Park Soo-yeon

Park Soo-yeon


Park Soo-yeon
Park Soo-yeon


Plant Cafe, Warmth
Hyeonjae was a war correspondent who quit due to his trauma of war. Thinking of the special communication he had with plants as a kid, he returns to his grandfather's arboretum. At that very place, he gains the courage to live on and decides to run a plant café in the city. To his customers who seek him out with their stories and plants, Hyeonjae provides a remedy for not only their plants but also their hearts.
Edição de Vídeos Digitais com Adobe Première Pro: Guia do Mundo Real para Configurações e Fluxo de Trabalho
Vemos uma cena de um típico filme de romance quando, de repente, um terrível erro ocorre. Descobrimos que a cena fazia parte de um filme em montagem. Como o erro misterioso continua se repetindo, o diretor entra em pânico e chama um editor profissional para obter ajuda. A dupla luta para consertar os erros um por um, mas no final, a convicção do diretor é o que mais importa.
High school athlete Hanju lives in poverty but happily with her grandfather, a herb gatherer, and younger brother, who has a lower back disability. Hanju, who was rushed to the emergency room after his grandfather had been involved in an accident, visits a pastor who took care of his family.
Casa de Beija-Flor
"House of Hummingbird" é um filme coreano de drama que se passa em Seul, no final dos anos 90. A história acompanha a vida de Eun-hee, uma adolescente solitária e introspectiva que está tentando encontrar seu lugar no mundo. Enquanto lida com conflitos familiares, problemas escolares e incertezas sobre seu futuro, Eun-hee conhece pessoas importantes em sua vida, como seu melhor amigo, sua professora de chinês e um garoto mais velho que trabalha em uma loja de música. Através dessas relações, ela começa a aprender mais sobre si mesma e sobre o mundo ao seu redor, em uma jornada emocionante e reveladora de autodescoberta.
Daddy in the Bag
While her father remains in a vegetative state. His daughter carries around a robot that stored her father’s memory in her bag.
Hoop It Up
So-eun is a high-school girl living in the countryside. She’s skinny and quite bad at basketball, but she really likes basketball. The problem is that her school doesn’t have enough players for a team, and they’re trying to dismiss the basketball team. So-eun doesn’t have anybody to share her frustration. Then one day, Yu-jin, a washed up movie actress, and Yong-sik, Yu-jin’s fan who also goes to the same school as So-eun, appear in So-eun’s life. Now, So-eun’s time starts to run quite differently from before.
Second Life
O filme coreano acompanha a história de Seon-hee, uma jovem estudante universitária que está tentando superar um trauma pessoal. Ela encontra conforto e apoio em um fórum online sobre suicídio, onde conhece Sool-gi, uma garota misteriosa que se torna sua amiga e confidente. Quando Sool-gi desaparece, Seon-hee decide empreender uma busca desesperada para encontrá-la e descobre um segredo sombrio relacionado à amiga.
Descobertas do Amor
Ha Yeon-ju
A jovem Sun-Hwa é recrutada para o papel de Julieta na peça que será reproduzida na escola. Ao longo dos ensaios, ela vê uma forte conexão nascer com Ha-Nam, a aluna mais velha que viverá Romeu.
Green Days
Sulan, who works in a factory in the summer of 1978, begins learning photos with other female workers from Seok-yoon, the owner of the photo studio across from the factory. Seok-yoon, who had been closed, began to open his heart to female workers, but began to feel uneasy about the female workers' labor movement.
Sunset in My Hometown
On the day that underground rapper Hak-soo fails his 7th audition, he receives a call from his hometown that his father is in the hospital. But he finds out that it was his father's plot to bring him to Byeon-san. To top it all, he is suspected as a phishing scam criminal and locked up in this small, boring suburb.
Joo Yeon-hee
One night, a man who enters a small bar in Yeonhui-dong and a table are all full, so he joins a woman who drinks alone at the recommendation of bar owner
Rain Shower
Ever since her son died, Yeonok spends her time playing her son’s favorite game. She has forgotten how to interact with people or express her affection and goodwill. The lonelier she gets, the more burdensome she becomes to those around her.
Plastic Love
A phone has fallen in love with his owner. But she does not live as he wishes. He is confused, but continues to love her.
The Transfer Student
On the morning of her first day at a new school, a girl practices different ways to greet her teacher in order to make a good impression. A bundle of nerves, she heads off to school, and, contrary to her expectations, is met with indifference by the teacher.
We Can't Go To Heaven, But We Can Love
It tells the story of the love and friendships of girls in the summer of 1999, the year that many believed would be the end of the world.