Juan Ignacio Giobio


Argentina, 1985
Sound Effects Editor
“Argentina, 1985” é inspirado na história verídica de Julio Strassera, Luis Moreno Ocampo e sua equipe de jovens juristas, heróis improváveis que travam uma batalha de Davi e Golias na qual, sob ameaças constantes e contra toda as possibilidades, ousam processar a ditadura militar mais sangrenta da Argentina e embrenham-se numa corrida contra o tempo para fazer justiça às vítimas dos militares.
Everyone is locked up, but Clementina and the man she's quarantined with won't stop working. We know little about him, and even less about her: we just see over and over again her mysterious face, which seems to defy everything.
Boom Operator
Mariel wants to play Isabella in Shakespeare’s “Measure for Measure”. With the support of Luciana, who is also an actress, she has already rehearsed the part. But during the audition, Mariel realises that Luciana is trying out for the same role.
As Mil e Uma
Sound Effects Editor
Iris conhece Renata em um conjunto habitacional na Argentina e imediatamente se sente atraída por ela. Juntas elas enfrentam hostilidade e o preconceito
Tenho Medo Toureiro
Dialogue Editor
Em meio à turbulência política da ditadura de Pinochet no Chile nos anos 80, uma velha e pobre travesti se envolve em uma arriscada operação clandestina após se apaixonar por um guerrilheiro que pede que ela esconda segredos perigosos da resistência em sua casa.
Family Members
Boom Operator
Body-obsessed teenager Lucas and his mystically-inclined older sister, Gilda, unexpectedly become stranded when they travel to a nearly deserted coastal town to try to fulfill their dead mother's last wishes in whatever way they can.
Hunting Season
Sound Editor
La Patagonia, southern Argentina. After his mother's death, Nahuel, a violent teenager, meets his biological father, Ernesto, a skillful hunting guide; but their reunion is harsh, since their souls are only ruled by pride and resentment.
Hunting Season
Boom Operator
La Patagonia, southern Argentina. After his mother's death, Nahuel, a violent teenager, meets his biological father, Ernesto, a skillful hunting guide; but their reunion is harsh, since their souls are only ruled by pride and resentment.
The Tapeworm
Sound Mixer
Between the lugubrious landscape of the river and an old deteriorated house, a sleepless man reflects on the absence of his wife. An encounter with fishing partners reveals his disturbed nature, and a violent drive.
The Tapeworm
Sound Director
Between the lugubrious landscape of the river and an old deteriorated house, a sleepless man reflects on the absence of his wife. An encounter with fishing partners reveals his disturbed nature, and a violent drive.