Kelly Tartan


Pedro e o Lobo
First Assistant Editor
Uma história mágica que mistura desenho animado e filme.
Freaklândia - O Parque dos Horrores
Sound Effects Editor
Um cientista louco usa um produto químico industrial no parque temático Freek Land.
Exterminador Implacável 2: O Dia do Julgamento
Assistant Editor
Passaram-se quase dez anos desde que a provação de Sarah teve início e o seu filho John, o futuro líder da resistência, é agora um jovem e saudável rapaz. Porém, o pesadelo recomeça, quando um novo e letal exterminador é enviado do futuro. As suas ordens: atacar John Connor enquanto este é ainda uma criança. Contudo, Sarah e John não terão de enfrentar sozinhos este terrível Exterminador. A resistência humana enviou um outro guerreiro do futuro e as suas ordens são proteger John Connor a todo o custo – começou a batalha pelo amanhã...
Quando Chega a Escuridão
Sound Effects Editor
A farm boy reluctantly becomes a member of the undead when a girl he meets turns out to be part of a band of vampires who roam the highways in stolen cars.
Segredo em Família
Sound Effects Editor
A congressional aide (Eric Stoltz) explores an old Louisiana mansion two kooky sisters (Jennifer Jason Leigh, Judith Ivey) run as a guest house.
Quiet Cool
Sound Editor
This actioner is set in a remote, heavily forested area in Northern California where marijuana growers raise their illegal crops and run whole communities with their terrorist tactics and wealth. The tale centers on the efforts of a fearless New York cop to free one such community from the tyranny of the pot growers. It begins with a surveyor who is leading the town's crooked sheriff to a small marijuana field he has just discovered. The surveyor is killed before he can get there. Joshua, a small boy, sees the execution and tries to get back in time to tell his parents. Unfortunately, the killers murder his family and throw him off a cliff. The boy's aunt, worried at not hearing from her family, gets suspicious and asks an old flame, NY cop Joe Dillon, to investigate. The town sheriff is not pleased by his intrusion and warns him to stay out of it. Dillon disobeys, and that is where all the action comes in.