Teng, logo conhece Shang Lin, uma bela mulher que perdeu o marido coincidentemente há 15 anos e que também investiga o paradeiro de Lam. Ao mesmo tempo surge o Sr. Tu, um mestre das facas que passa a fazer muitas perguntas pela cidade. Todas essas buscas passam a incomodar o Sr. Cho, chefão da máfia local, que em resposta a toda essa atividade convoca o grupo conhecido como "Os Sete Guerreiros Invencíveis" formado por lutadores lendários, para intimidar Teng Piao e seus novos aliados. Armado somente com uma poderosa corrente de ferro e sem saber em quem confiar, Teng, corre para encontrar seu verdadeiro inimigo entre vários combates sangrentos e chocantes reviravoltas.
Actors David Chaing and Alexander Fu Sheng join director Chang Cheh and the rest of the Five Deadly Venoms crew for a supernatural martial arts epic that takes the action to another plane of reality entirely. When a fallen angel descends to the Earth on a mission to storm the underworld, a love shared between angels and humans offers telling testament to the power of a lucky ghost. In the battle that follows, both the living and the dead will discover that a war waged in hell could have consequences that resound forever
Quando o Imperador suspende a proibição sobre o Templo de Shaolin e concede liberdade aos discípulos que foram presos, os membros do Clã de Lotus Branco não se conformam e enfurecidos buscam vingança, principalmente contra Hu Ha-piao e Hung Weí-ting que haviam matado seu antigo líder, o impiedoso e renegado Pai Mei. O novo líder do Clã, embora com aparência idêntica, é mais poderoso que seu antecessor e faz várias emboscadas onde os seguidores de Shaolin e todos aqueles que trabalham na reconstrução do templo são assassinados, inclusive Hu Ah-piao e sua mulher. Agora Hung Wei-ting terá que aprender novas técnicas de luta para tentar derrotar seu poderoso inimigo.
Three inmates in an asylum tell their stories. Story 1, a husband and wife discover they should be careful what they wish for. Story 2, a naked female ghost gets revenge from her watery grave. Story 3, a dead prostitute returns as a ghost.
Leaving behind an inch of sword in the spent corpses of his opponents, Tuan Changqing is known as the Deadly Breaking Sword. After barely surviving a duel, one of his foes is treated by the diabolical Dr. Kuo, who uses his powers of mind control to transform the man into a somnambulistic killer. After Tuan Changqing teams up with Rabelaisian gambler Xiao Dao, the story proceeds as a comical kung fu buddy flick.
Production Supervisor
Three females from a private detective agency are hired to find out what happened to a man who went missing while scuba diving.
Venom regulars Philip Kwok, Chiang Sheng, and Sun Chien star as a gang of unemployed martial artists who spend their days stuffing their faces at local restaurants and letting the staff beat them up instead of paying the bill. Their fortunes appear to improve when the head of a local security agency hires them to take out the competition, who their new employer insists is up to no good. But the boys are being played for fools, and after an unfortunate misunderstanding, they unite with their former adversary to take out the true villain.
Executive Producer
A young man who is thrown into jail simply because he displeases a police inspector. But even when he's eventually released, the police continue to persecute him until he feels he has no choice but to become a real criminal.
Shaw Brothers comedy.
Ho (Wong Yu) é um impetuoso ladrão de jóias que acredita ser muito esperto. Wang (Gordon Liu) é um príncipe disfarçado, mestre nas artes marciais, que passa seu tempo admirando arte, colecionando antiguidades e degustando vinhos. Quando os dois se encontram, Wang percebe o grande potencial de Ho e arma um plano para que ele tenha que servi-lo sem revelar sua verdadeira identidade. As coisas se complicam quando o irmão mais velho de Wang, temendo ser preterido como novo imperador, manda o impiedoso general Liang (Lo Lieh) assassiná-lo. Liang envia vários assassinos que são derrotados por Wang que acaba sendo ferido. Para escapar de Liang, Wang necessita voltar para o palácio do imperador e para isso vai precisar revelar sua verdadeira identidade para Ho e contar com sua ajuda. Juntos eles terão que enfrentar muitos perigos em sua jornada. Dirty Ho é mais um filme onde o consagrado diretor Lau Kar-leung mostra todo seu talento na criação de incríveis coreografias de lutas
After his parents are murdered, Jiang Xiao Yu is separated from his twin as a baby and taken by a family friend to Villains Valley, where he is raised to be a villain by a host of outlaws, each of whom has a special skill. When he's old enough, he devises clever means to trap each of his uncles and escape the valley to head off into the outside world. A chance encounter with a beautiful girl dressed as a man leads to a treasure hunt and eventually a confrontation with the Princess of Yi Hua Palace, the one who murdered Xiao's parents in the first place. Eventually, a reunion with his twin will occur.
O Templo Shaolin tem sido um dos redutos de oposição ao governo Ching, mas os Chings controlam o exército e proibiram o porte e a fabricação de armas de fogo, o que torna a resistência quase impossível. O Abade de Shaolin envia o Monge Chi San (David Chiang) para aprender novos estilos de luta e obter os desenhos das armas ditas modernas na esperança de conseguir lutar contra os Chings. Durante a ausência do Monge Chi San, o Templo Shaolin é atacado e destruído pelo exército Ching. Agora armado com seu novo estilo de luta e os planos para a fabricação de armas, Chi San faz um juramento de reconstrução do Templo Shaolin e de vingança contra os Chings.
Em uma pequena cideda dominada e literalmente dividida por dois clãs rivais surge Wong Yang (Ti Lung), o melhor Instrutor de Kung Fu da região, contratado pelo chefe da criminosa familia Mong (Guk Fung)para treinar seus guerreiros e ajudar a eliminar seus terriveis Chows. Wong, como um homem de fortes princípios, logo se recusa a prosseguir com o treinamento dos bandidos, mas acaba cedendo depois que Mong o incrimina por assassinato. Desiludido, Wong passa a ensinar Kung Fu aos membros do clã de Mong e logo conhece o jovem Chow Ping (Wong Yue), membro da familia rival, que passa a treinar secretamente até que é descoberto e capturado pelos Mongs, o que força Wong Yang a finalmente reagir com força total.
Os heróis posam como negociantes de armas e acrobatas com o objetivo de se aproximarem dos caras maus para se vingarem da morte de um de seus irmãos.
Shaw production
The Best Hustler Wins is a Hong Kong Comedy starring Leung Tin and Ku Kuan-Chung.
Complex plots? This director didn't want them. Expensive, famous stars? Didn't need them. Glorious sets and costumes? He could take them or leave them. With his choreographer Hsu Hsia, John Lo Mar liked making lean, mean, fighting movies, and fans rejoiced. Here Wu Yuan-chin stars as "the Kid," a monk whose education in the aptly named "Crazy Lo Han Fist" finds him battling a cruel bandit's son and befriending an abused prostitute. From then on, it's one fight after another in another John Lo Mar martial arts marvel.
Ah To, um exímio lutador de Kung-Fu é forçado por seu pai a aceitar um casamento arranjado. A noiva é a bela e temperamental Kuda, uma jovem japonesa. Logo ele descobre que ela é mestra em artes marciais japoneses, as quais insiste serem superiores as chinesas. Tal comportamento leva o casal a vários conflitos, que culminam com Ah To tendo que enfrentar sete mestres das artes marciais que chegam do Japão e o desafiam para provar a superioridade de seus astros de luta. Novamente o grande mestre Lau Kar-leung nos brinda com um grande clássico, onde apoiado por um elenco de primeira, mostra os vários estilos das artes marciais chinesas e japonesas.
Por causa de suas crescentes influências na população, os monges shaolins se tornaram uma ameaça a Dinastia Ching. Um general Marchuriano urde um plano para por fima a essa ameaça. Realiza um torneio amistoso entre os shaolins do norte e do sul para escolher quem será o instrutor de kung fu do exército imperial. Durante o torneio, o general secretamente mata os representantes do sul e manda seus corpos para o templo, pondo a culpa nos shaolins do norte. Revoltado com os acontecimentos, o monge superior envia três novos discípulos especialmente treinados para enfrentar os shaolins do norte em busca de vingança. Após um grande e feroz confronto entre os shaolins, o plano do general é finalmente descoberto e os discípulos se unem para enfrentar os manchurianos num grande e espetacular combate final.
Por causa de suas crescentes influências na população, os monges shaolins se tornaram uma ameaça a Dinastia Ching. Um general Marchuriano urde um plano para por fima a essa ameaça. Realiza um torneio amistoso entre os shaolins do norte e do sul para escolher quem será o instrutor de kung fu do exército imperial. Durante o torneio, o general secretamente mata os representantes do sul e manda seus corpos para o templo, pondo a culpa nos shaolins do norte. Revoltado com os acontecimentos, o monge superior envia três novos discípulos especialmente treinados para enfrentar os shaolins do norte em busca de vingança. Após um grande e feroz confronto entre os shaolins, o plano do general é finalmente descoberto e os discípulos se unem para enfrentar os manchurianos num grande e espetacular combate final.
The thrills continue in this second part of this cherished adventure, created by the renowned director Chu Yuan and ingenious novelist Chin Yung. Only the union of the title weapons can save the six remaining martial arts sects who are vying for mastery. So just sit back and enjoy the movie event which spawned a legacy that continues even today with a long-running, internationally loved television series, a role-playing game, and even collectible replicas of the Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre themselves!
Director Chu Yuan's titanic teaming with respected, inspired author Chin Yung created this unforgettable saga. Set during the Yuan Dynasty, it tells the fascinating story of the "Sacred Fire" sect, the Wu Tang swordsmanship clan, the disciples of the O Mei group, The Book of Chu Yang, and the destruction of Shaolin - complete with a killer cliffhanger. And that's just the start of the fascinating intrigues and ingratiating characters found here.
In the 18th century, Emperor Chien Lung makes a journey into Southern China.
Um cruel mestre das artes marciais treina seus discípulos para se tornarem assassinos obedientes. Chi tenta fugir do clã das "Águias Sangrentas", mas seus ex-companheiros partem em sua perseguição. Junto com ele está Cho, cuja família foi assassinada pelos membros do clã. Os dois iniciam uma difícil missão na medida em que derrotam os perseguidores de Chi e retornam ao quartel general do clã para matar seu inescrupuloso líder de cabelos brancos.
Executive Producer
This social romantic satire delightfully reflects its era, as three doctors pursue three hard-to-get beauties in the "go-go-go" era of the 70’s. Danny Lee was just at the beginning of his extraordinarily diverse career when he led Liu Lu-hua and Liu Shang-chien on an ever-challenging, sometimes frustrating but always funny, pursuit of the lovely Hsiao Yao, sexy Niu Niu, and sweet Chen Szu-chia. This bright, entertaining film proves that the road to true love may not be smooth, but it is always worth traveling… and enjoying.
Shaw production
Um grupo de assassinos conhecidos como "As Guilhotinas Voadoras" são treinados secretamente pelo Imperador para assassinar rebeldes, membros da Corte, opositores e pessoas inocentes. Mas, quando Han Tiande, um alto oficial da guarda justo e honesto, acaba descobrindo toda a verdade. O Imperador temendo ser desmascarado, determina o extermínio de toda a família Han para não haver nenhuma testemunha do caso. A esposa do oficial Rong Qiuyan é a única que escapa do massacre, sendo na verdade, uma especialista em artes marciais do Clã Wudang, que secretamente leva uma vida dupla como esposa amorosa e um anjo vingador à noite. Apesar do desejo de vingança, ela tem que se esconder para preservar sua gravidez e proteger o filho, mais é cruelmente perseguida pelo esquadrão de assassinos e pelos três filhos do ministro da corte Jin Gangfeng, líder das guilhotinas e responsável direto pela morte de toda sua família.
O Bandido do Bordado está roubando tesouros enquanto cega suas vítimas. O herói Liu Xiaofeng é chamado para resolver o mistério. As evidências apontam para o Clã dos Sapatos Vermelhos, composto apenas por mulheres, mas as aparências enganam.
Depois que sua família é morta por soldados Manchus, jovem decide se tornar um monge no Templo de Shaolin para aprender artes marciais e se vingar. No entanto ele consegue algo ainda maior, abrindo uma sala de treinamento, a chamada 36ª câmara, para ensinar a população como se defender de ataques.
As terríveis Guilhotinas Voadoras estão de volta e agora mais mortais do que nunca. Para derrotar o sangrento Guarda-Chuva de aço criado pelo fugitivo Ma Teng e eliminar um bando de guerreiros rebeldes que planeja assassiná-lo, o imperador Yung cria uma nova versão ainda mais mortal das Guilhotinas Voadoras e treina um esquadrão de perigosas amazonas lideradas por Nan Lan, que secretamente também organiza uma conspiração para assassiná-lo.
Executive Producer
Struggling to survive the murderous gang wars of Hong Kong, Tan Tung, a young martial arts street fighter, successfully takes on all challengers—until he runs up against the savage underworld empire of Hong Kong's Triad mafia. Escaping to San Francisco, he again tangles with criminal gangs, but this time fights his way to the top of the city's most feared gangster organization led by the White Dragon boss.
Pao-yu is in love with his cousin, Lin Tai-yu, but his family has other marital plans for him that will leave both broken-hearted.
Due to his own extreme ideals, famed swordsman Li has lost everyone dear to him. After his life is saved by a rival swordsman, Li's overwhelming pride means he forsakes the woman he loves and lets her marry his saviour. Li's only comfort is alcohol and the simple life he has now accepted. On one such journey, the lonely swordsman befriends the exceptionally skilled, yet secretive Fei who has his own pressures to contend with. The person behind Li's troubles proves to be elusive, though all the clues seem to point to the legendary 'Plum Blossom Bandit', a disguised figure whose identity has long proved elusive to the martial world.
Production Supervisor
A commentary on the contradictions between sex and Hong Kong's hidden attitudes about them.
A brother who loves books and a sister who loves swords must face a yellow-robed warrior, the Red Python, a sinuous snake-charmer, and a silk-masked beauty (who must kill or wed the first man to see her face) before they can bring peace to their battle-addled family.
Sun Chung was already a valued comedy, romance, and modern crime filmmaker, when, through this tale of the 100 Poison Clique's obsessive ambition to destroy all rivals, he started bringing morality and motivation to martial arts movies like never before. Kung-fu superstar David Chiang and prominent choreographer Tang Chia lead the cast in a bloody clan clash centered on the trial of an admitted mass murderer and serial rapist. It was just the beginning of Sun Chung's exploration in emotion.
Emperor Chien Lung uses disguises to experience life among his subjects.
Millionaire Chu Te-Sa invests his considerable wealth into the rebel movement who are intent on usurping the ruling Mongol powers. His goals are impeded by a lack of support though and the supposed allies he has made in the town are merely eager to get their hands on his money. During an attack where these craven 'comrades' flee, Chu befriends three con-artists who relish the chance to show off their fighting skills. The trio subsequently agree to help Chu in his quest to end Mongol rule and hatch a plan to destroy a major munitions dump
A História relata a luta entre duas Clãs Dafeng e Tang compostos de amor, traição, vingança e ódio. Zhao Wusi teve seu pai o chefe do Clã Dafeng assassinado na festa do seu casamento, ele resolve vingar a morte do pai partindo à procura do assassino e destruir o Clã rival responsável pela tragédia, para isso resolve infiltrar-se como membro do seu próprio Clã inimigo.
The "Godfather Of The Kung-Fu Film" created this rousing epic of a seemingly suicidal mission to destroy the Japanese Navy's flagship in 1937, featuring many great actors he had worked with over the years. Their courageous and desperate attempts to do just that comprise the remarkable action in this rousing epic, featuring some of the greatest actors Chang had ever made, was making, and would ever make famous. (IVL)
After a sudden spike of supply into the drug ridden streets, staunch anti-narcotics cop hellbent on disrupting the flow of drugs beyond the Golden Triangle recruits the help of an attractive young ex-convict to infiltrate a major Thai based drug syndicate controlled by a ruthless drug lord who's expanded their operations into Hong Kong. As our seductive undercover heroine gets inside and rises the ranks to the top, skepticism also rises as the boss' jealous moll smells a plant.
It's back to the Shaolin Monastery for one of the most unusual action-paced tales to invade its hallowed halls. Lo Lieh is the ringleader of the Snake Sect, intent on reviving a deadly faction known as the "Five Poison Web." In order to do so, he has an affair with the sexy ringleader of the Scorpion Sect, Angela Yu Chien. However, there is also the Centipede Sect to contend with, as well as other assorted martial artists, among them played by Shaw Brothers talents Yueh Hua, Ching Li, and Lily Li.
A widower forces his three beautiful daughters to work in his seedy bar and must do what they are told no matter what. The film features Lin Chen-chi who had just starred in Cleopatra Jones and the Casino of Gold.
The beloved cartoon character Master Q gets a hilarious live-action adaptation in the side-splitting comic adventure Mr. Funny-Bone! Join Master Q for a series of comic vignettes as he attempts to win the heart of the lovely Li Jing. Along for the ride is Master Q's loyal sidekick Potato, a stout fellow who's forever getting into silly mishaps. The pair get involved in plenty of shenanigans and gags, including pratfalls, low-brow bathroom humor, and even some fun fighting sequences.
1976 fengyue movie
A cripple takes revenge on criminals by using a magic spell that transforms him into an oily monster/superhero.
Liao Jiang is the lowest ranking member of a gang that holds up a jewelery store. Subsequently the three other gang members die, and their gold haul goes missing. Liao Jiang and his new gang member Huge Eyes are then forced to turn to a triad gang to help get back their gold from a rival group.
Executive Producer
Coy "Cannonball" Buckman (David Carradine) and his blazing red Pontiac enter the Trans-America Grand Prix, an underground road race spanning the continent in which there are no rules, no speed limits and no heed for the law. En route, Buckman jockeys with an international ensemble of racers for a $100,000 purse. But there are none more important than Cade Redman (Bill McKinney), his direct competition for a guaranteed spot on the elite Modern Motors racing team.
Um jovem lutador participa de um torneio de Kung-Fu ao lado dos discípulos de seu pai. Por causa de sua inexperiência e pouco treino, seu amigo Lin Tu-chiang, é ferido e a escola de seu pai perde a competição. Mas, o oficial Yuen Ching, percebe seu potencial e convence o mestre Luk Ah-choy, a treinar o rapaz. Logo após a partida dos dois, para treinarem durante dois anos em reclusão, Yuen Ching, é morto quando tenta prender um perigoso criminoso chamado Yan Er-fu. Durante dois anos o jovem treina o estilo Hung Fist, e suas várias técnicas. Ao retornar para casa está pronto para enfrentar o assassino de Yuen Ching, e liderar sua escola no próximo torneio.
Shaw production
Despite Kuang Hsu's enthronement as the last reigning Emperor of China, his ability to rule effectively is overshadowed by the ever-present power of the Dowager Empress. When his attempts to reform the Imperial system are thwarted by the Dowager Empress, he attempts to curb her power. His efforts are not successful, and this failure leads directly to his own death and the end of Imperial rule in China. The Dowager Empress, though, ends her days comfortably and in peace.
In 1974, John Lo Mar co-directed The Crazy Bumpkins, a new variation on the time-tested, beloved Cantonese comedy "Country Bumpkin" tradition. That proved such a success that a sequel, Return Of The Crazy Bumpkins, soon appeared. Now, the third time's the charm, as John Lo Mar gets to both write and direct the third slapstick-filled installment, once again starring Yeh Feng and Wang Sha as the hapless and hilarious yokel Ah Niu and his crafty city-slicker Uncle Chou.
Besides martial arts, Bruce Lee's contribution to Chinese society was instilling a strong sense of nationalism. After his death, anti-Japanese films found new breathe especially in Taiwan. Based on a King Hu’s script, Heroes Of The Underground tapped into Lee's nationalistic fervor and the Confucian ethic of country above family and starred the popular Ching Li as a World War II, Chinese secret agent planted into the Japanese Headquarters at Changsha. Tears flow in the name of country pride.
Director Ho Meng-hua is one of Shaw Studio's most versatile directors. He's helmed romances, mysteries, award-winning dramas, contemporary action films, historical costume dramas, fantasies, and, finally, popular swordplay movies. The title character in this one is a chivalrous thief who raises the jealous ire of the rival Red Shirt Gang. There's plenty of action in this adventure, which sweeps from the plains to the mountains ... to the sound of slashing swords.
Gu Hui, a member of the ‘Wolf Head Gang’ becomes unhappy after their new chief decides to abandon their old code of conduct. After the chief kills a travelling family and kidnaps the daughter, Gu frees her and escapes, hiding out in a nearby town and trying to start a new life as a humble shoemaker. Unfortunately, the gang refuses to let him go and put a bounty on his head, forcing him to face up to his responsibilities.
Um homem e uma mulher totalmente diferentes e que não se conhecem acabam trocando de corpos após um encontro repentino.
Accompanied by his old manservant, scholar Sung Li Ho (Hong Hoi) is on his way to the capital for the imperial exam. They spend a night in the house of Mrs. Yuan and Li Ho takes a fancy to her pretty daughter, Pei Fang (Dana). Li Ho is discovered by a maid peeping at Pei Fang as she takes a bath. He slips and falls into the bathtub, creating a most embarrassing situation. His old servant is also implicated and both are beaten up before being thrown out. Continuing their journey in the desolate countryside, they come across woodcutter Hsi Hsueh Kuei who puts them up for the night. Captivated by the beauty of the owner’s two daughters, who are vampires, he spends a night with them and turns into a skeleton. Chased by the vampires, Shun Lai makes a narrow escape.
With the cast list, you would almost expect this to be another Chang Cheh film. Two of Chang's proteges, David Chiang and Chen Kuan-tai go head-to-head in The Imposter which sees cinematographer Pao Hsueh-li back in the director's chair. Chiang plays Ko Liang, as master of disguise who puts his seven faces to good use when he goes to the aid of two young guardsmen Tseng Yung (Danny Lee) and Tseng Kan (Wang Chung) who have been framed by Captain Lo (Chen Kuan-tai) for murder.
Os agentes Matthew Johnson (Albert Popwell) e Melvin Johnson (Caro Kenyatta) desaparecem durante uma missão em Hong Kong. Cleopatra Jones (Tamara Dobson) então se une ao investigador local Mi Ling (Tanny) e logo descobre uma ligação do caso com a "Dama do Dragão", dona de um cassino que, na verdade, controla uma poderosa rota de tráfico de drogas. O filme faz parte do Blaxploitation, movimento da década de 1970 que tinha como objetivo elevar o trabalho de atores e cineastas negros.
Jiao is framed for rape and murder (and, later, two more murders) by Chen and his son - the same people who framed Jiao's father and left him orphaned. Into the mix comes THE LADY OF THE LAW, Miss Leng, whose job it is to find the guilty. This she does, and she and Jiao find themselves battling pretty much everyone else who's appeared in the movie up to this point.
Abortion, birth control and unwed cohabitation are social issues rarely associated with 1970's Hong Kong cinema. Cohabitation not only faces them head on but does so with insight, compassion and sex!
Shaw Brothers comedy.
Danny Lee is Hsu Chih-yuan, the youngest son of strict patriarch Hsu Hui-tang (Cheng Miu). A sailor, Chih-yuan incurs his father's wrath when he tells the latter of his girlfriend Susan's (Ai Ti) pregnancy. Pressured to leave her by his father, Chih-yuan finally agrees to continue his studies overseas. Eldest brother Chih-wen (Ling Yun) volunteers to raise money but ends up losing the family fortune in the stock market. It starts a roller coaster of tragedies for the family that ends with bitter disillusionment for Chih-yuan. It's a battle between tradition and youthful rebellion that leaves everyone a little poorer off.
Following the lives of three downtrodden but resilient outcasts, John Lo Mar's gritty social drama paints a sense of realism rarely seen in Hon Kong movies. Li Ching - the best actress of her era - play Ah Chiao is a girl from a rural village stranded in the city, who befriends a kind-hearted transient and a retired actor. They are poor, but they are happy. Although her fortune changes for the better when she becomes a singer, she ultimately learns money can't buy happiness.
A look at Shaw Brothers Studios in their prime. Includes: interviews with David Chiang; exploring the Shaw Brothers sets; a look at the craftsmen, foley artists and stuntmen of Shaw Bros.; a profile on Run Run Shaw; Italian-meets-Chinese kung-fu films; and a visit from Peter Cushing.
A romantic melodrama about an affair between a 16-year-old boy and a neglected wife.
A gang of several girls who operate as pickpockets in a busy and popular tourist area of Hong Kong preys on men who are attracted by their beauty.
Peter Cushing encarna mais uma vez o Professor Van Helsing nesta divertida colaboração do poderoso estúdio inglês da Hammer com a Shaw Brothers de Hong kong, combinando os gêneros terror e kung fu. Van Helsing conta a seus estudantes a respeito de uma vilarejo amaldiçoado na China, onde, todo ano, durante 7 luas, a região é atormentada por sete vampiros. O famoso caçador de vampiros é persuadido por uma família de experts em Kung Fu a ajudar a salvar os moradores.
Hua Heng is a poverty-stricken aspiring painter whose day job involves painting the ads that go up on the sides of buildings. He and his buddies hang out in a makeshift gym set up in an abandoned building where they train and practice kung fu. His girlfriend is Gao Xin, a bar maid who is in debt to loan sharks. Into their lives comes Jiaji, who happens upon Hua Heng in a street fight with local thugs who'd made fun of the painting he's carrying and decides to help him out.
Production Supervisor
A father tricks his three daughters into joining him on a mountain excursion to search for food. Deceiving his children, the father is actually searching for a hidden treasure relayed to him by an old monk.
As the Heng Seng Index reaches unprecedented heights, people from all walks of life go stock speculation crazy. A security guard and his landlord learn firsthand that money is ‘Easy Come, Easy Go’ as their fast fortune disappears overnight in a Macau casino. Meanwhile, greedy neighbours and infidel couples cheat each other and even blue-collar workmen dive into the frenzy. Inevitably, the market tumbles as do the people’s bittersweet lives. A hilarious but ironic tale featuring some of Shaw’s biggest stars.
Director Li Han-hsiang teams up with Michael Hui in this tongue in cheek tale of extramarital affairs and corruption. Michael Hui and Wang Sheng are two loafers who prove they are good for something after all.
A roadside bandit reluctantly agrees to become the muscle for a traveling gambler/cheat. In an attempt to steal from traitorous warlords, they get involved with rebel fighters who hope to use the riches to fund their revolution.
A pacifist village is beset by bandits in this martial arts thriller. "Savage Five" hands-down rivals the ornateness of "Kid With The Golden Arm" and the twist-heavy "Five Deadly Venoms". The always great David Chiang plays a lesser version of his Rover character from "Duel Of The Iron Fist", and Ti Lung, looking incredible here, is at his physical best. Accolades to Chen Kuan Tai and Wang Chung in great sympathetic roles, too. A kung fu classic where the actual martial arts display takes a back seat to the mesmerizing story.
Após fugir da destruição do templo de Shaolin, Hung (Chen Kuan-tai) é perseguido pelo impiedoso general Kang (Zhu Mu). Kang convence o grande herói Fang Shih-yu (Fu Sheng) de que Hung é um assaltante e um assassino, fazendo com que os dois se enfrentem. Quando Shih-yu descobre que foi enganado, os dois heróis se juntam contra o general e seus soldados.
Golden Lotus is based, in part, on Jin Ping Mei, a famous erotic novel of ancient China. Li Han-Hsiang adapted part of the story into this film, which starts with Hsi Men Ching, a successful merchant, wooing Pan Chin Lien, the beautiful wife of one of the townspeople.
During a hold-up in the Wild West, Dakota kills a rich old Chinese man, Wang. Later, he is captured, sentenced, and is about to be hanged - and he never profitted from Wang's death, has he buried him with the photographs of his four widows, and a few worthless papers. Meanwhile, Ho comes to America in search of his uncle's fortune, and must get Dakota free, as he his the only man who can lead him to Wang's tomb. They open the tomb, retaking the pictures of Wang's widows. It happens he reads the papers and knows that Wang had one quarter of a map tattooed in each of his women's buttocks. Now, the difficult part will really start... Treasure hunt.
Wang Wu (Chen Kuan-tai) é um conhecido proprietário de uma empresa de segurança, respeitado pelos oficiais da Dinastia Ching por suas habilidades nas Artes Marciais. Suas constantes intervenções para impedir o tratamento injusto de criminosos pelos oficiais corruptos, acabam se transformando em uma sangrenta rebelião quando se une a Tan Si-tong (Yuen Hua), um jovem e idealista oficial, e ajudam os reformistas a escaparem da prisão. Preso por subversão, Tan Si-tong está disposto a servir de mártir da causa, enquanto Wang Wu e seus companheiros planejam salva-lo antes que seja tarde demais.
Dois mestres espadachins conseguem se infiltrar em campo inimigo para encontrar o príncipe da Dinastia Sung, que após a morte do Imperador, foi preso pelos rebeldes. O príncipe lhes entrega dois selos reais que provam a legitimidade de seu governo, e que devem ser entregues a seu irmão mais novo para que ele seja declarado como novo Imperador. Porém, na medida em que os rebeldes se aproximam para assassinar o príncipe, um dos espadachins passa seu selo para Tian Long, seu discípulo mais velho, enquanto o outro espadachim passa seu selo para Hong Erh, sua filha. Os dois, ao lado de um terceiro aprendiz que carrega um selo falso, se encontram e iniciam uma perigosa jornada para atravessar as linhas inimigas. Logo Fan Tian Hu é emboscado, aprisionado e torturado. Para libertá-lo, Tian Long e Hong Erh invadem o Hall de Fengyan e, em espetaculares e sanguinários combates, enfrentam os rebeldes usando somente suas invencíveis e mortais habilidade nas artes marciais.
Flight Man takes place in Taiwan in 1933, when the country was under Japanese occupation after the First Sino-Japanese War. The Taiwanese people have signed a petition to have the Japanese establish a Taiwan council, but instead this merely provokes the Japanese police to hunt down and round up everyone who signed the petition.
Set during a period of depression, the film chronicles the daily lives of a single urban building split up into several separate units, and the actual people that dwell within.
shaw production
Set in the waning years of the Ching Dyansty, this dramatic, tragic, romantic, blood-soaked martial arts tale of betrayal and revenge explores one of the most sensational scandals in Chinese history and marked the true ascension of its director and actors to superstar status. In fact, Ti Lung won Taiwan's Golden Horse Award for Outstanding Performance as the challenging role of a jealous provincial governor who kills his friend in order to steal the man's wife.
Little Bastard searches for the parents who abandoned him as an infant, with the help of Little Beggar. He finds his father, who is a powerful and wealthy manl and is taken in by him and his family. Before long Little Bastard is seduced by his attractive cousin, making Little Beggar very jealous. However, the seduction and family welcome are all part of a nefarious plan.
Depois de atuar em dezenas de filmes, Teddy Yip Wing Cho resolveu dirigir alguns filmes, todos com formatos distintos. "The Black Tavern" talvez seja o seu primeiro do gênero suspense, um filme repleto de tramas, reviravoltas e contendo uma gama considerável de efeitos especiais para uma película da época. O cenário é basicamente um único local e com poucas variações de ambiente. O contexto do filme é organizado em uma trama com inúmeros personagens, todos tentando se apropriar indevidamente do tesouro alheio. Muito movimentado, com lutas praticadas com severa violência contendo diversos acessórios de mão, tais como, espadas, lanças, facas e chicotes.
Three martial arts directors united for this unique anthology film. Yueh Feng writes and directs a clever love-and-kung-fu triangle, Cheng Kang both writes and directs kung-fu courtesans battling brigands, and the "godfather of the kung-fu film," Chang Cheh, creates a cliff-hanging, swashbuckling mini-movie with maxi-action.
Man of Iron was positioned as something of a follow-up to Boxer From Shantung, the rise-and-fall story of Ma Yung Chen and it reunites the directors and some of the cast in a similar but much slighter tale of a lesser gangster's rise and fall in Shanghai. While the opening narration specifically recalls the events and tragic conclusion of BOXER, this one is set 20 years later in the same section of Shanghai but otherwise has nothing to do with the events or characters of the previous film.
Lily Ho and Ling Yun are star-crossed lovers who suffer untold agonies before finally being united forever.
Após a morte do patriarca em batalha e sem poder contar com o suporte do exército imperial, viúvas chinesas se unem para defender a sua terra de novos ataques, enquanto planejam uma vingança contra seus inimigos.
The longstanding rivalry between a music club and a sports club is compounded by their leaders' mutual interest in a girl.
shaw production
Um grande clássico das artes marciais da produtora Shaw Brothers. Chao Chi-Hao (Lieh Lo) é um jovem estudante de artes marciais, que parte da sua vila e da sua antiga escola para melhorar as suas técnicas com um mestre mais poderoso. Após muito treino, é selecionado para representar a escola de Shen Chin-Pei (Min Fong) num grande torneio de artes marcias local. Ao declarar a sua escolha, o mestre de outra grande escola local, Meng Dung-Shun (Feng Tien), e o seu filho (Lam Tung) começam a tramar um modo de acabar com as chances de vitória por Chi-Hao e a sua escola. Para vencer o torneio, Chi-Hao deve aprender a incomparável técnica dos Punhos de Aço, superando todos os desafios que são postos no seu caminho.
The corruption in the Sung Dynasty of 11th century China is so rampant that it inspires a band of Oriental Robin Hoods - the Honorable 108. Mountain bandits who nevertheless live by a scrupulous code of conduct, the Honorable 108 pledge to end the repression of the brutal overlords.
The Angry Guest is a direct sequel to Duel of Fists which had two long-separated brothers, Ti Lung and David Chiang, reuniting in Bangkok and running afoul of the local mob after Ti Lung, a boxer, beats the local favorite in the ring. In this film, the action shifts from Bangkok to Hong Kong to Japan and then back to HK as the brothers contend with a Japanese mob led by crime boss Yamaguchi, who is played by the film's director, Chang Cheh, in a rare screen appearance.
Alan Whicker meets Chinese film mogul, Run Run Shaw, at his Hong Kong studios and sees examples of the swordfight films, of which he is producing more than sixty a year.
O príncipe foi capturado por invasores, e para salvá-lo os heróis terão que passar por vários desafios, entre eles quatro poderosos guerreiros (o homem da água, o homem da terra, o homem da árvore e o homem do fogo) e uma ponte intransponível. Muita tensão e lutas magnificamente coreografadas em um dos filmes definitivos do mestre Chang Cheh.
Sworn-brothers expert martial artists are the targets of a mysterious killer, which seems to bear a grudge against them for what happened several years ago.
Cheng Pei-Pei é Yang Kai-yun, uma jovem que vive com seu tio numa estalagem nas geladas montanhas do Pinheiro Vermelho. Comprando suprimentos em Defang, um funcionário da estalagem arruma confusão com 3 valentões chamados de Trio Serial. Um jovem espadachim, Wang Jian-xin, o ajuda. Mas Wang e os outros notam a incrível habilidade de Yang com o chicote. Por coincidência, ele estava a procura de Fang Chen-tian, o lendário Chicote das Sombras, a quem Wang culpa pela morte de seu tio. Yang nega que seu tio recluso possa ser o famoso mestre do chicote, mas nem Wang ou o Trio Serial acreditam nela.
A perennial Chang Cheh favorite, Anonymous Heroes focuses on two vagabond brothers, Meng Kang and Tieh who, in the search for fame and fortune, join in a rebellion against a provincial general. Used to shaking down local vendors for food and gambling away their limited funds, they are recruited by a local rebel leader who promises them a glorious adventure. The rebels plan is to steal a huge cache of new rifles set to be delivered to the barracks of the local army. With the help of an officer's daughter, their plan starts out well, but inevitably slips toward a heroic but tragic finale.
shaw production
shaw production
The swordsman Zhang Zhen is injured in a misadventure and rescued by Eldest Sister of Changchun Sect, who has a crush on him. However, Zhang falls in love with the maid Yuenu instead, and conceives twins with her. The couple are killed by a group of evil pugilists later. The Eldest Sister is angry with Zhang Zhen for not accepting her and plans to make Zhang's children kill each other as revenge. The baby girl (Xiaolu'er) is saved by Zhang's friend, Lian Lanyan, while the male infant (Hua Yuchun) is taken away by the Eldest Sister. Lian Lanyan encounters the Ten Villains when he passes through Villains' Valley. He is overwhelmed by them and knocked out in a fight. The baby Xiaolu'er is taken away by the Villains, who surprisingly do not harm her, and instead intend to groom her to become the greatest villain ever. Eighteen years later, the twins meet each other by coincidence.
A magician-warrior who protects a man from an ambush, not knowing of his true villainous nature. But he discovers the truth after his wife and friend are killed and must now fight to set things right.
Legendary jewel thieves "Nocturnal Earl" (Ling Yun) and "Fragrant Night" (Lily Ho) are set on a collision course for destiny when both arrive in Japan to get their hands on the famous "Venus Tear Diamond." But sparks fly between the jewel thieves and the two fall instantly in love, without knowing that their beloved is after the very jewel each is seeking! To make matters worse, the diamond is in the possession of a randy widow who has her eye on the debonair male thief, and there's even a mystery man interested in the widow, too. Who's going to get the Venus Tear Diamond, and will it mean the end to a perfect love?
Reclusive hero Jin Fei, (Ti Lung) known as the King Eagle, inadvertently gets involved in the internal conflicts of the Tien Yi Tong sociaty, after he falls in love their 7th chief, Yuk Lin (Li Ching)
Depois de assistir a morte de seu pai e sua irmã por bandidos que procuram um manual, a pequena Xiao Zhu se torna uma poderosa espadachim que vai e vem sem se identificar, mas durante suas incursões ela se encontra com o outro espadachim de nome Heung que vive da mesma forma que ela e parece ter o mesmo objetivo. A medida que o tempo passa ela vai observando e aprendendo sobre os movimentos do seu inimigo, já que pretende vingar sua família e a acabar com o livro conhecido no mundo marcial como "Manual do Poder" que se encontra nas mãos da mesmas quadrilha matou seu pai. Sua tarefa deve ser de extrema dificuldade, pois o líder dos bandidos já domina três dos cinco movimentos ensinados no manual e se ele conseguir dominar os outros dois movimentos que faltam, sua missão será impossível.
Three Sung loyalists decide to become blood brothers to fight the tyranny of the Tartar invaders. They build a stronghold and christen it 'The Flying Dragon Fortress' up in the hills. Gathering together a devoted army of followers, the three brothers wage war against the Tartar defense. Desiring to oust the oppressors altogether, Ma Ching plans to coerce an ally, Hong Zhang Chung to release the kidnapped Tartar princess in what initially seems a strategic and civil effort to gain points with the court. Not long after, it soon becomes apparent Ma desires both a great position and power and is willing to sacrifice anything and anyone to get it.
David Chiang stars as a nightclub vocalist whose former criminal friends blackmail him into working with them again.
Betty Ting Pei plays the lead, a Taiwanese singer searching in Hong Kong for her younger sister, who disappears after coming to HK to be discovered as a nightclub singer.
Depois de tentar estuprar a filha de um amigo do célebre mestre das artes marciais Liu Peng, Xiao Tianzun é pego e punido com uma marca no peito em forma de cruz. Anos mais tarde, Xiao Tianzun procurando por vingança mata Liu Peng, suas duas filhas e todos os seus discípulos, exceto o segundo aluno do mestre Liu chamado Lu Han, que decide se vingar quando descobre o que aconteceu. Para combater a Espada Venenosa de Xiao Tianzun, Lu Han deve encontrar a lendária Espada Preciosa. Durante sua jornada, Lu Han salva a donzela Peony que estava em perigo e entra em uma briga com o Mestre Geng Xian e alguns de seus capangas, todos ligados de alguma forma a Xiao Tianzun. Sem nunca ter visto Xiao Tianzun, Lu Han é enganado por ele que se coloca como um aliado para tentar roubar a Espada Preciosa. O final é em grande estilo, tendo um confronto de vida ou morte entre Lu Han e Xiao Tianzun.
Romantic drama starring Lily Ho as a tourist in Singapore.
Três irmãs se unem a uma prima para vingar seu pai, morto por um grupo de nobres ligados a uma gangue criminosa.
Durante o período de dominação Mongol na China, os filhos do Rei Lu Ke-yung são poderosos guerreiros conhecidos como os 13 Generais. Eles sempre lutam juntos para manter a unidade do reino contra ataques de bandidos e controlar as ameaças de facções rivais. Porém, inconformados após serem impedidos por seu irmão, Li Chun-xiao (David Chiang), de abusarem sexualmente de Tsui Yen (Lily Li), o 4º e 11º irmãos se unem traiçoeiramente a Chun Wen (Chan Sing), um oficial ganancioso ligado a um exército de rebeldes, para planejar a morte do Rei e a tomada do pode. Vingança, traição, combates espetaculares e ação levada aos limites são os ingredientes deste grande épico, realizado na "Época de Ouro" dos estúdios Shaw Bros.
Yueh desempenha um cavaleiro justo que esta tentando impedir que os invasores Chin destruiam o seu país, impedindo doze medalhões de ouro de alcançar General Yueh.
O corrupto primeiro ministro está tramando alguns planos desonestos e apenas o professor Song do imperador infantil suspeita dessas ações. Então ele manda prender o professor no intuito de condena-lo a morte por traição. Acontece que o professor era um velho oficial muito leal a corte e recebeu do antigo Imperador falecido uma recompensa pelos bons serviços prestados, um símbolo de ferro que lhe garantiria na corte o seu perdão mesmo que cometesse algum crime. Então o primeiro ministro através do comandante chefe da guarda imperial seu fiel aliado, promove uma caçada contra a mulher e a filha do professor para evitar que elas cheguem a capital para entregar a placa de ferro as autoridades.
The Younger Generation is an ultra-tragic tale about a young girl, played by Ivy Ling Po who gets married, has five kids, then she and her husband die forcing one child sold to prostitution to feed the other four. Chinese culture dictates that great respect is given to the elders and in The Younger Generation, it is an elder that is the hero, telling audiences that although sadness abounds, they can return home happy with their Confucius mindset.
O famoso roteirista Chiang Shen tem a primeira chance de dirigir sua própria criação nesta película de ação eletrizante e intensa. Sua história retrata a busca de um manual deixado em duas partes pelo “Rei do Mundo Marcial” e que pode abalar o equilíbrio do mundo das Artes Marciais. Para recuperar as partes do manual o herói Guo Jiou Ru se habilita e promete se empenhar ao máximo para tentar resgatar as duas partes, mesmo sabendo que uma parte está em poder do “Rei do Submundo” e a outra nas mãos do famoso Deng Fei “O Tigre Voador”, entretanto sua tarefa não mostrará facilidade, uma vez que todos as pessoas envolvidas estão disposta a pagar qualquer preço para ter o manual completo, inclusive matar seus próprios aliados.
In this thrilling martial arts twist on the tale of Robin Hood, a charismatic highwayman with formidable sword skills decides to help the poor by robbing from thieves and distributing the wealth. This plan doesn't sit well with the criminals, who band together to stop him. Fortunately, our hero has a powerful blade on his side, not to mention popular beauty Lily Li at his side. A high-spirited blend of action, romance, and comedy, this Shaw Brothers classic from fearless director Chang Cheh is a timeless example of pure high-voltage entertainment.
Mysterious songstress Fang Biyu is loved by two brothers, Qiwei and Qijun. After freeing herself from the clutches of gangsters, she gives her heart to Qiwei. Tragedy comes knocking on the door when one of the gangsters comes out of prison, and Qiwei dies in a car accident. Blamed for her husband's death, Biyu is forced to go back to singing to make a living, but hopes to reunite with her son and return to the family one day.
Lo Wei remains internationally famous for directing Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan's first major movies. Cheng Pei-pei is now internationally famous for her superlative role in Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon. But both were superstars in Hong Kong for decades prior, so any teaming of the superlative "swordswoman supreme" and the vaunted director/writer/actor is cause for celebration. Kao Yuen joins them as a noble swordsman, and watch, too, for award-winning actor Ku Feng as the "Frontier Terror" in the evocative and effective "Martial Art World" adventure.
Depois que o Imperador Ming é derrubado e seu filho infantil colocado no cuidado da Sociedade Dragão Negro, um clã de artes marciais traidores combate a sociedade e forças de dois espadachins inexperientes para fugir com o bebê e começar uma viagem perigosa em busca de aliados.
Li Zhishan é um homem rico, mas a riqueza não consegue manter a lealdade de sua esposa, que tem visitado a cama de um rival. Ela ajuda a conspirar contra ele, e os Vicious Long Brothers invadem sua casa e roubam a Golden Dragon Blade - uma espada que torna seu portador imbatível. Zhishan, aleijado no ataque, e sua filha são levados por um servo dedicado, e o trio logo encontra abrigo na casa de um fitoterapeuta. Os anos passam, a filha cresce e se torna uma jovem adorável e uma lutadora poderosa, e os Irmãos Longos usam a Golden Dragon Blade para ganhar poder na região. A família de Zhishan conseguiu se manter bem escondida, mas uma viagem à cidade - a primeira da filha - desencadeia uma antiga luta pelo poder quando a esposa de Zhishan descobre que sua filha está viva.
Lo Lieh é um chefe de policia dedicado de sua aldeia, que se se apaixona pela filha cega de um bandido que está causando caos pela sua região.
A família Yu enfrenta a ira do Clã Dragão Verde, quando Ying (Cheng Pei-Pei) mata o filho, um estrupador e assassino, do chefe desse clã. O Chefe do Clã Dragão Verde acerta o líder da família Yu Yuan com suas Adagas Voadoras, e mata muitos outros que tentavam proteger a nobre família. Um espadachim solitário, Yang Qing (Lo Lieh) salva a família em uma luta, usando suas próprias técnicas de Adagas Voadoras, mas sua fidelidade e seus motivos são obscuros.
Tu Cheng Kang (Guan Shan) teaches at the Ta Tap Middle School where pupils are delinquent. Tu’s class is the worst. As the headmaster and his fellow teachers are unable to cope with the unruly students, Tu is determined to win them over with kindness. He fails initially but does not despair. Kao Te Sheng (Chuen Yuen), nicknamed the One Eyed Dragon, is the chief troublemaker and leader. When Kao’s father, a coolie, faints at the wharf from over work, Tu takes him to the hospital and befriends him. The old man does not realize Tu is his son’s teacher and neither does Te Sheng realize that his teacher had saved his father, he continues to oppose Tu.
Ivy Ling Po plays the dedicated wife of a man being blackmailed for an illicit love affair, who uncovers a pit of deceit, double-crosses, extortion and murder after murder.
A jewel thief decides to turn over a new leaf. He starts anew as a professional singer; but before long, the he becomes suspect again for a series of robberies. He sets up a trap to snare the copycat thief, but will it snare him instead?
A mad scientist wants to get his hands on a certain growth-accelerating serum developed by Hong Kong scientist Dr. Li Zong-Hua so that he can create an army of supermen and conquer the world.
O espadachim Ding Menghao participa de muitos duelos e torna-se conhecido como "A Espada Mais Rápida". Certo dia, um velho monge assiste a uma das vitórias de Ding e, apenas com um longo e fino cachimbo nas mãos, o desafia, com a condição de que aquele que for derrotado será servo do outro durante três anos. Assim começa uma jornada de rivalidades, vinganças, conspiração, autodescoberta, justiça e honra.
Um assassino contratado que, sem saber, se torna amigo de sua futura vítima, um chefe bandido cruel, uma cega gentil e um duelo de morte que explode em uma emboscada e depois em um massacre.
Shaw Brothers double trouble comedy
Shaw Brothers comedy.
A gripping drama about a seductive woman with three men in her life: a rich husband ; a sexy playboy, and a sensitive intellectual. That two of her lovers are brothers further complicates the story.
Shaw production
Wei Fu é um lenhador aparentemente normal, mas quando vê sua família ser exterminada por saqueadores psicóticos, realiza um intenso treinamento de artes marciais com um espadachim experiente que encontra pelo caminho e em breve ele vai começar sua vingança, entretanto tal missão vai apresentar grande dificuldade e seus inimigos são artistas marciais de longa data e lutaram por suas vidas de todas as formas possíveis.
Lily Ho, a secret agent out to thwart the sale of a powerful explosive to the wrong people. It’s a female, Chinese James bond.
Bandidos furiosos estão estuprando e pilhando várias aldeias chinesas pacíficas até que o mestre dos dardos Liu Wen Lung junto com um aluno, seu filho e o servo empreende uma jornada em busca da quadrilha para vingar sua esposa assassinada.
O espadachim solitário Jiang Dan-Feng é emboscado por dois bandidos e rapidamente toma conta deles. Um deles, enquanto estava morrendo, pede a Jiang que leve seus pertences pessoais para sua irmã.
Spring Blossoms is a parable about the Chinese youth culture and what's important to the younger generation when it comes to romance. It starred a new wave of seventies, Shaw's beauties, Lily Li, Shu Pei-pei and Essie Lin-chia as single women looking for love. It's a triple-decker romantic bus ride on a road to nowhere speeding toward a low bridge. Only Lily Li became successful via her martial-arts abilities, so awesomely featured in Jackie Chan's The Young Master.
There's nothing like a good, opulent, gaudy musical to lift the spirits, but when it's a 1960's Hong Kong musical orchestrated by a Japanese director and composer, it breaks through the ranks as a classic of campy kitsch. A follow-up to the previous year's megahit Hong Kong Nocturne, with the same Japanese creative team, Hong Kong Rhapsody follows the fortunes of an unemployed magician whose love life is so knotty it would take Houdini to unravel!
In 1966, like in The Love Eterne, Ling Bo took up the male lead in Forever and Ever, despite Shaw Brothers' earlier plan of having her as the female lead. Facing opposition from fans, they finally arranged for her to star as a male student named Xiaowen. Wicked rich man Liu, portrayed by Lo Wei, the director of this film, wants Xiaowen to marry his daughter (Lin Yu) who is suffering from leprosy, thinking that marriage will take away her disease. Although Xiaowen discovers Liu's plan, he is still in love with her and hopes that a miracle will cure her disease...
Love knows no limits in the grand period romance, Lady Jade Locket. A young fighter inadvertently falls for the spirit of a beautiful woman, who died years earlier avenging her own father's murder. The beautiful ghost is in fact the sister of his fiancee. Experienced as an actor in many such romances, director Yen Chuan keeps the tone perfect. Plus, with period specialist Li Li-hua in the lead and the attractive and acclaimed Li Ching playing the ghost girl, he really can do no wrong.
Movie queen Ivy Ling Po is ideally cast as a male scholar in this historical Huangmei Opera romance. It’s a tragic love story between the scholar and a local beauty (played by Fang Ying). He polishes mirrors as a pretext to get closer to his love, who signals her approval by tossing him a bunch of lichees. From that point on the course of true love proves operatically rocky, complete with murder and suicide.
Hong Kong drama directed by Lo Chen.
Hsiao Yun's rise to fame all results from a lucky break, as she's forced to substitute for another singer at the last second. The girl makes the most of her fortuitous opportunity, creating a huge splash in her debut as an entertainer, a fact which forever changes her life! However, this newfound meteoric rise to fame begins to take a toll on her personal life. For one thing, it starts to complicate her burgeoning romance with her pianist lover. And secondly, she soon finds herself the receiver of some sexual overtures from the producer of her show. What will poor Hsiao Yun do? And will blue skies be smiling at her by story's end?
Um espadachim jovem é encarregado de levar uma sociedade secreta patriótico para lutar contra um general traidor que conspiraram com o inimigo para invadir seu país. No devido tempo, ele encontra duas irmãs bonitas de uma tribo rural e está preso entre as afeições das duas meninas.
Monkey King, Pig and Friar Sand must rescue his master Buddhist monk from seven witches / spiders who believe themselves to be immortal if they eat the monk's flesh. The third part of the Shaw Brothers film series about Monkey King after the novel "Journey to the West."
Shaw production
Characters live through that Tender Age
Shaw Brothers Action Drama.
Durante a dinastia Song, depois que o justo prefeito Bao Zheng executou Pang Yu por peculato, o grande tutor Pang Ji enviou assassinos para vingar a morte de seu filho. Um homem cavalheiresco, Zhan Zhao, o "Herói do Sul", salvou Bao e recebeu o título de "Rei Gato" do imperador. Este título invocou o ciúme e a raiva de Bai Yutang, o "Rato Revestido de Brocado" - já que os ratos eram considerados comida de gato - que foi à capital Kaifeng (também conhecida como Bianjing) para desafiar Zhan.
Zhang Shijie is an international spy, like James Bond, and has to seduce Julie Tan, the daughter of an organization’s leader in order to find their headquarters.
O Pequeno Wu "Jimmy Wang Yu" e sua companheira Lianzhu "Chin Ping" estão voltando para casa com a missão de destruir o "Alaúde da Fênix", uma arma mortal que atira agulhas venenosas com precisão de até 500 passos e só pode ser destruída por uma espada especial, "A Espada Invencível".
Su Fen, a young and frail girl, looked forward to her wedding with her fiancé, Li Kuo-liang. The happy couple's bliss was cut short when war broke out. Kuo-liang was summoned to fight at the front lines. In his absence, Su Fen discovered she had tuberculosis.
O espadachim Chivalrous Jun-zhao (Kiu Chong) vai à procura de um fugitivo chamado Li Yueh (Jimmy Wang Yu) para reuni-lo com seu amor, Liu Xian (Chin Ping). Embora os dois homens se encontrem e se tornem irmãos leais, Li não revela sua verdadeira identidade até que a vida de Jun-zhao seja ameaçada por espadachins de Flying Fish Island que estão procurando vingança.
Uma épica aventura romântica da dinastia Han de um imperador agonizante, uma rainha do mal, uma bela princesa, um covarde sobrinho real e um herói mascarado, cheio de reviravoltas completas, com suspense até o último segundo.
A musical about 3 sisters, singers and dancers, and their dad, a magician performing in nightclubs until they make their own life.
Some 40 years ago when warlords rode rough-shod over the Chinese people, circus acrobat Pao Te-cheng took to the hills and began robbing the rich to help the poor. His daring feats earned him the nickname of “The Masked Robber”. Trying to intercept a large sum of money to be turned over to public security chief Cheng Kuan-hsi, he is nearly caught. Partner Hsiao Chung is jubilant over his safe return. But in the government office, chief detective Ma Pu-yun frantically plots his arrest. Ma Chien-li, son of the chief detective, devises a clever trap set for Ma Pu-yun’s birthday party. Among the guests is Huang Tan-ping who is engaged to Doctor David Lee. Ma Chien-li proposes to her without knowing this.
Hong Kong musical directed by Lo Chen.
Ling Bor plays Wen Fei E who is both an excellent academic as well as martial arts expert. Since her childhood days fond of dressing up as a boy, she becomes a village scholar sharing classes with Tu Zi Zheng (Chin Feng) and Wei Zhun Zhi (Ho Fan). When Fei E's innocent father is framed and sent to prison, she rushes to his rescue saving Jing Fu Quan (Kam Fie) who is in the hands of robbers along the way. Mistaking Fei E to be a noble hero, Fu Quan has no greater wish than to get married to her savior...
Not a love triangle but a love rectangle, Rose, Be My Love is a romantic drama that represents the high standards achieved by Shaw Brothers in both star power and technical polish. Set on the eve of Pearl Harbor and Hong Kong's invasion by the Japanese, the tragic romance takes on added poignancy in light of the future fate of leading lady Li Ting, the "Rose" of Rose, Be My Love who committed suicide a mere three months after the movie's release.
Young love and its comedy of errors. Hsiao Fang, played by Li Ching, is a spunky young girl not afraid to fight back against hooligans. Unfortunately, she mistakes the handsome Ma Ta-hai, for one such hoodlum. The two are immediately attracted but refuse to admit their true feelings. The real hooligans are from a rich family led by a devious Madam who devise a revenge plot. With plot twists, mistaken identities, along with some terrific musical numbers, romance has never been this much fun.
Part two of the wartime love story
It's a powerful melodrama about a thwarted romance in 1930s Tientsin, China, during the Japanese occupation, and it stars Linda Lin Dai, one of the era's most popular stars. It was part of Golden Horse's 100 Greatest Chinese-Language Films.
Um templo, protegido por um cem número de armadilhas, abriga uma gangue de facínoras. Eles precisam ser detidos. Mas a qual custo? Após a morte de seis companheiros seus, Wen Suchen infiltra-se com dois auxiliares como um inofensivo estudioso para descobrir os segredos sombrios do lugar.
Paul (Zhang Chong) is a businessman who gets caught up in an international espionage plot when he accidentally switches briefcases with a friend aboard a Singapore-bound plane. The friend turns up dead, and Paul discovers a small Golden Buddha inside the briefcase that contains a set of instructions. The instructions are only one of three parts, the other two being held in similar Golden Buddhas by Lo Wei (doing double duty as actor and director) and Lin Cui. When combined, the three Buddhas will lead the bearers to a buried treasure. But the nefarious Skeleton Gang is after the Buddhas, along with a buxom femme fatale (Fannie Fan) who isn't above showing a little skin to get her way. Luckily, Paul knows kung-fu, so the bad guys had better watch out!
Uma quadrilha de perigosos bandidos rapta um oficial do governo e ameaçam matá-lo caso seu líder que esta preso não seja libertado. A agente do governo Golden Swallow é enviada para resgatar o oficial sequestrado, que é seu irmão. Mesmo com suas grandes habilidades nas Artes Marciais ela acaba precisando da ajuda de Drunken Cat, um beberrão que vive nas ruas, para enfrentar os bandidos liderados por um abade corrupto que domina uma técnica de kung-fu extremamente poderosa. O Grande Mestre Beberrão é considerado em todo o mundo um dos maiores, se não o maior, filme de Artes Marciais de todos os tempos, tendo revolucionado o gênero quando de seu lançamento.
The lovely Li Hsiang-chun stars as a poor beauty who is drugged, ravished, lied to, locked in a burning store room, left to drown, and chased by sword-wielding ruffians, among other things. Her only hope is her betrayer's new wife, played by the strong and sensual Ivy Ling Po. Dawn may come, but the questions is: will it be too late? Director/writer Kao Li shows both restraint and sadism in this historical melodramatic tearjerker.
Tiger Boy, an itinerant young knight-errant bent on revenge for his father's death 15 years earlier rescues a young maiden after her brother is killed protecting her from the advances of a band of bandits. While the heroes escape the band's clutches and seek refuge in the forest, Tiger Boy discovers that her perpetrators are led by the son of his father's killer who also has a yen for the maiden. As fate would have it, she instead falls in love with our hero who pledges to return to her after vanquishing all his enemies. To accomplish this, he sets out to singlehandedly crash a large birthday party held in his father's killer's honor. Meanwhile, Tiger Boy's chivalric quest is complicated when the maiden also sets out after him straight into peril in the enemy's own stronghold.
Northeastern China is infested with bandits. Hsiao Kai (Paul Chang Chung), a wandering knight, captures a white horse from thieves. His skilful handling of the horse earns his admiration of fellow traveler Chu Ching Hsu (Wong Chung Shun). They arrive at Lo Lung Kow, where the villagers hunt for a living and are constantly terrorized by bandits. Grocer Ting Tze Pao (Ngai Ping Ngo) returns from his negotiations with the bandits with bad news. They intend to collect furs from the villagers at a fixed price. Village leader Mu (Yuen Sam and his daughter Tsui Ying (Pat ting Hung) run a tavern. She wonders how the white horse belonging to a Sinkiang youth named Sha Yi Ti (Man Ling) is now in the possession of Hsiao Kai.
THE MONKEY GOES WEST is the first entry in the studio’s epic, four-part screen adaptation of “Journey to the West,” a 16th-century novel recounting the efforts of a Buddhist monk and his magical companions to travel to India and bring back Buddhist sutras.
It seems that Li Zhenfei was once an imperial concubine, who often found herself competing with her rival Madame Liu for the emperor's sole, undivided attention. When Li gives birth to the Emperor's child, the jealous Liu switches the boy with a cat and commands a servant named Kou Zhu to kill the baby. However, Kou Zhu ignores the order and gives the prince-to-be to the emperor's brother, a decision which eventually leads to the boy being adopted by the emperor himself! But as fate would have it, to go along with his new son, the emperor has a new wife as well - Madame Liu! As this strange new family unit is being constructed, poor Li Zhenfei has been confined to the forbidden palace, condemned to never see or speak to her son, the prince. But destiny reunites her with her son, but will this family reunion be a happy one? And will Madame Liu finally be punished for her treachery?
A musical staring Carrie Ku Mei as a singer named Xiaoyun Shi, who comes to Hong Kong after a tour of other Asian countries, hoping to develop her career.
The Goddess of Hua Mountain is imprisoned for falling in love with a mortal, meanwhile her son is raised in secret until he can attempt to free her.
The socialite Pai Li-Lan's life is disrupted when she contracts tuberculosis.
With China under control of a weak Emperor, two officials compete to steer the future destiny of the land. Chiu believes the people are the future of China, while the diabolical Tu wishes to grind the people beneath an iron heel. Tu decides to take out Chiu's family, but one lone infant escapes.
War film set during the second Sino-Japanese war.
The story revolves around Tian Yu Quan (Chin Feng) who rushes to the aid of an elderly fisherman who is bullied by an arrogant relative of the Qiu Shan ministry. In the heat of the ensuing battle he kills the said man and is hence chased by the district's officials. Trying to use the waterway to shake off his enemies, Yu Quan finds a true friend in the old fisherman's bark-stearing daughter, Hu Feng Lian (Ting Hung) who becomes his loyal accomplice. As symbol for his gratitude, Yu Quan bestows Feng Lian with a Butterfly Chalice to reflect their eternal friendship bond...
Pequeno Wu (Jimmy Wang Yu), é um jovem que vai para o Vale do Dragão, encontrar sua amiga de infância Jin Lian Zhu (Chin Ping), que lhe foi prometida em casamento. Assim que chega na casa de sua prometida, descobre que a família dela pode ser um grupo de saqueadores de estrada. Sem saber o motivo da rivalidade entre a família de sua noiva e famoso bando da "Lotus Vermelha" pequeno Wu tece um juízo de valor e resolve levar sua amada para fora do Palácio onde ela morava, entretanto isso se mostrará um decisão perigosa, pouco inteligente e logo terá consequências inesperadas.
The husband-and-wife team of Ivy Ling Po and Chin Han returned to another Huangmei Opera classic after Lady General Hua Mu-Lan. Helmed by Chow Sze-loke and written by Chang Cheh, the story revolved around two intellectual siblings, Ching Feng-sheng (Chin Feng) and Ching Feng-hsiao (Ivy Ling Po), who were constantly abused by their stepmother Hsia (Kao Pao-shu). Feng-hsiao was engaged to Li Ru-lung (Chin Han) since birth, but the greedy Hsia forced him to forfeit the marriage. When Ru-lung refused, Hsia framed him for thievery and put him behind bars. To rescue her lover, Feng-hsiao dressed as a young man and went to the capital. She then used Ru-lung's name to enter the national exam and was ranked first place. Impressed by Feng-hsiao, the Emperor decided to let her wed the Princess (Fang Ying). On the wedding night, Feng-hsiao revealed the truth to the Princess...
Beyond the Great Wall is a true story based on how Wang Chao-chun sacrificed her love and life for the good of the Chinese people during war time fears between China and the Huns.
Taiwan's submission for the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film in 1964
This gripping story centers on the romance between Wang Chin Lung and Sue San. Although they may be perfectly matched when it comes to their love for one other, the two come from remarkably different social ranks. While Chin Lung is the son of a respected government official, Su San is a prostitute, albeit a famous one.
A musical set in Taiwan produced by the Shaw Brothers
Admist a rebellion during the Ching Dynasty in ancient China, a nurse flees the palace with a young prince. As an adult, he convinces the daughter of the usurper to betray her father and to assist in restoring him as the rightful monarch.
About a woman who disguises herself as a man to take her father's place in the army.
Comedy of Mismatches begins with widow Sun who single-handedly raises her son Yu Lang (Chin Feng) and daughter Zhu Yi (Li Hsiang Chun). One day, Mother Sun sends her children to the temple, where Yu Lang encounters Hui Niang (Pat Ting). Artist Xu Ya is also at the temple, praying that his daughter Wen Gu (Carrie Ku) will find a good husband. Soon after, Wen Gu encounters nobleman's son Pei Zheng (Wai Mao) and the two fall in love at first sight.
A woman in an arranged marriage falls in love with her husband's brother.
Chen Hou is a chauffeur who gets caught in a mistaken identity scandal linking him to businesswoman Lok Dai. Chen was supposed to audition for a job as her chauffeur, but a proposed musical show is far more attractive to the aspiring dancer. When a rumor gets out that the two are involved in an affair, she's angry and confronts him, but his charms overwhelm her, and it's revealed that she too desires to dance. Soon she's bankrolling the affair, the sets are being built, and the singing and dancing begin!
Fan Chia-soo is a kind-hearted student whose heart is captured by the sweet song of Shen Feng-hsien. However, he is not the only one who has eyes for Shen. The General's henchmen are also determined to present the songstress to their superior as a gift. Fan received help from an unexpected quarter to save the woman he loves.
A widow of four gave up two of her children to be raised by an uncle in Singapore. Many years later, just when the widow, now a house maid, is feeling contented by good news of her long gone son and daughter, she accidentally runs into his own son, now a lawyer, and ends up being looked down upon by him. It was a story about how traditional Chinese family and its value was impacted by the change of time. The movie depicted Macau in 1945 to Hong Kong in the mid-60s, moving from poverty after WWII to opulence. The human relationships became complicated and fragile. Many elements uniquely "Hong Kong", such as upper class Chinese, western religions, English speaking and a mixed-culture society are used to contrast the traditional, kind, enduring and forgiving love of a mother.
To put her younger sister Huilan (Margaret Tu Chuan) through college, Huilian (Grace Ting Ning) became a taxi dancer and is despised by Huilan. Now married to a good husband (Guan Shan), the lonely Huilan falls for a man after her money. To protect her younger sister, Huilian puts herself at risk. Grace Ting Ning plays a sad role, as the noble sister who keeps her purity in a cesspool.
In this dreamy romance set in China during the fourth-century, a young woman convinces her parents to allow her to dress as a boy and attend university.
Shaw Brothers drama.
Seventh sister of the celestial world goes down to earth to marry Dong Yong, a young man sold to servitude. However the Jade Emperor orders her to go back to the immortal world.
The winning couple of Linda Lin Dai and Peter Chen Hu light up the screen in the delightful Shaw Brothers musical Love Parade!
Essentially an adaptation of Gaston Leroux's classic The Phantom of the Opera, Mid-Nightmare is set in a Huangmei diao teahouse theatre, which an embittered and horribly disfigured ex-performer ‘haunts', looking to extract revenge on his enemies and falling in love with a talented and beautiful, but ultimately unattainable, ingénue.
The Black Fox (黑狐狸) is a 1962 Hong Kong thriller film directed by Yan Jun. The film was produced under the Shaw Brothers banner in the Mandarin language.
This Classic Seductive tale of two snakes who assume human forms will send chills of pleasure down viewers' backs. The Lovely Linda Lin Dai (Les Belles, The Kingdom And The Beauty) and margaret Tu Chuan (The Dream of The Red Chamber) play the two sister serpents, Pak Su-cheng and Ching Ching. Su-cheng meets Hsu Hsien (Chao Lei) one day and recognizes him as her savior in another life 1,000 years ago. She marries him to reward him but the snake-human union brings about problems beyond imagination.
Long unemployed and stone-broke, Shen Jiaguang is dealt a further blow when his wife Lu Xiaoyin has fallen seriously ill and their son Xiaoguang has to quit school.
Li Qingqing, an orphan, just arrives in Hong Kong and becomes a singer who sacrifices everything for her man.
The film tells the story of the happy-go-crazy trio Ramli, Aziz and Sudin, and their daily problems living in a crowded boarding house. Jobless and penniless, they decide to try their luck as movie stars. They are told by the studio manager that they will be given a break if they can prove their talent at a screen test. Sudin gets into his antics which catches the attention of the studio manager. Will show biz fame change them in any way?
A Shaw Brothers comedy starring Margaret Tu Chuan and Paul Chang Chung,
The hunt for The Swallow Thief.
Executive Producer
A young scholar spends the night in a creepy temple that is said to be haunted. He doesn't believe in the rumors, but after running into a Taoist swordsman, he meets a beautiful lady ghost.
A middle-aged couple adopt a young girl.
60s shaw crime film
Nurse Leng Shuxian is forced by family circumstances to marry Long Yusheng (King Hu), a grossly disfigured Quasimodo with a heart of gold. Shuxian tries but is unable to accept his deformity and they remain a couple in name only. With the appearance of Yusheng's cousin, she has to make a choice between personal happiness and family duty. From the start, Loh's character and drove the action, evoking a great intensity of emotions along the way: suffering, resignation and loneliness. Loh was lauded as the "Queen of Tragedy" after her heart-wrenching portrayal in this film. Winner of two Golden Harvest Awards – for best screenplay and best black-and-white cinematography – at the 8th Asian Film Festival in 1961.
A married couple, Kantan and Tanjung have been married for quite sometime but they still do not have a kid. At last Tanjung got pregnant but she gave great inconvenience to her husband, Kantan. For example, she longs for food that are really hard to find. But Kantan do not lose hope and are very patient towards her. After a while they are blessed with a pretty daughter. They got richer but they stayed humble.
This is a musical about a young emperor who is lured via stories told to a place called Kiang-Nan by his royal tutor. The empress mother has the tutor go to Kiang-Nan to bring him back.
3 friends want to become warriors. Ramli, Aziz and Sudin wanted to learn Silat from an expert, Pendekar Mustar. Mustar's daughter, Ros the village teacher, initially thought that they were crooks but soon realized that she was wrong and even fell for Ramli. The second instalment of the 'Bujang Lapok' series, this film chronicles the misadventures of the three bachelors as they learn self defence. Along the way, they discover their mutual attraction for their teacher's daughter and their illiteracy.
Executive Producer
Early Shaw Brothers drama
Early Shaw Brothers crime film
Early Shaw Brothers thriller.
Hassan (P. Ramlee) is 10 when his father died. His mother had died when he was younger. His late father's boss feels sorry for Hassan and adopts him. However, Hassan's foster father's own child, Aziz (Jins Shamsudin) is jealous of Hassan and hates him. When both of them have fully grown up, Aziz and Buang (Salleh Kamil) always bully Hassan. At the same time, Salmah (Saadiah) has developed a crush towards Hassan, fuelling Aziz's fury. When the Second World War is approaching, the Royal Malay Regiment begins recruiting young soldiers.
A young man has fallen in love with a vampire, where he is insanely head over heels for her due to her undenying beauty. He has decided to nail behind her neck so her beauty remains forever and never change into a vampire again. They both got married and lived happily with their newborn named Mutiara. As the years passed by she inherited her mother's beauty not knowing her mother's pass history. She then fell in love with the Penghulu's son Guntur. But at the same time a man who is just known as Doktor is also fond of Mutiara. One day as Mutiara was combing her mother's hair she came across the nail in her head and pulled it out. To her surprise her mother turned into a vampire and ran away. On her wedding day with Guntur, Doktor had ordered the Gergasi to kidnapped her away. Will she ever be saved?
The first of four 'Bujang Lapok' ('Worn Out Bachelor') movies, this first one chronicles the loves and lives of three bachelors living in '50s Singapore.
A deformed hunchback is given a second chance at life, but then he breaks the rules of his benefactor and is transformed into a horrific monster.
China, século XVIII. O último Imperador da dinastia T’ang faz o luto pela morte da mulher. A família Yang quer arranjar-lhe uma nova consorte, assim consolidando a influência na corte. O general Na Lushan encontra uma parente afastada a trabalhar na cozinha, a quem é proposto ser apresentada ao Imperador, recriando a imagem da primeira mulher dele. O Imperador apaixona-se por ela, entretanto instruída e ornamentada para ser sua concubina, e ela torna-se a Princesa Yang Kwei-Fei.
The only film written and directed by Run Run Shaw.
The only film written and directed by Run Run Shaw.