Vasiliy Rakhals

Vasiliy Rakhals

Nascimento : 1890-01-01,

Morte : 1942-06-15


Vasiliy Rakhals was born in 1890. He was an art director and production designer, known for Luch smerti (1925), Tanya (1940) and Demon of the Steppes (1926). He died on 15 June 1942.


Vasiliy Rakhals


Call to Arms
Art Direction
Production Design
Yasha, who likes Anna, accomodates siberian Pavel Kuganov, which later becomes a class-conscious worker in a factory. Anna refuses Yasha's offer of marriage and he therefore runs off to Siberia. After Pavel is hailed as a hero because he survives a fire accident in factory (which is in fact effect of his sabotage), Anna marries him. Pavel then becomes a reckless communist careerist, but only on surface. In fact, he is a traitor of the country and a spy, and gives Anna's party ID card to anti-communist movement. In spite of that, Anna is expelled from the communist party. Yasha returns from Siberia, only to find her love Anna desperate. They reveal the truth about Pavel (that he is a kulak who killed a kolchoz co-op leader), which means an end for Pavel.
Art Direction
During the Russian Civil War, pilot Sergey Sedov engages in battle with the Black Cat enemy fighter, controlled by the famous pilot Baru. In the battle, Sedov wounded Baru, but Sedov's plane fell apart in the air. Sedov was only miraculously saved. A few years later, Sedov and Baru meet in international competitions in Tehran. Baru are to defend the honor of a French company, Sedov and his student Ivanov - the honor of their country. In the end, the defeated Baru can only express hope of a rematch during a new meeting with Sedov in a future war. The film has not survived.
Production Design
The film tells about the class struggle in the countryside during the creation of the first collective farms. Only the first part has survived. Director Ivan Pyryev began work on the film. It has not been preserved in its entirety.
Tokar Alekseyev
Art Direction
Tomorrow Night
Art Direction
On liberation from prison of a group arrested after the defeat of the 1905 Russian revolution and workers sentenced to death.
Velho e Novo
Art Direction
Uma mulher em uma cidade rural lida com as novas formas de comunismo
Когда зацветут поля
Art Direction
The village youth organize a collective farm in the place of the monastery garden.
Her Way
Production Design
When Praskovya’s new husband attempts to hurt her on their wedding night, she fights back, and when he’s called away to fight in World War I not long after, she tends to their farm on her own, determined to make the best of a bad situation.
Your Friend
Art Direction
Khokhlova, a girl-reporter on a Moscow newpaper, falls in love with factory manager Petrovsky. To her he's the epitome of manliness--virile, decisive, strong-minded. Conversely, she rejects the sensitive, diffident editor Vasilchikov, who's in love with her, as unmanly. Her infatuation affects her work, and she is fired.
Na Cama e no Sofá
Art Direction
Volodia vai pra cidade grande a procura de emprego. Lá consegue trabalho num jornal que o obriga a encontrar uma moradia fixa. Seu amigo Kolia o convida a morar com ele e sua esposa, Liuda, na condição de dormir no sofá. Quando Kolia sai em viagem de negócios, Volodia aproveita pra conquistar Liuda.
Art Direction
During the Civil War following the Bolshevik Revolution, a Red cavalry officer is warned by a staffer from headquarters about his dangerous attraction to the female leader of a band of Cossacks, a violent woman who is aroused by killing.
The Traitor
Art Direction
An agent working for the Tsar fools a group of Bolchevik sailors but is captured and punished after the revolution.
O Encouraçado Potemkin
Art Direction
Em 1905, na Rússia czarista, aconteceu um levante que pressagiou a Revolução de 1917. Tudo começou no navio de guerra Potemkin quando os marinheiros estavam cansados de serem maltratados, sendo que até carne estragada lhes era dada com o médico de bordo insistindo que ela era perfeitamente comestível. Alguns marinheiros se recusam em comer esta carne, então os oficiais do navio ordenam a execução deles. A tensão aumenta e, gradativamente, a situação sai cada vez mais do controle. Logo depois dos gatilhos serem apertados Vakulinchuk (Aleksandr Antonov), um marinheiro, grita para os soldados e pede para eles pensarem e decidirem se estão com os oficiais ou com os marinheiros. Os soldados hesitam e então abaixam suas armas. Louco de ódio, um oficial tenta agarrar um dos rifles e provoca uma revolta no navio, na qual o marinheiro é morto. Mas isto seria apenas o início de uma grande tragédia.
A Greve
Art Direction
O suicídio de um operário injustamente acusado de roubo é o estopim para o início de uma greve numa fábrica russa, em 1912. O lento processo de negociação expõe uma série de ações e contra-ações entre grevistas e polícia.
The Death Ray
Art Direction
In a capitalist country, workers are heavily repressed but manage to get a "death ray" to fight back. (A part of the movie is lost.)