Tomáš Škrdlant

Nascimento : 1943-08-25,


Pan Tomšík
Pan Tomšík
Obavy komisaře Maigreta
Fruit of Paradise
An experimental retelling of the story of Adam and Eve which then progresses into an allegorical depiction of the loss of innocence.
The Joke
In the 1950s, Ludvik Jahn was expelled from the Communist Party and the University by his fellow students, because of a politically incorrect note he sent to his girlfriend. Fifteen years later, he tries to get his revenge by seducing Helena, the wife of one of his accusers.
A Pequena Loja da Rua Principal
Assistant Director
Um inepto camponês Tcheco divide-se entre a ganância e a culpa quando um chefe da base nazista de sua cidade o nomeia "Supervisor Ariano" de uma loja de botões de uma idosa viúva judia. Humor e tragédia fundem-se na sarcástica exploração da cordialidade de um homem comprometido com o horror do regime totalitário.
František Hrubín
A short film on writer and poet František Hrubín.