Enrique Estévez

Nascimento : 1930-09-25, Mexico City, Distrito Federal, Mexico


The Black Legend of Mexican Cinema
During 1950, Miguel Contreras Torres led a group of filmmakers to officially denounce William O. Jenkins' monopoly on film theaters, which was built throughout the country upon crime and corruption. Ever since, Uncle Miguel was ridiculed and eventually forgotten, but it is certain that his proclaim announced the separation of Mexican cinema and its audience. Discoveries may be found in the films made by Miguel, and bringing back to life these moving pictures might recover this history that was never told, a story that is almost lost and that Contreras Torres himself tried to pass on through his writings in The Black Book of Mexican Cinema.
O Rei do Texas
Set Decoration
In this re-imagining of Shakespear's King Lear, Patrick Stewart stars as John Lear, a Texas cattle baron, who, after dividing his wealth among his three daughters, is rejected by them.
Efeito Colateral
Set Decoration
Gordon Brewer é um bombeiro que perde sua esposa e filho em um atentado terrorista organizado por Claudio Perrini. Como as investigações oficiais do governo americano parecem não chegar a lugar algum, Brewer decide então perseguir o próprio Claudio, se envolvendo em um complicado jogo que o leva até a Colômbia.
Set Decoration
A beautiful artist helps an amnesiac piece together his identity and evade a gangster on his trail.
A Coragem de um Homem
Set Decoration
Um grupo de imigrantes irlandeses católicos são perseguidos por suas crenças então fogem para o México. Os soldados trocam alianças e formam o Batalhão de São Patrício, uma das melhores unidades de combate do México na guerra de 1846 com a América.
O Curandeiro da Selva
Set Decoration
Robert Campbell, um cientista, transfere seu laboratório para o interior da floresta amazônica. Ele aparentemente encontrou a cura do câncer, mas não consegue duplicá-la em laboratório. Rae Crane, uma bioquímica dos Estados Unidos, chega para auxiliá-lo. Juntos eles tentam entender por qual motivo o soro não consegue ser sintetizado.
Santa Sangre
Set Decoration
Fênix é um rapaz que está internado em uma clínica psiquiátrica por achar que é uma ave. Dorme em uma árvore, come apenas peixe e sequer se comunica com as pessoas. Para entender Fênix, é necessário voltar a seu passado e conhecer a tragédia ocorrida com seus pais.
Nascido em Los Angeles
Set Decoration
Rudy, an American of Hispanic descent, whose south-of-the-border looks show him no mercy during an immigration raid in a migrant worker factory. As his luck goes, he is caught with neither money nor his ID and is deported to Mexico - without speaking a word of Spanish!
Set Decoration
Dutch e o seu grupo de comandos são enviados numa missão à selva da América Central, a fim de salvarem alguns pilotos capturados pelos terroristas. Contudo, ao chegarem lá, deparam com os pilotos barbaramente assassinados. Mais tarde descobrem que algo de terrível e invisível os persegue... Caçados como animais por um inimigo que eles não podem ver, Dutch e o seu grupo vão ter de sobreviver na selva, antes de serem todos dizimados...
Resgate Infernal
Set Decoration
Quando Harry é seqüestrado por terrorristas sul-americanos e o governo americano decide lavar as mãos, sua família contrata os serviços de um mercenário para resgatá-lo.
Pequeno Tesouro
Production Design
Margo is an ex-stripper who meets her long, lost father in Mexico. She looks after him in the waning days of his life, with the help of a traveling projectionist. The father passes away, telling of the loot from a botched bank robbery that he buried years earlier. The two get jobs in town as their relationship grows and they search for the treasure on the weekends. But while the treasure seems to bring them together, it also seems to be tearing them apart.
Tudo Por Uma Esmeralda
Set Decoration
Joan Wilder (Kathleen Turner) é uma romancista mimada que vai ajudar a irmã, que foi seqüestrada na Colômbia. Se ela não levar um mapa que mostra a localização de um tesouro, sua irmã será morta. Mas enquanto tenta cumprir a exigência, conhece Jack Colton (Michael Douglas), um aventureiro e mercenário que a ajuda e por quem se apaixona. Juntos, os dois se envolvem em diversas aventuras.
Justiça Selvagem
Art Direction
Holland (Charles Bronson) é um matador profissional convencido a sair da sua aposentadoria para eliminar o cruel ditador de uma república sul-americana - um médico sádico cuja maior satisfação é torturar brutalmente os presos políticos.
Sob Fogo Cerrado
Set Decoration
Russell Price é um atirado fotógrafo de reportagens que se vê em um dilema entre seu amor pela repórter Claire Stryder e sua amizade pelo marido dela, Alex Grazier. Ele também é torturado pelas incertezas de que caminho seguir quando lhe pedem que tome partido, ao invés de apenas tirar fotos, na guerra entre o governo da Nicarágua e os rebeldes sandinistas. Mas quando perde de vista a objetividade e se envolve na escaramuça, Russell pode perder ambas as batalhas e sua vida, pois ele se vê 'sob fogo cerrado' de todos os lados.
Art Direction
Based on a true story in the American owned Cananea mine. It depicts how the owner profits while the Mexican workers struggle to survive and are exploited for their labour.
The Children of Sanchez
Set Decoration
Hall Bartlett directs the rural drama The Children of Sanchez, based on the tome The Children of Sanchez: Autobiography of a Mexican Family written by Oscar Lewis in the '60s. Anthony Quinn stars as the widowed Jesus Sanchez, a poor farmer struggling to provide for his family in Mexico City. Also starring Lupita Ferrer as Consuelo and Stathis Giallelis as Roberto. This is the last film in the 50-year career of international star Dolores del Rio, who plays the Grandma. Jazz-pop performer Chuck Mangione was nominated for a Golden Globe and won a Grammy award for his original musical score.
The Children of Sanchez
Art Direction
Hall Bartlett directs the rural drama The Children of Sanchez, based on the tome The Children of Sanchez: Autobiography of a Mexican Family written by Oscar Lewis in the '60s. Anthony Quinn stars as the widowed Jesus Sanchez, a poor farmer struggling to provide for his family in Mexico City. Also starring Lupita Ferrer as Consuelo and Stathis Giallelis as Roberto. This is the last film in the 50-year career of international star Dolores del Rio, who plays the Grandma. Jazz-pop performer Chuck Mangione was nominated for a Golden Globe and won a Grammy award for his original musical score.
La casta divina
Scenic Artist
Chronicle Caste War in Yucatan held in the nineteenth century, where the land and the people were the property of the landowners, who called themselves " divine caste ". On one hand, General Salvador Alvarado organized the revolution; on the other, the landowners hire Colonel Ortiz Argumedo to organized the defense of their autonomy. Don Wilfrido, one of the masters, do not hesitate to send his son to fight to maintain their wealth and privileges.
Maten al León
Art Direction
A pilot is called back to his homeland, the Latin American republic of Arepa, by the rich islanders to participate in a complot to kill the dictator known as El León (The Lion).
No Oeste Muito Louco
Set Decoration
Sam Longwood, a frontiersman who has seen better days, spies the gold-mine partner, Jack Colby, who ran off with all the gold from a mine they were prospecting fifteen years earlier. He tells his other partners from that time, Joe Knox and Billy, and they confront Colby demanding not only the thousand dollars he took but an addition fifty-nine thousand for their trouble. After being thwarted in this attempt, they, and a would-be named Thursday, hatch a plan to kidnap Colby's wife, Nancy Sue, who is coincidently Sam's old flame, but find that Nancy Sue is not the sweet girl that Sam remembers.
Set Decoration
Englishman Robinson Crusoe, stranded alone on an island for years, is overjoyed to find a fellow man, a black islander whom he names Friday. But Crusoe cannot overcome the shackles of his own heritage and upbringing and is incapable of seeing Friday as anything other than a savage who needs Crusoe's brand of cultural and religious enlightenment. Friday attempts to share his own more generous and unashamed culture, but ultimately realizes that Crusoe can never see him as anything but an inferior being. With that awareness, Friday sets out to turn the tables on Crusoe.
The Savage Is Loose
Set Decoration
A husband, wife and their son are stranded on a remote island with no way off; as the son grows older, sexual tensions emerge.
Tragam-me a Cabeça de Alfredo Garcia
Set Dresser
Alfredo Garcia engravida a filha de um latifundiário mexicano que, revoltado, oferece 1 milhão de dólares por sua cabeça. Um músico arruinado descobre que o procurado já está morto e corta a cabeça do defunto para receber a recompensa.
Cinco mil dolares de recompensa
Set Decoration
A gunfighter is appointed sheriff of a town that is terrorized by a gang of criminals.