The film revolves around the story of Li Yitian, who struggles in a big city, showing the current situation of the life of a new generation of young people, focusing on the ordinary people who are trying to live in contemporary society, and their pain and struggle from ideals to helplessness to new life.
Lu and Ling, two high-school sweethearts who pledged to get married to each other in their youth. Over the next 10 years, their relationship is tried and tested by a number of obstacles that stand in their way.
Chen Xiaomeng é um ator de teatro que simplesmente não consegue dar um tempo na vida. Sua carreira está em ruínas, sua vida amorosa é deprimente e ele não consegue nem cometer suicídio. Antes de fazer outra tentativa de suicídio, ele decide visitar o balneário local para poder morrer com dignidade. Na casa de banho, Xiaomeng acidentalmente faz com que um homem escorregue em um pedaço de sabão e cai em coma profundo. Em uma fração de segundo, ele decide trocar de lugar com o homem em coma, apenas para descobrir que o homem é um renomado assassino profissional.
A monkey trainer whose act goes wrong after an alien crash lands on Earth and injures his monkey. Desperate to perform the act, he attempts to train the alien instead, though is punished after the alien regains his powers.
When three friends open a hot pot restaurant in a former bomb shelter, they discover it’s linked by a single wall to the bank vault next door. While deciding to take the easy money or go to the police, they find out one of the bank’s employees is a former classmate and look to enlist her in deciding their future.