In the nearest future, the Catholic Church learnt how to resurrect people. The whole process is kept secret and follows strict rules: only sinless believers under the age of 65 can be resurrected. The film is set on the computer of Stanley, an on-line church priest who helps those who were brought back to life. He is divorced and his son lives with his ex-wife, so he can chat with him only on-line. Stanley's son was the first person to be resurrected after he died in a car accident that Stanley caused. Soon Stanley learns that there is a huge conspiracy behind the resurrection process.
Executive Producer
Quando sua mãe desaparece durante uma viagem de férias na Colômbia com seu novo namorado, a busca de June por respostas é cercada por um alerta vermelho internacional. Presa há milhares de quilômetros de distância em Los Angeles, June faz uso creativo dos recursos tecnológicos atuais que tem à sua disposição para tentar encontra-la antes que seja tarde demais. Mas quanto mais fundo ela cava, sua busca digital levanta mais questões do que respostas; e quando June se depara com segredos de sua mãe, ela descobre que talvez ela nunca nem ao menos a conhecia de verdade.
Após o divórcio dos pais, o maior desejo de Annie é voltar para sua escola e amigos em Nova Jersey. Quando a oportunidade perfeita surge, ela arma um plano para fazer com que eles se apaixonem de novo, mas as coisas não são tão fáceis.
The story of a girl who, in an attempt to understand the mysterious suicide of her younger sister, embarks on a dangerous game, hoping to stop the curators of the "death group" pushing teenagers to suicide.
Mikhail Devyatayev, a captured Soviet pilot who leads an escape from a German concentration camp by hijacking an aircraft.
Mikhail Devyatayev, a captured Soviet pilot who leads an escape from a German concentration camp by hijacking an aircraft.
Told entirely through social media and smartphone screens, this bold adaptation of Romeo and Juliet reinvents the world’s most enduring love story with style and lyricism, with black and brown youth at the heart of it all.
Short film for the Action! 2020
Short film for the Action! 2020
Durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial, um homem judeu evita ser enviado para um campo de concentração alegando ser persa. Quando um oficial militar alemão pede que fale farsi, ele deve fingir falar o idioma para garantir sua sobrevivência.
On New Year’s Eve, the father of the family, a research associate, was fired and, in a desperate search for money for New Year presents to his family, he begins to play poker in the hope of an easy win. He would be very much surprised to find out that his main gambling opponent is his dearest wife that has won back the family budget spent by the humble husband.
Executive Producer
Um thriller ambiental seguindo o jornalista investigativo Matt Blomberg e o ativista oceânico Paul Ferber em sua perigosa missão de criar uma área de preservação marinha para enfrentar a maré implacável da pesca ilegal no Camboja.
Office employee Vasily is forced to spend the Friday evening before the New Year not in a bar with friends and not at home with his family, but at work with his boss, who during a Skype call instructs the hero to urgently make another presentation. The hated boss drives Vasily so much that for the first time in his life he decides to tell him everything he thinks about him — more precisely, write to him in a messenger. The sweet feeling of liberation from office slavery is replaced by anxiety for the future, own and family, especially since the boss immediately starts typing something in response…
"The Last Six Degrees of Celebration" will be the most touching, kind and magical of all, because your favorite characters will say goodbye to the audience. The film almanac will include five New Year stories. In the novel "Pines" millenial will help his brutal stepfather, Uncle Yura, to make a marriage proposal. In "The Brothers", the inseparable friends, Borya and Zhenya, will once again be on the verge of breaking up, because Zhenya is going to return to Yakutsk. The skier and snowboarder turned the whole city over for the sake of the smile of one beauty in the short story “Restaurant of quick acquaintance”. “The Station for Three” will tell the story of a simple girl from Voronezh who went in pursuit of her happiness - the capital actor Komarovsky, and in the novel “Bad Grandpa” the Snow Maiden will go to save a lonely, but very grumbling grandpa.
"The Last Six Degrees of Celebration" will be the most touching, kind and magical of all, because your favorite characters will say goodbye to the audience. The film almanac will include five New Year stories. In the novel "Pines" millenial will help his brutal stepfather, Uncle Yura, to make a marriage proposal. In "The Brothers", the inseparable friends, Borya and Zhenya, will once again be on the verge of breaking up, because Zhenya is going to return to Yakutsk. The skier and snowboarder turned the whole city over for the sake of the smile of one beauty in the short story “Restaurant of quick acquaintance”. “The Station for Three” will tell the story of a simple girl from Voronezh who went in pursuit of her happiness - the capital actor Komarovsky, and in the novel “Bad Grandpa” the Snow Maiden will go to save a lonely, but very grumbling grandpa.
The protagonist of the story is a workaholic taxi driver who has no one dearer than the voice navigator "Alice". That and support, and joke, and the route prompts, and the song will pick up on the occasion of the anniversary of dating.
Após uma jovem de 16 anos desaparecer, seu pai David Kim pede ajuda às autoridades locais. Sem sucesso, após 37 horas, David decide invadir o computador de sua filha para procurar pistas que possam levar ao seu paradeiro.
Production Director
After celebrating his best friend birthday Anton has a terrible headache, doesn't remember anything and in addition must destroy some videos which can seriously compromise Anton's relationship with his girlfriend.
Um jovem de 20 anos encontra arquivos ocultos no armazenamento de memória do seu novo laptop e sem perceber ele se vê preso na tela do computador e dentro da parte mais profunda e obscura da web.
The rich inner world of famous Georgian theater and film director, artist and puppeteer Rezo Gabriadze is as fantastic as the animation into which he has poured this story of his life. Rezo’s director son Levan "Leo" Gabriadze, who previously made the horror film Unfriended (2014), leaves it to his father to talk about a life suffused with magical thinking.
Life is like walking on a tightrope. In times we are scared or lost we lose balance. When we are happy and excited, we forget we walk on a rope. We can even fly!
Inspirado em eventos verdadeiros, Profile segue uma jornalista britânica disfarçada em sua busca para atrair e expor um recrutador terrorista através das redes sociais, enquanto tenta não ser sugada por ele e induzida a se tornar uma militante extremista.
Inspirado em eventos verdadeiros, Profile segue uma jornalista britânica disfarçada em sua busca para atrair e expor um recrutador terrorista através das redes sociais, enquanto tenta não ser sugada por ele e induzida a se tornar uma militante extremista.
Inspirado em eventos verdadeiros, Profile segue uma jornalista britânica disfarçada em sua busca para atrair e expor um recrutador terrorista através das redes sociais, enquanto tenta não ser sugada por ele e induzida a se tornar uma militante extremista.
Ambientado no final do século XIX, a Guerra das Correntes, que foi uma disputa entre Thomas Edison (Benedict Cumberbatch) e George Westinghouse (Michael Shannon) sobre como deveria ser feita a distribuição da eletricidade. Edison fez uma campanha pela utilização da corrente contínua para isso, enquanto Westinghouse defendia a corrente alternada.
Four teens follow an internet legend to an abandoned asylum where their live-streamed exploration turns into a fight to survive a malevolent spirit.
General Manager
As the new year celebrations approach, a bunch of characters throughout Russia experience diverse situations that eventually get interconnected towards a joyous finale.
Em março de 1965, a União Soviética e os Estados Unidos disputavam o primeiro lugar na corrida pela conquista espacial e o próximo e ambicioso passo era fazer um homem "caminhar" em pleno espaço sideral. Dois cosmonautas russos, Aleksei Leonov e Pavel Belyayev, se lançam na missão Voskhod 2 com o objetivo de serem os pioneiros desta façanha. Sendo o primeiro ser humano a deixar a nave em um traje espacial e realizar uma caminhada de doze minutos, Leonov entra para a história, mas não sem enfrentar inúmeras dificuldades e perigos, antes e depois da concretização do seu feito. (e 12 - Estimado 12 Anos)
This time on New Year, the favourite heroes of “Yolki” perform the usual nonsense and hope for a miracle. Borya needs to somehow restore family happiness, and for its sake is ready to steal a penguin from his best friend Zhenya. The Skier and Snowboarder have not matured and stage a mad chase for a Christmas tree. Manya learns how to use the Internet in the hope of finding her old love. The professor from Yekaterinburg has settled down, but now he goes mad from jealousy. In the far North a safety engineer must take a risk and, at last, confess his love. The bloggers who remained with- out Internet have to get out of a lift. Well, and the penguin simply needs to sit down urgently on an egg...
This time on New Year, the favourite heroes of “Yolki” perform the usual nonsense and hope for a miracle. Borya needs to somehow restore family happiness, and for its sake is ready to steal a penguin from his best friend Zhenya. The Skier and Snowboarder have not matured and stage a mad chase for a Christmas tree. Manya learns how to use the Internet in the hope of finding her old love. The professor from Yekaterinburg has settled down, but now he goes mad from jealousy. In the far North a safety engineer must take a risk and, at last, confess his love. The bloggers who remained with- out Internet have to get out of a lift. Well, and the penguin simply needs to sit down urgently on an egg...
Popular teen video-bloggers became digital persons after being «hacked» by evil computer virus. They need to find their way back home from this «digital trap».
A história épica de Judah Ben-Hur, um príncipe falsamente acusado de traição por seu irmão adotivo Messala, um oficial do exército romano. Destituído de seu título, afastado de sua família e da mulher amada, Judah é forçado à escravidão. Depois de muitos anos no mar, Judah retorna à sua pátria em busca de vingança, mas encontra a redenção.
Executive Producer
Melancholy and tender reflections on solitude and misunderstandings, with a profusion of graphic detail. Human shortcomings tie the dramatic knot of the story. Everybody finds his way to be unhappy. Everybody is looking for love.
For a successful Road Patrol Service officer time to start a family, but he lives with his mother. When Petia decides to propose Olya marriage, his official car crashes into drunken pop star.
No meio do casamento da princesa Miroslava,ela é sequestrada por um dragão e levada para o seu castelo numa remota ilha. Mira deixou tudo para trás no passado – família, amigos e do noivo. Agora, as únicas coisas que ela tinha eram uma gaiola de pedra e um rapaz misterioso chamado Arman … mas quem é ele e o que ele está fazendo na ilha? Miroslava vai saber a verdade tarde demais.
Henry, um ciborgue recém-ressuscitado deve salvar sua esposa/criadora das garras de um tirano psicótico com poderes telecináticos, Akan, e seu exército de mercenários. Lutando ao lado dele, Jimmy é a única esperança de Henry para realizar tal feito até o final do dia.
Roman runs a bachelor’s life and hosts his own radio show. As a real psychologist, he gives advices to his listeners by adding them with prickly jokes. Until one of these jokes turns against himself. To the question asked by 20 year old Alyona, if she should go and visit her father, he surely replies: “Of course! I’d be glad to!” He does not know that the lady on air is a fruit of his own one night love affair and that he has offhand become not only a father, but also a grandfather of Alyona’s son. Newly-crowned relatives take careless Roman and his girlfriend Sasha, a social lioness and owner of the radio station, straight to hell. Alyona is also still to face the same disappointment. Only miracle can turn these four people into a united family…
General Manager
Nastya é uma garotinha que mora com na casa de sua avó e é dona de dois cães muito inteligentes, a cocker spaniel Yoko e Pirata, um cão sem raça definida (vira-latas). Em férias da escola, ambas planejam uma viagem para visitar seus pais. Ela resolve então, deixar os dois cães num hotel para cachorros, acreditando ser o melhor para os cães. Yoko e Pirata acabam sentindo-se excluídos no hotel e resolvem fugir e voltar para casa, ideia que os alegra muito. A felicidade canina é interrompida quando os picaretas do hotel revelam-se dois ladrões que tentarão roubar a casa da avó de Nastya. Só não contavam que Yoko e Pirata não iriam deixar barato e defenderão a casa com patas, ossos e muito Rock’n’Roll!
When a young man’s estranged father is killed under suspicious circumstances, he returns home for the first time in years to get to the bottom of the mystery. Hoping to uncover some logical explanation, he instead finds his mom’s sleazy new boyfriend, a natural gas company buying up the town, an angry female sheriff who happens to be his ex-girlfriend, and an army of flesh-eating squirrels hellbent on destroying everything in their path due to an erosion of their food chain as a result of environmental destruction by the gas company.
100 years ago, the Russian Empire ... Christmas Eve. December plugs, holiday celebrations, balls and modest luxury holidays, titled nobles and ordinary peasants, the royal family and the soldiers of the First World War, progressive poets and the first skaters - everything was different, except ... the holiday. People prepared, lived, believed dreaming and waiting for this miracle - Christmas!
100 years ago, the Russian Empire ... Christmas Eve. December plugs, holiday celebrations, balls and modest luxury holidays, titled nobles and ordinary peasants, the royal family and the soldiers of the First World War, progressive poets and the first skaters - everything was different, except ... the holiday. People prepared, lived, believed dreaming and waiting for this miracle - Christmas!
Van'ka works as a doorman at the hotel. He hates its wealthy guests, but has dreams to live a luxurious life. Forced to live in a car, he's miserable. In this already difficult situation he comes across the collector Sergey, who is determined to knock out the debt out of Vanka.
Hoping to break a big jackpot Natasha's stepfather does the financial gamble than substitutes his business partners. The whole family mourns Boris Ivanovich. Everything goes according to plan, until the stepfathers comrade comes.
Quando um vídeo constrangedor de Laura Barns (Heather Sossaman) cai na internet, a menina tira a própria vida no pátio da escola. Um ano depois, um grupo de seis amigos (Courtney Halverson, Shelley Hennig, Renee Olstead, William Peltz, Moses Jacob Storm e Jacob Wysocki) conversam via Skype e percebem que há uma sétima pessoa desconhecida na vídeoconferência, que revela ser sua ex-colega de classe, Laura, exigindo saber quem postou o vídeo que a levou à morte. Eles pensam que é uma brincadeira mas logo descobrem que há algo estranho, já que a menina começa a revelar segredos dos amigos e os ameaça de morte.
And again a heroes of "Yolki" series are ready and prepared for a New Year.
Progressive and talented Natasha and Roma dream of a European wedding by the sea - but Natasha's stepfather procured a different scenario. Rough official of the city administration considers the celebration as a springboard for their careers, and seeks to arrange all the «how to». Young awaits an unforgettable evening in the restaurant «Golden» with a complete set of the tedious rites. Not fight, the guys decide to spend their dream wedding in secret from conservative relatives. But by accident both celebration come together.
Four old friends decide to have a meeting in order to discover a hidden truth about themselves. Based on Filipp Lelush play.
The remake of the soviet classic with a modern setting. Troshkin, a children's party entertainer, uncannily resembles the notorious criminal "Smilik". After the thief steals a valuable artifact, Troshkin is forced to act as his dead ringer in order to restore his reputation and good name.
Desejando criar um novo mundo no qual o vento polar esfrie as almas humanas, a Rainha da Neve cobriu o planeta com gelo e ordenou a destruição de todas as artes. De acordo com as previsões de um espelho mágico, a última ameaça aos seus planos estaria no mestre-vidreiro Vegard, cujos espelhos refletem não apenas a aparência, mas também as almas das pessoas. Então, o vento polar sequestra Vegard e sua esposa Una, deixando seus filhos Kai e Gerda para trás. O tempo passa e os servos da Rainha acabam capturando também Kai, acreditando que o garoto é o sucessor de seu pai. Mas sua irmã Gerda, agora uma garota muito corajosa, não vai deixar isso barato. Embarcando em uma jornada pelo reino, ela vai encarar todos os obstáculos ao lado de seus novos amigos para salvar o irmão e voltar a aquecer os corações das pessoas.
Nancy Lincoln é a mãe do presidente Abraham Lincoln e foi assassinada por uma criatura sobrenatural. Inconformado com o fato, ele declara uma guerra sem piedade contra os seres das trevas e começa a destruir todos os vampiros e os escravos que os ajudam.
Nancy Lincoln é a mãe do presidente Abraham Lincoln e foi assassinada por uma criatura sobrenatural. Inconformado com o fato, ele declara uma guerra sem piedade contra os seres das trevas e começa a destruir todos os vampiros e os escravos que os ajudam.
Os Kikorikis vivem em paz e longe do mundo civilizado. Até que eles fazem algo novo como assistir ao programa do super-herói Lucien na televisão.
Cinco jovens estão de férias em Moscou quando a cidade é alvo dum ataque por extraterrestres, em busca de energia elétrica. Depressa outras cidades começam a ser atingidas, e os 5 amigos vão tentar sobreviver às criaturas que transformaram Moscou numa cidade quase deserta...
A lot of things happened in the life of "Yolki" hepes during the last year, but here it's again - the New Year's eve...
A lot of things happened in the life of "Yolki" hepes during the last year, but here it's again - the New Year's eve...
Oficialmente, a Apollo 17 foi a última missão tripulada à Lua, tendo sido lançada em 17 de dezembro de 1972. Só que, um ano depois, foi enviado ao satélite uma missão sigilosa, a Apollo 18, financiada pelo Departamento de Defesa dos Estados Unidos. Apenas dois astronautas foram enviados e ambos não sabiam o que estavam por enfrentar. Quando um deles encontra um capacete rachado em pleno solo lunar eles percebem que há algo de errado ali.
Slava Kolotilov é um professor que chega a Moscovo com o manuscrito sobre um romance debaixo do braço, determinado a conquistar a cidade. Conquista o coração da bela Nadya. Aproxima o dia do casamento, e o restaurante é reservado, convites vieram, mas Slava não consegue escapar das garras da diretora da escola, que o obriga a ser o treinador da equipa de futebol "Palchiki" no campeonato das províncias. Mas a celebração em Moscovo está a decorrer, apesar do noivo não estar presente.
A collection of several interlinked stories that happen on the New Year's eve...
A collection of several interlinked stories that happen on the New Year's eve...
Executive Producer
In the center of the story is the life of the indigenous people of the village Bakhtia at the river Yenisei in the Siberian Taiga. The camera follows the protagonists in the village over a period of a year. The natives, whose daily routines have barely changed over the last centuries, keep living their lives according to their own cultural traditions.
Um estudante universitário de Moscou se torna o dono de um carro voador, ele, então, consegue fugir do caótico transito da cidade mas ele acaba se tornando o defensor da cidade, um misterioso rapaz que luta contra o mal. Trovão Negro é um filme russo produzido pelo diretor de O Procurado, Timur Bekmambetov
Quando o boneco 9 ganha vida, ele se encontra num mundo pós-apocalíptico em que os humanos foram dizimados. Por acaso, encontra uma pequena comunidade de outros como ele, que estão escondidos das terríveis máquinas que vagam pela Terra com a intenção de exterminá-los. Apesar de ser o novato do grupo, 9 convence os demais que ficar escondido não os levará a nada. Eles devem tomar a ofensiva se quiserem sobreviver e antes disso, precisam descobrir por que as máquinas querem destruí-los. Como eles saberão em breve, o futuro da civilização pode depender deles.
Quando Wesley Gibson descobre, depois do homicídio do pai, que pertencia a uma sociedade secreta de assassinos, desenvolve habilidades inatas para vingá-lo.
Zhenya and Nadya go their separate ways. Nadya stuck with her bureaucrat boyfriend, married him and had a daughter, also called Nadya. Zhenya married and had a son, Konstantin. Both later divorced. More than 30 years later, Konstantin ends up drunk in the flat where the younger Nadya finds him. He is there as part of a convoluted ruse by his father's friends to get Zhenya back into the arms of the woman with whom he shared a magical night. The waylaid son is the bait to get Zhenya back to Leningrad, now called St. Petersburg. One romance is rekindled and another between the son and daughter is struck up.
Zhenya and Nadya go their separate ways. Nadya stuck with her bureaucrat boyfriend, married him and had a daughter, also called Nadya. Zhenya married and had a son, Konstantin. Both later divorced. More than 30 years later, Konstantin ends up drunk in the flat where the younger Nadya finds him. He is there as part of a convoluted ruse by his father's friends to get Zhenya back into the arms of the woman with whom he shared a magical night. The waylaid son is the bait to get Zhenya back to Leningrad, now called St. Petersburg. One romance is rekindled and another between the son and daughter is struck up.
Zhenya and Nadya go their separate ways. Nadya stuck with her bureaucrat boyfriend, married him and had a daughter, also called Nadya. Zhenya married and had a son, Konstantin. Both later divorced. More than 30 years later, Konstantin ends up drunk in the flat where the younger Nadya finds him. He is there as part of a convoluted ruse by his father's friends to get Zhenya back into the arms of the woman with whom he shared a magical night. The waylaid son is the bait to get Zhenya back to Leningrad, now called St. Petersburg. One romance is rekindled and another between the son and daughter is struck up.
A antiga guerra entre as forças da Luz e da Escuridão está perto do fim. Cada lado ganhou um poderoso guardião, que se dirigem para um conflito decisivo. De um lado está o filho de Anton Gorodetsky, Yegor, que se uniu às forças da Escuridão. Svetlana, o amor de Anton, é a esperança das forças da Luz. Paralelamente Anton precisa fugir, pois é acusado de assassinato.
A antiga guerra entre as forças da Luz e da Escuridão está perto do fim. Cada lado ganhou um poderoso guardião, que se dirigem para um conflito decisivo. De um lado está o filho de Anton Gorodetsky, Yegor, que se uniu às forças da Escuridão. Svetlana, o amor de Anton, é a esperança das forças da Luz. Paralelamente Anton precisa fugir, pois é acusado de assassinato.
The fantastic and dramatic events of “Night Watch” suddenly take a comic and completely different twist
Primeiro filme da trilogia inspirada no romance de Sergei Luyanenko narra a guerra desencadeada quando uma série de eventos misteriosos traz à tona uma antiga profecia, encerrando o centenário equilíbrio entre as forças da Luz e das Trevas.
Primeiro filme da trilogia inspirada no romance de Sergei Luyanenko narra a guerra desencadeada quando uma série de eventos misteriosos traz à tona uma antiga profecia, encerrando o centenário equilíbrio entre as forças da Luz e das Trevas.
In an age of Gladiators, the power that was Rome held its empire together with the might of its armies, the sweat and tears of its conquests, and the cheers and bloodlust of its citizens – glorified in the deadly spectacle of The Arena. Stolen from their homelands, the fiery Druid maiden Bodicia, exotic slave girl Jessemina, and the powerful barbarian Flavius, are pitted against each other as gladiators by the sadistic Roman Governor Timarchus. Banished by Caesar, Timarchus unleashes his frustration on his gladiators, staging extravagant spectacles of combat, orgy and death. In a violent world where only the strong survive, love and hate, life and death, are separated by an instant.
An American reporter and doctor comes to a military base in Pakistan to document the P.O.W. conditions. While being there, the Soviet prisoners rise up and take over the base.
An American reporter and doctor comes to a military base in Pakistan to document the P.O.W. conditions. While being there, the Soviet prisoners rise up and take over the base.
Jimmy and Chad have been best friends forever. Binger is smart and funny, but he's permanently in the Friend Zone with girls. Chad is hot, but girls never seem to want to stick around after spending the night. One day, Chad meets Roxy, who is cooler, smarter and funnier than all the rest. Chad is tongue-tied around her and begs Binger to help. Binger agrees and starts talking to Roxy using Chad's Facebook account. It works. Roxy is totally into "Chad" online. But how can they reveal the truth without ruining everything? Especially since Binger might be falling in love with Roxy himself... In the screen capture style of UNFRIENDED, LIKED is a Cyrano de Bergerac comedy for the digital age.
A military officer stationed in Turkey while his wife is vacationing in Japan with their kids. During the stay, their younger son almost drowns in a lake. Soon after the accident, the parents realize that something is wrong with their boy.
A young woman discovers a frightening video game character intent on crossing over into the real world.
Based on the classic alien invasion novel by H.G. Wells.
The project of a full-length horror film based on Japanese folklore.
2015 movie sequel
This is the real story of the Soviet lieutenant, who, after being wounded in the head during the war, lost the opportunity to realize the world around him, and the outstanding neuropsychologist Alexander Luria, who helped the unfortunate patient return to normal life.
This is the real story of the Soviet lieutenant, who, after being wounded in the head during the war, lost the opportunity to realize the world around him, and the outstanding neuropsychologist Alexander Luria, who helped the unfortunate patient return to normal life.
A collection of short films focusing on different aspects of the city of St. Petersburg.