Sara Martins

Sara Martins

Nascimento : 1977-08-19, Faro, Portugal


Sara Martins (born 19 August 1977) is a Portuguese-born French actress of Cape Verdean descent. She is known in France for her roles on television and in film and theatre. She also appeared as Detective Sergeant Camille Bordey in the joint British-French crime comedy-drama Death in Paradise, filmed in Guadeloupe, a French overseas department. Sara was born in Faro, in the Portuguese region of Algarve, and is of Cape Verdean descent. She moved to France at the age of three. She studied ballet in her youth and was the first person of African descent to join the Lyon Opera. She learned that she would be unable to advance to the Paris Opera, where the corps was expected to look alike and there were no other black dancers. Instead, she received her Baccalauréat with a theatre option. After receiving a DEUG in law, at age 20 she studied at the École de théâtre Les Enfants Terribles in Paris. Then, she completed an acting degree at the extremely selective French National Academy of Dramatic Arts. She learned English through U2 lyrics as a teenager.


Sara Martins


Coup de Chance
Fanny and Jean have everything: fulfilled in their professional lives, they live in a magnificent apartment in the high-end districts of Paris and seem to be as in love as the first day they met. But when Fanny crosses, by chance, Alain, a former high school friend, she is immediately hooked. They see each other again, and, very quickly, get closer and closer…
Un alibi
A group of friends who have known each other for many years meet at Max and Lucie's house to celebrate Lucie's birthday. When they arrive, the three guests discover Max kneeling in front of the body of his wife who has been murdered. He is sure that the police will charge him because everything accuses him. Convinced of his innocence, his friends decide to give him an alibi. But the investigation tightens around Max...
Flowing Home
Thao (voice)
The intertwining fates of two Vietnamese sisters who sustain a wartime relationship through written correspondence.
Todo Mundo Ama Minha Mãe
Uma dupla de mãe e filho são inadvertidamente despachados em um contêiner de Londres para o Marrocos com nada além de seus pijamas. A aventura os leva pela Espanha e França em uma jornada para voltar para casa e reconstruir seu relacionamento rochoso.
Josephine Baker: The Story of an Awakening
Josephine Baker (voice)
How did a poor little black girl from Missouri become the Queen of Paris, before joining the French Resistance and finally creating her dream family “The Rainbow Tribe”, adopting twelve children from four corners of the world? This is the fabulous story of the first black superstar, Josephine Baker.
Amantes e Traições
Piloto aos 16 anos, Giulia cresceu cercada pela paixão de seu pai por corridas de automóvel. Participando do Campeonato GT, a garota é surpreendida pela morte do ex-campeão que sofre um ataque cardíaco durante uma das primeiras corridas. Complicando ainda mais a situação, seu irmão mais velho, que havia abandonado a família, retorna à cena.
Parole contre parole
Children of the Lie
Carole Levasseur
O corpo de Agathe Plichard é achado no rio Creuse. A polícia conclui ter sido um acidente, mas Félix Bricourt, o noivo de Agathe, está convencido que ela foi assassinada.
Missing Child
Luisa Castelli
Luisa lives with Mathieu, the man she loves, and Arthur, Mathieu's son by his first wife, who died in an accident. But Arthur, whom Luisa has been raising like her own, suddenly disappears from school and no one claims a kidnapping.
Une idée en l'air
Un divorce de chien
Além da Suspeita
Valerie é uma mulher ativa e exemplar. Psiquiatra por profissão, mãe, esposa e paroquiana irrepreensível. Ainda assim, Valerie é uma serial killer. Ela mata homens que são culpados de violência doméstica.
The Marquis
Commandant Gilbert
Thomas Gardesse, a traveling alarm systems salesman, is arrested for a minor offense and sentenced to six months imprisonment. To win the respect of his fellow inmates, he claims he is "The Marquis," a brilliant robber whose identity has remained a mystery. Two weeks before his release, an armed robber named Quentin Tasseau helps him escape and takes him to Manila so he can take part in a robbery whose mastermind requires the talents of the Marquis.
L'amour, la mort, les fringues
They stick to our skin and soul, our clothes. We believe we buy them, they own us. Warning ! these rags are traitors: far from dressing us they expose our complexes, our moods ... Clinging to their hangers, to our memories too, they exercise an underhand dictatorship. Snuggled up, huddled together, they build a bulwark against oblivion in our closets. Often stained for eternity with ink or redcurrant, impregnated with perfume, tears sometimes, piled up or messed up on our shelves, they remain forever linked to the happy or unhappy chapters of our life. It is through the evocation of their wardrobe that Gigi, Eve, Marie, Nora, Françoise, Amanda, Lisa and the others evoke the past, missed appointments and those that changed their lives, the joys and childhood revolts, giggles, disappointments, dramas, parties and hopes too…
Gab, um jovem pouco ambicioso de uma rica família parisiense, apaixona-se por Leila, uma bela estudante de direito. Francesa de origem árabe, Leila está profundamente presa na luta dos imigrantes ilegais. O amor entre os dois aumenta, apesar da oposição de todos. Passado em Paris, o filme é um musical político que traz covers de canções clássicas francesas.
Last Blood
Vérité N'Diaye
Profil non conforme
Até a Eternidade
La copine lesbienne de Marie
Um acidente quase fatal leva um amigo a ir parar em um hospital, enquanto que o resto de grupo viaja em suas férias anuais. Os segredos e a cobiça de cada um dos envolvidos ameaça romper o grupo de amigos no meio. Terceiro longa-metragem do diretor Guillaume Canet.
O Concerto
Secretaire Duplessis
À época de Brejnev, Andrei Filipov era o maior maestro da União Soviética e dirigia a célebre Orquestra do Bolshoi. Mas, após recusar se separar de seus músicos judeus, entre os quais estava o seu melhor amigo, Sacha, Andrei foi demitido em plena glória. Trinta anos depois, ele continua a trabalhar no Bolshoi... como faxineiro. Uma noite em que Andrei fica até mais tarde, para polir a escrivaninha do diretor, ele se depara com um fax encaminhado à direção do Teatro: trata-se de uma mensagem do Teatro de Châtelet, convidando a orquestra do Bolshoi para tocar em Paris. Subitamente, Andrei tem uma ideia louca: por que não reunir seus antigos companheiros músicos, que vivem hoje de pequenos biscates, e ir com eles a Paris, fazendo-se passar pelo Bolshoi? Enfim, a ocasião tão esperada de ter a sua revanche.
18 ans après avoir quitté sa terre natale, Rod, jeune Parisien d´origine guyanaise, rentre au pays suite à la disparition de son frère aîné. Gonz, son ami d´enfance des cités, fait partie du voyage. À Cayenne, la révélation d´un douloureux secret de famille pousse Rod dans une quête effrénée de vérité. Il fait la connaissance de Yann, une jeune guide de tourisme écologique très remontée contre les méfaits de l’orpaillage clandestin. Tous les trois seront dès lors pris dans un engrenage, entraînés au bout fleuve, au coeur de la forêt amazonienne, dans le milieu hostile et archaïque des orpailleurs clandestins...
A 35 ans, Sam est un casseur de coffres hors pair. Entre la garde de son petit garçon qu'il élève seul, son grand-père qui rêverait de le voir rejoindre l'entreprise familiale, sa petite amie qui se lasse de ses mensonges, il essaie désespérément de devenir un Mensch, un homme bien.
La veuve Tatouée
Belleville Tour
Horas de Verão
Atachée de presse
Three siblings struggle to deal with the recent death of their mother, the end of their childhoods and their unique visions for the future.
Il y a des jours où le destin entrecroise les vies, où les solitudes s'animent sous l'effet du hasard, où un événement bouleverse le cours de plusieurs vies. Six personnages vont se croiser, se réunir, s'abandonner, se retrouver alors que rien ne les prédisposait à se rencontrer. Un lien existe pourtant entre eux. Et le destin va se charger de le leur rappeler.
Sarah Ouaziz
Eric Mercadier tem 45 anos é um oficial da polícia de Lyon e é casado com Anne, uma psicóloga de 40 anos. O casal tem um filho, Paco, adolescente rebelde de dezasseis anos. A vida sentimental de Eric dará uma reviravolta no dia em que, no decorrer de uma investigação criminal, ele conhece Emmanuel Rivière, o novo médico legista. É amor à primeira vista entre os dois.
Não Conte a Ninguém
L'amie de Bruno
O pediatra Alex, arrasado desde a morte de sua esposa Margot, selvagemente assassinada a oito anos, ainda nos primeiros dias de seu matrimônio, recebe um e-mail anônimo revelando o rosto de Margot… estará ela viva? Porque ela pede ao seu marido que…Não Conte a Ninguém? São muitas questões que Alex não terá tempo de investigar...
O Botânico no Alentejo
Two musicians who play for tips at a Portuguese train station find a magical book left by a passenger in a rush to board a train. The musicians walk across the Alentejo region of Portugal in search of the passenger. This leads to a walking journey of beautiful fields, local towns, and the Alentejo countryside. The is a wonderful film of two friends who explore a magical country. It is charming and has elements of a dreamlike fantasy.
Mer belle à agitée
l'inspectrice du travail
J'invente rien
Paul has no specific life goal, and Mathilde, who provides for their household, despairs that he can find one. If he continues like this, she may well drop him. So Paul thinks he's got to invent something.
Beyond the Ocean
Journey of an african migrant through Europe.
My Friends
Manon, Aurore and Marie would like to represent their school at the Youth Challenge “Dance Special” organized by Paris’s city hall. If they win, they could have a month’s vacation in a country of their dreams, free from all constraints.
Paris, Te Amo
Sara (Parc Monceau)
Em Paris, o amor está por todos os lugares. Está nos bares, nos cafés, na Torre Eiffeil, até no metrô que circula abaixo de suas ruas. Paris, Te Amo é uma declaração à Cidade Luz através dos olhos de alguns dos maiores diretores do mundo incluindo Walter Salles ,os Irmãos Coen, Alfonso Cuarón, Wes Craven. Cada um retrata, de um jeito ou de outro, a alegria, a separação, os encontros inesperados e acima de tudo o amor.
Enceinte jusqu'aux dents
Ambre, la réalisatrice
Bhaï bhaï
Lola "bonnes vacances"
In Your Dreams
La femme de Keuj
Ninth is a promising young rapper whose reputation does not exceed even the few streets of his neighborhood. With his band and supported by Keuj, hairdresser apprentice producer, he tries to attend concerts and trying to break into the music, to the chagrin of his mother, who would see him in a more conventional career at the post office...
Ne quittez pas!
La réceptionniste de l'hotel
Félix Mandel, an internationally renowned astrophysicist, is married with a four-year-old son and often has his head in the clouds.
Les amateurs
In a suburb of Paris, the clumsy efforts of two friends in their twenties to make themselves loved by two young students.
Par amour
Nicole Doucet is a gourmet chef. Everything is going well professionally for the young woman. Guillaume, her son, is a former drug addict whom she has lost sight of. The day he returns to her restaurant, she discovers that he is married to a woman much older than him. Nicole is suspicious of this idyll and fears that Guillaume will fall back into the infernal spiral of drugs.