Mariusz Sojak


It is night in Warsaw. Two very different homes. In one, a father watches sports lying on the sofa, expecting the son to do the same. In another apartment, a wealthy-looking mother sits at the table to dine with her daughter, completely different from her. At the same time, the boy and the girl embark on a nocturnal adventure of transformation, during which they strip off the various stratifications of gender that they have inherited. The streets of the city are transformed into a liberating walkway. When by chance they meet – face to face, body to body – they mirror each other in silence, offering comfort, safety.
A Sombra de Stalin
A extraordinária história não contada de Gareth Jones, um ambicioso e jovem jornalista galês que viajou para a União Soviética em 1933 e descobriu a chocante verdade por trás da “utopia” soviética e do regime de Josef Stalin.