Dock Worker
Marcel Marx, um escritor aposentado que se exilou voluntariamente na cidade portuária de Le Havre, onde exerce a profissão de engraxate de sapatos, abandonou toda e qualquer ambição literária e vive em um mundo reduzido, formado pelo restaurante da esquina, seu trabalho e sua esposa Arletty. Inesperadamente, o destino coloca bruscamente em seu caminho um jovem imigrante africano ao mesmo tempo em que sua esposa fica gravemente doente. Novamente Marcel deve combater o muro frio da indiferença humana para tentar ajudar o jovem imigrante.
Le garagiste
Louis and his Daddy are driving back home. Daddy is a past master at clowning, which does not necessarily make Louis laugh. At times Daddy gets awfully mad, picking on people who don't deserve it. That also does not make Louis laugh. But Daddy IS sweet. He knows how to soothe Louis when he is very very upset. And he can rock-a-bye his baby with a song by Niagara. Daddy has been rather slipshod lately. And ill-shaved. And has had hair-raising nightmares. Louis can burst into tears just because a little girl refuses a sticker he wants to give her. What's wrong with Louis and his Daddy? Written by Guy Bellinger