Two historical incidents that deepened the friendship between Japan and Turkey are connected in this story of friendship and compassion: In the night of 16 September 1890 the Turkish frigate Ertuğrul is caught up in a typhoon and sinks off the Japanese coast. Risking their own lives, local villagers are able to rescue 69 Turkish sailors. Although being very poor and having hardly to eat, the villagers share what little they have with strangers from a country 9,000 kilometers away. 95 years later, during the Iran-Iraq War, more than 300 Japanese are stranded in Tehran. In the morning of 19 March 1985 a Turkish Airlines aircraft takes off for Tehran to evacuate the Japanese. But the remaining Turks at Tehran Mehrabad Airport still need to be convinced that they won't be able to board their own country's rescue flight.
A história desenrola-se num mundo pós apocalíptico e segue Patema, uma princesa que gosta de explorar as zonas perigosas e proibidas da sua vila. Nunca ninguém lhe explicou porque aquelas zonas eram proibidas até um dia em que ela se depara com algo pouco usual.
Kumaran and Nallavan reach Chennai from Thrissur in search of jobs and land at the house of their friend Pulikutty. They land jobs at a fuel station and Nallavan promptly falls for co-worker Tamilarasi. At Pulikutty's house, Kumaran has constant run-ins with neighbour and movie dancer Bharathi. But after coming to know about his helpful nature and honest intentions, she expresses her love for him. Just when things start looking up in life for Kumaran and his friends, the past comes back to haunt them.
Sob a aparente normalidade de qualquer cidade grande, existe um mundo que todos da superfície preferem ignorar. O antropólogo russo Sergey Spassky investiga uma sociedade sem-teto que habita o mundo subterrâneo fica fascinado pela lenta que circunda pela sociedade. Um dia, porém ele desaparece sem deixar rastros. Owen, um amigo de Sergey, decide partir em sua busca desde até os labirintos de túneis, guiado pelas anotações deixadas em seu amigo e contando também com a ajuda de Alec, aluno de Sergey, Yuri e Pavel, que trabalharam de guias para Sergey, e mais tarde, com Lyuba, uma jovem sem-teto que irá juntar-se a ele.
After her father gets killed in an automobile accident, Kristel Lodema discovers that her dad was investigating an old mine where convicted child killer Andries Martiens died back in 1857. Kristel decides to check out the mine along with a group of young adults. However, said mine turns out to be haunted by the dangerous and murderous spirit of Martiens.