A inspiradora história de um jovem veterano de guerra em sua jornada na Amazônia. Lá, ele conhece uma jovem que dirige um centro de resgate e reabilitação de animais selvagens, e sua vida encontra um novo sentido quando ele passa a cuidar de um filhote de jaguatirica órfão. O que era para ser a fuga da própria vida se torna uma jornada inesperada de amor, descoberta e cura.
A inspiradora história de um jovem veterano de guerra em sua jornada na Amazônia. Lá, ele conhece uma jovem que dirige um centro de resgate e reabilitação de animais selvagens, e sua vida encontra um novo sentido quando ele passa a cuidar de um filhote de jaguatirica órfão. O que era para ser a fuga da própria vida se torna uma jornada inesperada de amor, descoberta e cura.
The Story of Plastic is a seething expose uncovering the ugly truth behind the current global plastic pollution crisis. Striking footage shot over three continents illustrates the ongoing catastrophe: fields full of garbage, veritable mountains of trash; rivers and seas clogged with waste; and skies choked with the poisonous runoff from plastic production and recycling processes with no end in sight. Original animations, interviews with experts and activists, and never-before-filmed scenes reveal the disastrous consequences of the flood of plastic smothering ecosystems and poisoning communities around the world – and the global movement rising up in response.
In the vanishing lowland rainforests of Borneo, research is underway to uncover and understand the unique cultural behaviors in wild orangutans. There, photographer Tim Laman, researcher Cheryl Knott, and young explorer Robert Suro shed new light on the similarities between ourselves and our ancient ancestors, before it’s too late.
In the vanishing lowland rainforests of Borneo, research is underway to uncover and understand the unique cultural behaviors in wild orangutans. There, photographer Tim Laman, researcher Cheryl Knott, and young explorer Robert Suro shed new light on the similarities between ourselves and our ancient ancestors, before it’s too late.
In the vanishing lowland rainforests of Borneo, research is underway to uncover and understand the unique cultural behaviors in wild orangutans. There, photographer Tim Laman, researcher Cheryl Knott, and young explorer Robert Suro shed new light on the similarities between ourselves and our ancient ancestors, before it’s too late.
a documentary about crocodiles
a documentary about crocodiles
Research is underway at Virginia Commonwealth University to uncover the secrets of a charismatic, endangered species, the Atlantic sturgeon. This short documentary follows Dr. Matt Balazik as he discovers, for the first time, the sturgeon migration using acoustic transmitter tags.
Research is underway at Virginia Commonwealth University to uncover the secrets of a charismatic, endangered species, the Atlantic sturgeon. This short documentary follows Dr. Matt Balazik as he discovers, for the first time, the sturgeon migration using acoustic transmitter tags.
Hidden deep within the Pony Pasture Rapids Park of Richmond, Virginia there lives a creature whose ancestors span back a half a billion years. This short film explores the life history of an ancient species, Fairy Shrimp, that survive in harsh habitats here and around the world.
Hidden deep within the Pony Pasture Rapids Park of Richmond, Virginia there lives a creature whose ancestors span back a half a billion years. This short film explores the life history of an ancient species, Fairy Shrimp, that survive in harsh habitats here and around the world.