Arnaud Humbert

Arnaud Humbert


Arnaud Humbert


Next to You
Set five years on from the school days of director Stevan Filipovic's previous film Next to Me, a state of emergency exists and politicians are accused of capitalising on public anxiety around Covid-19, which makes the shocking situation that reunites the characters significantly more extreme. The story centres on Ksenija (newcomer Mina Nikolic), a driven young woman striving to move from tabloid hack to a career journalist in a world of click-bait headlines and showbiz scandals cooked up to feed the masses. Ksenija's personal and professional journey is hampered when Vera tests positive for Coronavirus and Ksenija must question how far she will bend to survive in a climate where political pressure is increasingly overt and can be said to capitalise on fear during the pandemic.
Sixth Bus
A young American is trying to find a man from her past, but he is never to be found, during the largest conflict on European soil since World War II – the battle of Vukovar. It is a search of identity and truth at a place where truth is selective, elusive, and even feared. A quest for faith, connection, and redemption simmers beneath the search.
Entre Mentiras e Segredos
Seis anos após perder o marido no incêndio de uma boate, Ana Kolar recebe um misterioso e-mail que a faz questionar o que de fato ocorreu naquela noite e se ela conhecia o marido tão bem quanto pensava.
Tomorrow Is Still July
Pascal Bregiet
After witnessing the murder of night club dancer Patra Kleo, Belgrade's private sleuth Johnny Paluba is on a quest to find the killer. Police inspector Todorov, newly decommissioned is also looking to solve the crime. In the process they may have discovered a lost Serbian film made during WW2.
O Corvo Branco
Journalist Le Figaro
Biografia de lendário bailarino russo Rudolf Nureyev, conhecido por quebrar grandes barreiras entre o balé clássico e o moderno, além de ter ajudado a transformar o papel do homem da dança.
The Invisible Hand of Adam Smith
Somewhere in Europe a Greek owes to a French, who owes to a Slovenian and she owes to an Italian, who owes money to the Greek. A German owes no one, she just wants to get a good night's sleep. The Brit is looking for an exit. The film is shot in one take with a crew and actors coming from over ten countries. Everyone speaks their language and they all understand each other.
Stars 80
Tour manager
Die-hard fans of the 1980s, Vincent and Antoine run a company that supplies doubles of faded stars throughout the whole of France. What starts out as a promising business venture ends up as a calamity when Vincent and Antoine have over forty engagements booked but no one to attend them. They then have a brainwave. Why not get in touch with the real stars of the 1980s and persuade them to make a comeback? Why make do with an imitation when you can have the real McCoy?