Edwin Baily


Mortes em Batz
Manon limpa cenas de crime para pagar seus estudos e é enviado para uma ilha na Bretanha, onde foi cometido o primeiro assassinato em um século. O crime é investigado por Gregor, um policial que viveu na ilha. Ambos, presos na ilha quando uma tempestade surge, não têm ideia do rumo que as coisas vão tomar.
The Silence of the Church
At the age of 12, Gabriel was sexually abused by Father Vincey, his headmaster. Fifteen years later, he is still traumatized. Constantly racked by this wrong that he has kept secret, Gabriel buys a gun and moves in near the boarding school where the priest is still headmaster...
4 garçons dans la nuit
In 1995, four student friends formed a band. Upon returning from a party, they discover the body of a young waitress of 19 years at the edge of a road. The young woman died in their arms. Commissioner suspect the four boys but can not prove it. None of them admit ... Fifteen years later, on the anniversary of the death of the young waitress, one of four men killed by a bomb hidden in his apartment ...
La Vie sera belle
Le canard à l'orange
Production Director
A housewife is preparing a duck à l'orange in her kitchen. But the reluctant bird tries to escape from her but the woman manages to recaptures it and plucks it savagely. Once the duck is put in the oven, an alligator unexpectedly appears in the kitchen, threatening the cook.
Memories split in the space.
By the Lake
Bokanowski returns to the complex - and mind-bending - optical array of pinholes, mirrors, prisms, and refractive substrates of his earlier film, La Plage to create the whimsical and playful Au bord du lac. The film is composed of mundane, everyday scenes of recreation and leisure on an idyllic, sunny day at a park that overlooks a lake - rowing a boat, playing a game of volleyball, rollerskating, bicycling, reading a newspaper, sunbathing, riding on horseback, or strolling on the promenade - shot through optical distortions to create fractured and knotted images that resemble embellished, gothic fairytale illustrations or appear to resolve into morphing, geometric patterns of fluid motion. Evoking the vibrant colors and sun-soaked palette of an invigorated Vincent van Gogh in Arles, Bokanowski transforms the quotidian into an infinitely mesmerizing dynamic kaleidoscope of shape-shifting textures and self-reconstituting objects of organic, abstract art.
Faut-il aimer Mathilde?
Mathilde (Dominique Blanc) has had a number of children, but is still an attractive woman. One day her husband simply picks up and leaves without any explanation whatever. At about the same time, she is involved at an accident at her workplace which makes her strongly aware of the passage of time. Can she once more know the love of a man? She has enough suitors: Charlie, though dull, has been in love with her since she could remember; Jacques is the father of one of her children; Mano has moved to the north of France from Spain, and wants to refurbish her house for her. Without rushing, she carefully considers each man (and her absent husband) in the context of her life, what she wants from it, and what is possible.
La plage
Reworked and colored images of people playing at the seashore.