Sara Martins
출생 : 1977-08-19, Faro, Portugal
Sara Martins (born 19 August 1977) is a Portuguese-born French actress of Cape Verdean descent. She is known in France for her roles on television and in film and theatre. She also appeared as Detective Sergeant Camille Bordey in the joint British-French crime comedy-drama Death in Paradise, filmed in Guadeloupe, a French overseas department. Sara was born in Faro, in the Portuguese region of Algarve, and is of Cape Verdean descent. She moved to France at the age of three. She studied ballet in her youth and was the first person of African descent to join the Lyon Opera. She learned that she would be unable to advance to the Paris Opera, where the corps was expected to look alike and there were no other black dancers. Instead, she received her Baccalauréat with a theatre option. After receiving a DEUG in law, at age 20 she studied at the École de théâtre Les Enfants Terribles in Paris. Then, she completed an acting degree at the extremely selective French National Academy of Dramatic Arts. She learned English through U2 lyrics as a teenager.
Fanny and Jean have everything: fulfilled in their professional lives, they live in a magnificent apartment in the high-end districts of Paris and seem to be as in love as the first day they met. But when Fanny crosses, by chance, Alain, a former high school friend, she is immediately hooked. They see each other again, and, very quickly, get closer and closer…
A group of friends who have known each other for many years meet at Max and Lucie's house to celebrate Lucie's birthday. When they arrive, the three guests discover Max kneeling in front of the body of his wife who has been murdered. He is sure that the police will charge him because everything accuses him. Convinced of his innocence, his friends decide to give him an alibi. But the investigation tightens around Max...
Thao (voice)
The intertwining fates of two Vietnamese sisters who sustain a wartime relationship through written correspondence.
A mother and son duo get inadvertently shipped in a container from London to Morocco with nothing but their pajamas. The adventure takes them through Spain and France on a journey to get home and rebuild their rocky relationship.
Josephine Baker (voice)
How did a poor little black girl from Missouri become the Queen of Paris, before joining the French Resistance and finally creating her dream family “The Rainbow Tribe”, adopting twelve children from four corners of the world? This is the fabulous story of the first black superstar, Josephine Baker.
Sequel to 2002's "Summer Things" (Embrassez qui vous voudrez). This French comedy follows various people in two families. Bertrand and his wife, Elizabeth, are a wealthy couple who plan to vacation near the same coastal town as their friends, Jerome and Veronique, who are secretly struggling with financial problems. Meanwhile, Bertrand and his daughter, Emilie, have each been hiding a secret, and these deceptions are bound to have repercussions.
Carole Levasseur
A week before her wedding, Agathe Plichard, a pretty young woman of mixed race, is found drowned in the Creuse river. The police treat the case as an accident but her fiancé, Félix Bricourt, is convinced she was murdered. He decides to investigate by himself, despite the wishes of his family, a wealthy dynasty of the region. Won over by Félix's resolve, police inspector Carole Levasseur also decides to find out the truth. The murder of an independent journalist changes the course of the investigation, stirring up the past and unveiling the forgotten "Children of the Creuse" affair.
Luisa Castelli
Luisa lives with Mathieu, the man she loves, and Arthur, Mathieu's son by his first wife, who died in an accident. But Arthur, whom Luisa has been raising like her own, suddenly disappears from school and no one claims a kidnapping.
Valérie, a youthful 40, is an active, exemplary woman. A psychiatrist by trade, she is also a perfect mother, wife, and parishioner. And yet, Valérie is also a murderer.
Commandant Gilbert
Thomas Gardesse, a traveling alarm systems salesman, is arrested for a minor offense and sentenced to six months imprisonment. To win the respect of his fellow inmates, he claims he is "The Marquis," a brilliant robber whose identity has remained a mystery. Two weeks before his release, an armed robber named Quentin Tasseau helps him escape and takes him to Manila so he can take part in a robbery whose mastermind requires the talents of the Marquis.
They stick to our skin and soul, our clothes. We believe we buy them, they own us. Warning ! these rags are traitors: far from dressing us they expose our complexes, our moods ... Clinging to their hangers, to our memories too, they exercise an underhand dictatorship. Snuggled up, huddled together, they build a bulwark against oblivion in our closets. Often stained for eternity with ink or redcurrant, impregnated with perfume, tears sometimes, piled up or messed up on our shelves, they remain forever linked to the happy or unhappy chapters of our life. It is through the evocation of their wardrobe that Gigi, Eve, Marie, Nora, Françoise, Amanda, Lisa and the others evoke the past, missed appointments and those that changed their lives, the joys and childhood revolts, giggles, disappointments, dramas, parties and hopes too…
Vérité N'Diaye
La copine lesbienne de Marie
매년 프랑스 남부 해변가 맥스(프랑수아 클루제)의 호화로운 별장에서 휴가를 함께 보내는 개성만점 8명의 친구들. 하지만 휴가를 하루 앞둔 어느 날, 파리에서 바이크 드라이브를 즐기던 루도(장뒤자르댕)가 갑작스런 교통사고로 사경을 헤매게 되고 모두를 혼란에 빠뜨린다. 불안함과 공허함, 그리고 각자 비밀들을 감춘 채 그 해 예정되어 있던 2주간의 특별한 여행을 떠나게 되는데…
Secretaire Duplessis
30년 전, 유대인을 숨겨줬단 이유로 볼쇼이 교향악단에서 지휘자 자리를 박탈당한 안드레이. 그는 복귀의 그날 만을 꿈꾸며 볼쇼이 극장에서 말단 청소부로 버티고 있다. 그러던 어느날, 볼쇼이에 파리의 극장에서 초청공문이 날라오고 공문을 몰래 가로챈 안드레이는 절친한 친구 샤샤와 함께 30년 전 못다한 공연의 설욕무대를 몰래 준비하려 하는데...
18 ans après avoir quitté sa terre natale, Rod, jeune Parisien d´origine guyanaise, rentre au pays suite à la disparition de son frère aîné. Gonz, son ami d´enfance des cités, fait partie du voyage. À Cayenne, la révélation d´un douloureux secret de famille pousse Rod dans une quête effrénée de vérité. Il fait la connaissance de Yann, une jeune guide de tourisme écologique très remontée contre les méfaits de l’orpaillage clandestin. Tous les trois seront dès lors pris dans un engrenage, entraînés au bout fleuve, au coeur de la forêt amazonienne, dans le milieu hostile et archaïque des orpailleurs clandestins...
A 35 ans, Sam est un casseur de coffres hors pair. Entre la garde de son petit garçon qu'il élève seul, son grand-père qui rêverait de le voir rejoindre l'entreprise familiale, sa petite amie qui se lasse de ses mensonges, il essaie désespérément de devenir un Mensch, un homme bien.
Atachée de presse
뛰어난 예술적 감각으로 카밀 코로, 오딜롱 르동, 루이 마조렐 같은 19세기 작가들의 작품을 소장하며 한 평생을 보낸 어머니.
한 여름 가족들과 함께 생일을 기념하던 어느 날, 그녀는 생일을 즐기기 보다는 자신이 죽으면 있을 집과 집안의 물건들에 대한 처리 문제로 걱정을 털어놓는다.
그러나 큰 아들 프레데릭은 어머니뿐만 아니라 삼 남매와 손자, 손녀들의 추억까지 고스란히 담겨 있는 이 집은 당연히 그대로 보존될 것이라며 귀를 기울이지 않는다. 그러던 어느 날, 갑작스럽게 어머니의 사망소식을 듣게 된 세 남매는 믿을 수 없는 이별을 맞게 되고. 막상 생전 어머니의 집과 유품을 처리해야 하는 상황에 놓인 그들은 생각지 못했던 이견 때문에 충돌하게 된다.
유품을 지키고 싶은 큰 아들 프레데릭(샤를르 베를랭), 디자이너로 해외 활동이 많은 둘째 아드리엔(줄리엣 비노쉬) 그리고 중국에서 시작할 새 일로 목돈이 필요한 막내 제레미(제레미 레니에)까지, 세 남매는 자신들이 처한 현실과 어머니의 유품에 대한 안타까움 사이에서 갈등하게 되는데...
Il y a des jours où le destin entrecroise les vies, où les solitudes s'animent sous l'effet du hasard, où un événement bouleverse le cours de plusieurs vies. Six personnages vont se croiser, se réunir, s'abandonner, se retrouver alors que rien ne les prédisposait à se rencontrer. Un lien existe pourtant entre eux. Et le destin va se charger de le leur rappeler.
Sarah Ouaziz
Eric and Sarah are detectives who are investigating the murder of a professor which it seems like a gay hate crime. Married Eric becomes attracted to the pathologist, Emmanuel.
L'amie de Bruno
2005년, '밀약'이란 제목으로 이 영화의 모태가 된 2권짜리 추리소설이 우리나라에 번역 출간된 적도 있다. 8년 전 연쇄살인범에게 아내를 잃은 벡에게 아내가 살아 있을 수 있다는 내용의 메일이 도착한다. 지푸라기라도 잡는 심정으로 아내의 자취를 쫓는 그에게 새로운 사건이 나타나고, 모든 정황은 벡을 범인으로 몰고 간다.
Two musicians who play for tips at a Portuguese train station find a magical book left by a passenger in a rush to board a train. The musicians walk across the Alentejo region of Portugal in search of the passenger. This leads to a walking journey of beautiful fields, local towns, and the Alentejo countryside. The is a wonderful film of two friends who explore a magical country. It is charming and has elements of a dreamlike fantasy.
l'inspectrice du travail
Paul has no specific life goal, and Mathilde, who provides for their household, despairs that he can find one. If he continues like this, she may well drop him. So Paul thinks he's got to invent something.
Journey of an african migrant through Europe.
Manon, Aurore and Marie would like to represent their school at the Youth Challenge “Dance Special” organized by Paris’s city hall. If they win, they could have a month’s vacation in a country of their dreams, free from all constraints.
Sara (Parc Monceau)
아멜리에의 프로듀서가 전세계 최고의 감독 20명과 찍은 18편의 옴니버스 영화로, 파리를 배경으로 한 18가지의 색다른 사랑 이야기를 담고 있다. 5분의 제한 시간 안에서 펼쳐지는 이야기들의 한가지 공통점은 바로 '사랑의 도시, 파리'라는 주제이다. 각각의 감독들은 이 주제를 받아들이고 자신들만의 개성을 듬뿍 담은 작품들을 탄생시켰다. 마치 를 연상시키는 내레이션으로 연결된 18편의 짧은 영화들은 파리를 배경으로 펼쳐지는 갖가지 훈훈한 사랑의 기운을 전달하고 있다. 파리 시내 20개 구 중 한 곳을 골라 최소한의 비용으로 5분 동안 사랑이야기를 찍기. 에 참여한 20명의 감독에게 주어진 공통조건이었다. 몽마르트 언덕, 에펠탑, 차이나타운, 마레, 센 강변 등 파리 곳곳을 배경으로, 현대 파리의 일상과 주인공들의 천차만별 사랑, 그리고 세계 곳곳의 감독들이 파리에 보내는 사랑이 함께 어우러진다. 감독들 각자의 개성과 세계적인 스타들의 모습이 몽타주된 감미로운 영화.
Ambre, la réalisatrice
Lola "bonnes vacances"
La femme de Keuj
Ninth is a promising young rapper whose reputation does not exceed even the few streets of his neighborhood. With his band and supported by Keuj, hairdresser apprentice producer, he tries to attend concerts and trying to break into the music, to the chagrin of his mother, who would see him in a more conventional career at the post office...
La réceptionniste de l'hotel
Félix Mandel, an internationally renowned astrophysicist, is married with a four-year-old son and often has his head in the clouds.
In a suburb of Paris, the clumsy efforts of two friends in their twenties to make themselves loved by two young students.
Nicole Doucet is a gourmet chef. Everything is going well professionally for the young woman. Guillaume, her son, is a former drug addict whom she has lost sight of. The day he returns to her restaurant, she discovers that he is married to a woman much older than him. Nicole is suspicious of this idyll and fears that Guillaume will fall back into the infernal spiral of drugs.