Lorna Selwyn

Nascimento : , Hackney, London, England, UK


Big Wheels and Sailor
Children of long distance lorry drivers, travelling with their fathers, become involved in attempted hijacking.
Queen of the Blues
A seedy striptease club in London's West End becomes the target for unpleasant crooks.
Black Island
Joe and Michael, 13-year-old Brits, become separated from their class outing, stranded on a small island, and captured by armed men.
The Peregrine Hunters
A group of kids try to stop the illegal capture of birds of prey.
The Playbirds
In order to unmask a pathological killer who is targeting the beautiful centrefolds of Playbirds magazine, a sexy policewoman Lucy Sheridan puts her life and reputation on the line by sleeping with millionaire publisher Harry Dougan. The Chief Superintendant and Police Commissioner are keeping a close eye on her, but time is running out fast.
Come Play with Me
Two alluring young ladies live with their beautiful widowed aunt on a secluded wooded estate. The women have earned themselves quite a reputation in the surrounding towns and men from all over the region are frequent visitors to the small countryside home, hoping to encounter one, or preferably both, of the seductive nieces. Of course, the aunt has equally strong desires and refuses to be outdone. Soon all three are offering the many courters the chance to Come Play with Me!
Sharks' Treasure
Eccentric charter skipper Jim Carnahan and his team of hard-luck dreamers battle sharks, bandits and their own greed to recover sunken treasure
A youth on the run hijacks a yacht with three children aboard.
A Casa do Terror
Recém-recuperado de um colapso nervoso, Toombes se torna o principal suspeito de uma série de assassinatos estranhos cometidos no set de filmagem de um programa de televisão sobre o famoso personagem de filmes ` Dr. Morte' , interpretado por ele.
A Couple of Beauties
A witness to a mob murder hides out in a nightclub dressed in drag.
Danger Point
Three irresponsible teenagers borrow a yacht belonging to the local Sea Scouts and run out of fuel. They hoist the sail in an endeavour to stop the boat drifting on to the notoriously dangerous Bradda Head, but find themselves in even greater trouble in the shape of a sea-mine.
Zeta One
Women around the globe begin disappearing when a renegade race of top-heavy aliens from the planet Angvia begin snatching them off the streets.
The Haunted House of Horror
Teenagers gathered in an old mansion are being murdered one by one. The survivors must discover who among them is the killer before he finishes off everybody.
What's Good for the Goose
Timothy Bartlett (Norman Wisdom) is a middle-aged banker who is sent to a seaside resort for a banker's convention. He fears the meetings will be frightfully dull, but things change when two amorous hippie girls take Timothy for a sail on the sea of love. Timothy goes middle-aged crazy, making a spectacle of himself in hippie clothes as he tries to fit into the swinging scene. Nude dips in the ocean are followed and preceded by wild parties as he tries to recapture the days of his flaming youth. After he feels remorse and embarrassment over his behavior, he calls on his wife to join him at the convention to rekindle their love in this lowbrow comedy. The British rock group The Pretty Things provides the music.
O Caçador de Bruxas
Na Inglaterra do século 16, Matthew Hopkins, um cruel e violento auto-intitulado caçador de bruxas recebe ouro da população em troca de seus serviços. Inocentes e pecadoras eram torturadas e pagavam com a morte por seus supostos envolvimentos com bruxaria. Um homem, Richard Marshal, está determinado em acabar de vez com o reinado de sangue de Hopkins. Um dos mais impressionantes filmes baseados na obra de Edgar Allan Poe.
The Plank
A slapstick comedy about two workmen delivering planks to a building site. This is done with music and a sort of "wordless dialogue" which consists of a few mumbled sounds to convey the appropriate emotion.
Dublin; June 16, 1904. Stephen Dedalus, who fancies himself as a poet, embarks on a day of wandering about the city during which he finds friendship and a father figure in Leopold Bloom, a middle-aged Jew. Meanwhile, Bloom's day, illuminated by a funeral and an evening of drinking and revelry that stirs paternal feelings toward Stephen, ends with a rapprochement with Molly, his earthy wife.
Naked Evil
Jamaican obi-man hexes student hostel manager, eventually causing the manager's death, before being killed himself by the manager's vengeful spirit.
Rasputin: O Monge Louco
Rasputin, a crazed and debauched monk wreaks havoc at the local inn one night, chopping off the hand of one of the drinkers. As the bitter locals plan their revenge, the evil Rasputin works his satanic power over the beautiful women who serve at the Tsar's palace. Even the Tsarina herself is seduced by his evil ways and, as his influence begins to dominate government policy, there is only one course of action left... to destroy him before he destroys them all.
A Serpente
Quando seu irmão Charles Spalding misteriosamente morre, Harry e sua esposa Valerie decidem se mudar para a pequena casa herdade numa pequena vila. Ao chegarem, são friamente recebidos pelos moradores locais, com a excessão de Tom Bailey, dono do bar da vila, que os recebe. Seu estranho vizinho, Dr. Franklyn, que mora com sua linda filha Anna, tenta convencê-los a deixarem o lugar, mas o casal decide ficar. Quando, juntamente com Tom, Harry descobre que os moradores locais estão sendo mortos por uma espécie de cobra e Anna deixa um bilhete pedindo ajuda ao casal, eles invadem a casa do Dr. Franklyn e descobrem a horripilante verdade.
Drácula: O Príncipe das Trevas
Mesmo depois que o conde Drácula fora destruído pelo Dr. Van Helsing (no filme Horror of Dracula), sua lenda ainda amedronta a população local. Jovens casais em férias na região dos Montes Cárpatos são aconselhados por moradores a desistir de seus planos, pois uma maldição vive escondida no interior da floresta. Julgando tratar-se de mera superstição, os viajantes ignoram o aviso e partem em direção ao desconhecido. Abandonados pelo cocheiro em plena floresta, eles chegam a um castelo.
The Plague of the Zombies
Sir James Forbes arrives in a remote Cornish village to identify a mysterious plague afflicting the population. Local squire Charles, a disciple of Haitian witchcraft, is using the voodoo magic to resurrect the dead to work in his decrepit and unsafe tin mines that are shunned by the local population. But his magic relies on human sacrifice and he unleashes his army of the undead on the unsuspecting village with horrific consequences.
Licensed to Kill
An English spy (Tom Adams) guards a Scandinavian scientist (Karl Stepanek) who has sold an anti-gravity device to each side.
The Kitchen
In the business end of a kitchen, a polyglot staff strives to cope with a superhuman task. A microcosm of the world, the kitchen looms around and encloses its workers; they include Peter, the German cook, who is in love with waitress Monica, and constantly asks her to leave her husband. The pressure of the day becomes unendurable, and when Peter realises that Monica does not mean to divorce her husband his grief and pain cause him to run berserk!
The Surgeon's Knife
A doctor becomes the victim of extortionists when one of his patients dies under questionable circumstances.
Now and Forever
Production Secretary
A rich young society girl falls in love with a car mechanic. Her family is appalled and stops her seeing him. The girl attempts to commit suicide and then decides to elope.
The Glass Cage
Production Accountant
A circus barker stages a sensational new act, the world's longest fast undertaken by “Sapolio”, on view in a glass cage. But this act also results in several murders, a kidnapping, and a poisoning!