Amparo Noguera

Amparo Noguera

Nascimento : 1965-03-06, Santiago, Chile


Amparo Noguera
Amparo Noguera


History and Geography
Gioconda Martínez, a well-remembered comic television actress, decided to return to her hometown to stage a play about the conquest of Chile, which will allow her to regain the artistic recognition she thought she had lost but never had.
Blanca turns on an 18-year old teen who returns to the juvenile center she ran away from at 15, but this time with a baby. She asks the priest in charge to take her in, but they are inadvertently caught up in an investigation on child prostitution, and the relentless media and political attention that comes with it.
Alicia soñó con un faro
Part of the project for the new feature film that José Luis Torres Leiva is currently preparing. The short film describes the creative process and the images that come to a writer as she reflects on the figure of lighthouses as insular guides and as a source of existential support and anchorage.
Milena Fariña
A doctor and expert in ethics, Sergio Graf has to fight the Chilean health system as a patient when he gets Guillain-Barré syndrome. It is a journey toward physical deterioration, a loss of safety, and returning to something that he has until now taken for granted: his family.
A Morte Virá e Levará Seus Olhos
Duas mulheres que passaram a vida juntas são confrontadas com a doença fatal de uma delas. A doente decide não se submeter a qualquer tratamento, e o casal se muda para uma pequena cabana na floresta para esperar a chegada da morte. Pouco a pouco, a relação das duas se intensifica.
Tenho Medo Toureiro
Mrs. Olguita
Em meio à turbulência política da ditadura de Pinochet no Chile nos anos 80, uma velha e pobre travesti se envolve em uma arriscada operação clandestina após se apaixonar por um guerrilheiro que pede que ela esconda segredos perigosos da resistência em sua casa.
Pacto de Fuga
Fabiola Pizarro
Inspirado em fatos reais, conta a história de uma prisão de segurança máxima, com muitos presos políticos, que foi palco da maior fuga ocorrida no Chile na década de 1990, quando os presos cavaram um gigantesco túnel que levou 18 meses para ser terminado.
New School Principal
Ema é uma dançarina magnética e impulsiva em um grupo de reggaeton. Seu casamento tóxico com o coreógrafo Gastón acaba depois que ambos decidiram desistir do filho adotivo Polo. A missão de Ema é recuperar Polo, sem se importar com quem terá que enfrentar, seduzir ou destruir.
The Man of the Future
Michelsen, an older trucker who is lonely and sick, while traveling through Patagonia meets someone on the highway who reminds him of his daughter, whom he has not seen in years.
The Invented Biography
This film follows Arturo Belano, alter ego of the writer Roberto Bolaño, shared with his creator a great part of his biography. The director searches for him in places where his stories and novels occur, meeting with real and imaginary characters, in a territory where reality and fiction have a diffuse frontier. A new form of literary biopic, where the writer and his character turn into one and only person.
¿Cómo andamos por casa?
The Ahumada family wants to be happy at all costs and do not mind sacrificing others along the way. But happiness, is not always where you seek it.
El Taller
Maria Paz
In the midst of a convulsed country, a group of people attend a poetry workshop that can last only one night,taught by the renowned academic David Sanhueza.
Oblivion Verses
Real Estate Clerk
When the elderly caretaker of a remote morgue discovers the body of a young woman killed during a protest, he embarks on a magical odyssey to give her a proper burial before the militia returns.
Ana's Dream
Stark formal choices counterbalance profound emotions and vulnerability in this poignant lover’s goodbye.
Ana, wants her brother Andres to forgive her father, after years of distance. She must deal over and over again with all the situations that affect her dysfunctional family, while in silence, her own children coexist with abortion, drugs and indifference. Three conflicts over lack of communication and an unexpected end.
Uma Mulher Fantástica
Marina e Orlando, vinte anos mais velho do que ela, amam-se longe dos olhares e fazem projetos futuros. Quando ele morre repentinamente, Marina é alvo da hostilidade dos familiares de Orlando: uma "santa família" que rejeita tudo o que Marina representa. Marina lutará com a mesma energia que dedica desde sempre para se tornar naquilo que é: uma mulher forte, corajosa, digna... Uma mulher fantástica!
Drunk Woman
No final da década de 1940, um inspetor (Gael García Bernal) persegue o poeta chileno Pablo Neruda (Luis Gnecco), ganhador do Prêmio Nobel, por ter se juntado ao Partido Comunista.
Adios amigo mío, sin gestos, sin palabras
The title comes from Sergei Yesenin's last poem before comiting suicide. Using Virginia Woolf's last letters as a base, this film is meditation on the power of the word and its undertsanding and the the last moments before saying "goodbye".
Natural Disasters
Raquel is a teacher who resists the idea of retiring. One day she has to teach a class at her old school, only to find out she has been replaced with someone much younger. She insists still on teaching, and gets the support of her former students who will occupy the classroom demanding her reinstatement, leading to a small revolution that will threaten the establishment's order.
After reading in the newspaper that a newborn baby was found in a dumpster, a teacher becomes obsessed with giving it a proper burial.
Dog Flesh
Alejandro, a solitary, fragile and unpredictable man is crushed by the hostility of his mysterious past.
No Chile de 1988, o governo ditatorial convoca um plebiscito para perguntar se a população apoia os militares. Um publicitário, então, fica responsável pela Campanha do Não, com ideias ousadas para convencer o povo a acabar com o regime militar.
During one hot summer day, little things happen to the visitors and workers of an old thermal resort in southern Chile. Julieta, Francisco, Isa, Rodrigo, Ignacio, Mariana, Muriel, Gabriela, Eliseo, Norma, Alejandra and Claudio experience the long vacation hours in nature, sleeping in the sun, learning how to drive, cleaning the house, kissing for the first time, swimming at night or just walking and talking, while the day slowly unravels into small fragments of happiness and discovery.
Pós Morte
No Chile, em 1973, durante os últimos dias da presidência de Salvador Allende, um funcionário do necrotério se apaixona por uma dançarina burlesca, que desaparece misteriosamente. Loucamente apaixonado e pertubado pela perda de sua potencial amante, Mario começa a sua busca frenética por Nancy.
After long decades of exile, a leftist former activist returns to Chile to settle accounts with his conscience, related to the death of a colleague and political hero . The task of Atalibar is to reveal his secret. But his view clashes with the current country, godless, far from the old ideologies and where all his old colleagues have changed.
Tony Manero
Santiago do Chile, 1978. Em meio ao complicado contexto social da ditadura militar de Augusto Pinochet, um homem de meia-idade, Raúl Peralta (Alfredo Castro), está obcecado com a idéia de se tornar Tony Manero, o famoso personagem interpretado por John Travolta no clássico filme da era disco "Os Embalos de Sábado à Noite". A fantasia de encarnar seu grande ídolo, e assim ser reconhecido como uma estrela no mundo do entretenimento, chega a tal nível que acaba levando Raúl a se transformar num assassino em série.
Life Kills Me
Gaspar is a young, lonely cinematographer. Unable to deal with his sister and sick grandfather he spends his time with Susana, an actress working on a opera. When he meets Alvaro, an idealistic traveler, Gaspar's life changes. They embark on a adventure that help them unearth the fragility and value of human existence
Radio Corazón
María Pilar Errázuriz
Radio Corazón recreates Chile's most successful radio show of all time. Composed of 3 fun, sexy and romantic short films based on true stories as told by the show's listeners to "Rumpy", an unparalleled radio host.
Casa de remolienda
Concerned about the future of her three children, a widow takes them to the city with the purpose of getting them married.
Our Father
Children come to a hospital to visit their dying father they haven't seen for 8 years. They try to recover their relationships before he dies.
Las bicicletas
Nicolás is furious. Once again they broke into his house and took his bicycle. Outside, in the streets, the city is half destroyed by an earthquake. There is a curfew and Pinochet is asked if he is going to declare a state of catastrophe. Nicolás accompanies his mother to court to recognize the thief.
El último sacramento
Four stories, four women; four women struggle for the liberation of their souls.
Days in the Country
Miss Chazal
In a bar in Santiago, two old men talk over their past. This is a strange discussion. In fact, they talk of themselves as if they were dead. We don't know what is true or false, what is dream or reality.
Chile, 1973. Gonzalo Infante (Matías Quer) é um garoto que estuda no Colégio Saint Patrick, o mais conceituado de Santiago. Gonzalo é de uma família de classe alta, morando em um bairro na área nobre da cidade com seus pais e sua irmã. O padre McEnroe (Ernesto Malbran), o diretor do colégio, inspirado no governo de Salvador Allende decide implementar uma política que faça com que alunos pobres também estudem no Saint Patrick. Um deles é Pedro Machuca (Ariel Mateluna) que, assim como os demais, fica deslocado em meio aos antigos alunos da escola. Provocado, Pedro é seguro por trás e um deles manda que Gonzalo o bata, que se recusa a fazer isto e ainda o ajuda a fugir. A partir de então nasce uma amizade entre os dois garotos, apesar do abismo de classe existente entre eles.
Los ojos abiertos
No Place in Anywhere
No Place in Anywhere can deal with many issues. It is a personal journey through image and time. It is the portrait of the "La Matriz" neighborhood in Valparaíso. It is the encounter between reality and fiction. It is the constant search to find a truth within the documentary. It is a musical rehearsal. It is the constant preparation of a documentary. It is a documentary of questions more than answers. A silent face, an empty road, a winter landscape, the wind moving the leaves of a tree, a wall, the sea, the street of a neighborhood, all of them intend to "create through the record" a unique truth for each viewer.
Cofralandes, Chilean Rhapsody
Paulino's Sister
An experimental four-part 2002 Franco-Chilean digital video series written and directed by Raúl Ruiz. The first part won a FIPRESCI Award at the Montreal World Film Festival in 2002 "for the director's personal exploration into his homeland, using DV in a rigorous yet playful manner".
Three Saturday Nights
The seductive quality of the night of a saturday where both the rich and the poor experience the drunken urgency of the party and the clock.
Un ladrón y su mujer
Ana López
A thief asks his wife to visit him in prison, she goes without imagining that he is planning his escape.
Mi último hombre
Gypsy 1
A female television journalist has a strange affair with a terrorist.
An architect witness the brutal massacre by the police of an anti-government meeting and escapes to a remote archipelago.
País de octubre
A surreal Chilean road movie in which two wanderers come across an assortment of oddballs.
Der Radfahrer von San Cristóbal
A cyclist decides to go for everything and win the 'Tour of Chile' Race, so he can finance the medical treatment for his ill mother with the prize. However, he must soon recognize that the sporting event is corrupted by commercial and marketing interests, in addition to the political goals of the military regime.
A mix between documentary and fiction, Angeles shows the story of a group of college students who gradually disappear, with no explanation. Focuses specifically on the story of Juan Maino.