Yves Gasc

Nascimento : 1930-05-21, Paris, France

Morte : 2018-11-29


Zakhar Trofimovitch
Le Misanthrope
Alceste loves Célimène, a flirtatious woman from the Parisian high society. He loathes this world for its hypocritical etiquette but, shaken by a public trial he is called to by this social circle, he must visit Célimène to ask for her help…
The Maiden and the Wolves
Le notaire
Not long before World War I, in a French Alpine town near the Italian border, a pack of slaughtered wolves is delivered to local taxidermist Leon (Patrick Chesnais). A surviving black cub comes down from the mountains looking for his family, and is saved from discovery and certain death by Leon’s young daughter Angele, who releases him back into the wild. The Great War comes and goes, making local foundry owners the Garcins rich. Family patriarch Albert Garcin (Michel Galabru), who happens to be Angele’s godfather, has given a free lifetime’s lease of a shack in the hills to a gypsy woman (played in flashbacks by Elisa Tovati in which she’s seen, literally, having dances with wolves on stage). Her son Guiseppe (Stefano Accorsi), who appears to be slightly mentally handicapped, guards the wolves he’s befriended up there, especially the black pack leader he calls Carbone.
L'impromptu de Versailles
At Versailles, the last rehearsal of a play, ordered to molière by Louis XIV the king. Staged in their own characters, actors and author display their art's conception. It is, too, the opportunity for them to answer by irony to their detractors.
Todas as Manhãs do Mundo
Após a morte da esposa, o músico do século XVII Monsieur de Sainte Colombe se isola e dedica sua vida à música e às suas filhas. Um dia, um jovem chega com um pedido: que o músico o ensine a tocar viola da gamba. Logo começa um romance com a filha do tutor.
L'imprésario de Smyrne
The Venetian performance world is on the alert: an impresario is looking for talent to stage what he defines as the most beautiful opera of his time. Everyone goes there from their pushy little merry-go-round to attract the favors of the character and extricate themselves from misery. But the main interested party hardly seems to be sensitive to these effects.
A Filha da Minha Mulher
Monsieur Doulens
Após a morte de sua mãe, Marion decide ir morar na casa de seu pai, mas ele rejeita a idéia. O problema é que ela, agora, já se acha uma mulher e está apaixonada pelo padrasto, Remi. Ele luta contra este amor, mas não consegue enganar a si mesmo.
Le pain de ménage
Action Director
Two married couples share the same holiday house. Everything seems to go smoothly except that Pierre, one of the two husbands, is irresistibly attracted to Marthe, his friend's wife. As for the latter, she feels exactly the same for him. One night (or is it the same thing every night?) Pierre and Marthe remain in the living room after their mutual partners have gone to bed. They talk and banter pleasantly until they half-wordily evoke the present that could be theirs if they had married each other or what future they could contemplate if they escaped together.
La Dame de chez Maxim
Mr Petypon
Le triomphe de l'amour
Action Director
First performed in 1732, Marivaux's play on the theme of cross-dressing, depicts the stratagems of the young princess Léonide in love with Agis, the legitimate heir to the throne of Sparta. To meet the prince, watched over by the philosopher Hermocrates and his sister, Léonide disguises herself as a man and seduces the whole household.
Acapulco Madame
Stage Director
Entire Days in the Trees
Le barman
An old lady returns from Africa where she made a fortune to find her son in Paris, whom she has not seen in five years, with the intention of bringing him back with her. But this project fails.