Simon Dubé
Em uma pequena cidade remota, um jovem de 21 anos morre no que parece ser um acidente de carro. A partir daí, os habitantes locais são assolados por um temperamento perturbador. Enquanto a família da vítima está de luto e o tempo perde todo o sentido, vultos estranhos começam a emergir do nevoeiro.
Lucie (Sara Haxaire) is a stripper who has a difficult relationship with her disappointed mother (Evelyne Ker). When Charles, the strip-club emcee, brings his blind brother Jean (Jean-Jacques Benhamou) to work, Lucie starts a relationship with him, just for the perverse reason that he can never see her even though she is on view for any paying customer. Jean recently lost his eyesight in an accident, and is bitter and possibly suicidal. His relationship with Lucie is abusive and violent, but that seems to be just what the two of them want.