Jean Bourgoin

Nascimento : 1913-03-04, Paris, France

Morte : 1991-09-03


The Red Room
Director of Photography
The Sensuous Assassin
Director of Photography
Marina and her boyfriend have an argument while on a trip in France. While driving with the car among the cliffs, he starts speeding and the car falls into the sea. Marina can jump out of the car, but her boyfriend seems to be drowned. She gets to know his brother and he falls in love with her. But why does she always feel watched? What reasons are behind her strange behaviour anyway? Did she really murder her boyfriend? But is he dead anyway?
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
A poignant comedy about a mute who befriends Nicole, the little daughter of a prostitute. Gleason shows his considerable talents as an actor without uttering a sound as he plays the bumbling, kind-hearted janitor, Gigot. Gleason wrote the original story and music for this film.
O Mais Longo dos Dias
Director of Photography
O maior ataque que o mundo já viu, acontecido no dia 6 de junho, ficou conhecido como o Dia D e desbancou o domínio nazista na Europa. A ofensiva, que envolveu mais de 3 milhões de homens, foi uma das mais ousadas e sangrentas estratégias militares da era moderna e marcou o início do fim da Segunda Guerra Mundial. Vencedor dos Oscar de Fotografia em Preto e Branco e Efeitos Especiais, foi indicado ainda à outras três categorias: Filme, Montagem e Direção de Arte em Preto e Branco.
O Falso Traidor
Director of Photography
Holden interpreta um executivo sueco, Erick Ericksson, de origem americana que, aceitando ser agente duplo para os Aliados, finge-se de simpatizante dos nazistas visando ganhar-lhes a confiança e ter livre acesso à Alemanha, para onde viaja rotineiramente a pretexto de fazer negócios. Manifestando publicamente sua simpatia pelo nazismo, Erick acaba por ver-se abandonado pela família e hostilizado pelos amigos que se afastam dele devido a suas 'convicções fascista'. Na Alemanha, seu contato é uma mulher de família tradicional, católica, Marianne Möllendorf (Palmer), esposa de um oficial alemão, e ambos simulam ser amantes para se encontrar num apartamento e trocar informações. Com o tempo, eles realmente acabam por se apaixonar, mas os nazistas desconfiam e passam a segui-los. Em crise emocional porque suas informações permitiram aos Aliados bombardear uma região onde foram atingidas e mortas muitas crianças, Marianne vai-se confessar com um padre que, em verdade, é agente da Gestapo.
Three Etc.'s and the Colonel
Director of Photography
In Spain, during the Napoleonic rule, the French Governor of Andalusia is besieged by the locals who have countless demands and wishes.
A Mistress for the Summer
Director of Photography
Philippe, a little known artist, has a mistress, Viviane, a woman he does not love. When he learns the bailiffs are about to seize his paintings, Philippe decides to leave alone for the French Riviera and spend, as he regularly does, comfortable and carefree holidays in the luxurious villa of his friend Paule. But, on his way, he meets Manette, a beautiful but poor girl to whom he offers to become his companion for the Summer. Manette accepts the strange deal in exchange for bed and board. As Philippe always comes in the company of his mistress of the time, the presence of Manette does not pose a problem. But the young woman soon feels ill-at-ease in such a dubious environment. moreover, she realizes that she is falling in love with Philippe, who might not be so cynical as he wants to appear... - Written by Guy Bellinger on IMDB
Orfeu Negro
Director of Photography
A trágica história romântica entre a jovem Eurídice e o motorista e músico Orfeu. Os dois se conhecem durante o carnaval no Rio de Janeiro e se apaixonam, mas Orfeu tem uma noiva ciumenta. De acordo com a antiga lenda, o amor do casal é acompanhado de perto pela morte, e ele será capaz de descer aos infernos para salvar a sua grande paixão.
Director of Photography
As far as can be determined, Goha was Tunisia's first entry in the Cannes Film Festival. Omar Sharif stars as a naïve young man who is taken for granted by friends and family. Little do they know that he has more intelligence, tenacity and imagination than all of them put together. The story takes an unexpectedly dramatic turn when the man falls in love with the young wife of his village's elderly "wise man". Based on an ancient Tunisian folk tale, Goha boasts impressive production values and sure-handed direction (by Jacques Baratier).
El cerco
Director of Photography
Meu Tio
Director of Photography
Solto em uma sociedade de materialismo, nosso anti-herói favorito, Monsieur Hulot está de volta. Ele explora a burguesia opressivamente enganada de sua irmã e causa todos os tipos de problemas na fábrica de mangueiras de plástico antisséptico, onde ele consegue um emprego.
Les Hussards
Director of Photography
Black Dossier
Director of Photography
The title of this French noir drama translates to The Black File. Jean-Marc Bory plays Jacques Arnaud, an idealistic young investigator who comes to work in a small French town. He is soon involved in a mysterious case incriminating a town notable. Arnaud devotes himself to the case but the upshot of this is rather surprising to all concerned, not to mention the audience. Like Cayatte's previous efforts, Le Dossier Noir is based on the proposition that the phrase "French justice" can at times be oxymoronic.
Grilhões do Passado
Director of Photography
Claiming that he doesn't know his own past, a rich man enlists an ex-con with an odd bit of detective work. Gregory Arkadin says he can't remember anything before the late 1920s, and convict Guy Van Stratten is happy to take the job of exploring his new acquaintance's life story. Guy's research turns up stunning details about his employer's past, and as his work seems linked to untimely deaths, the mystery surrounding Mr. Arkadin deepens.
Before the Deluge
Director of Photography
The title of this French "reality" drama, which translates to Before the Deluge, is a play on Louis XVI's famous prognostication, "Apres moi, le deluge." Set in 1950, the film concentrates on five Parisian adolescents. Certain that the next war will herald the apocalypse, the youngster make plans to run off to a desert island and set up a new society. This, however, will require money, which is why the boys decide to pull off a "necessary" robbery. Idealism collapses in the face of cold reality, as the five youths suffer from the consequences of their actions. Avant le Deluge was one of a group of films cowritten by director Andre Cayatte and Charles Spaak which endeavored to explore the touchy social issues of the day: others in the Cayatte-Spaak canon include the euthanasia-themed Justice est Faite and the capital-punishment tract Nous sommes tous des assassins.
We Are All Murderers
Director of Photography
Originally titled Nous Sommes Tout des Assassins, We Are All Murderers was directed by Andre Cayette, a former lawyer who detested France's execution system. Charles Spaak's screenplay makes no attempt to launder the four principal characters (Marcel Mouloudji, Raymond Pellegrin, Antoinine Balpetre, Julien Verdeir): never mind the motivations, these are all hardened murderers. Still, the film condemns the sadistic ritual through which these four men are brought to the guillotine. In France, the policy is to never tell the condemned man when the execution will occur--and then to show up without warning and drag the victim kicking and screaming to his doom, without any opportunity to make peace with himself or his Maker. By the end of this harrowing film, the audience feels as dehumanized as the four "protagonists." We Are All Murderers was roundly roasted by the French law enforcement establishment, but it won a special jury prize at the 1952 Cannes Film Festival.
Chicago Digest
Director of Photography
This comedy short subject satirizes the Hollywood genre which the French had given the name to of Film Noir.
Shadow and Light
Director of Photography
A few years ago, Isabelle Leritz, a famous pianist, suffered a fit of madness, in the middle of a concert. Now recovered, she fell in love with Jacques whom she plans to marry. She does not know that he is having an affair with Caroline, his sister, director of a fashion house.
O Direito de Matar
Director of Photography
Uma médica é acusada do assassinato de seu marido por eutanásia.
Wicked City
Director of Photography
A Canadian sailor becomes a fugitive for love after a night with a woman in Marseille.
The Cheat
Director of Photography
The life of a weak-willed man is thrust into a downward spiral by the scheming of his manipulative girlfriend and her mother.
Director of Photography
Dedee is a prostitute, working in Monsieur Rene's night club on Antwerp's harbour. The porter is Marco, her pimp. Dedee is not happy, until she meets Francesco, an italian sailorman. They fall in love and Dedee begins to dream about an escape of her daily dullness.
Mystery Tour
Director of Photography
The basic premise: A retired bus driver fulfills his lifelong dream of providing an extended "voyage surprise" (the title is translated as "Mystery Tour") for unsuspecting vacationers. They soon realize, while riding in the old man's home-made bus, that he hasn't bothered to plan any kind of itinerary. As a result, they end up in completely preposterous situations, of course. Voyage surprise!
Mystery Tour
The basic premise: A retired bus driver fulfills his lifelong dream of providing an extended "voyage surprise" (the title is translated as "Mystery Tour") for unsuspecting vacationers. They soon realize, while riding in the old man's home-made bus, that he hasn't bothered to plan any kind of itinerary. As a result, they end up in completely preposterous situations, of course. Voyage surprise!
Passeio ao Campo
Assistant Camera
Perto do fim do século 19, durante as férias, os membros de uma pequena família burguesa decidem passar um dia no campo. Ao chegarem lá, estando mais próximos da natureza, eles decidem então fazer um piquenique nas proximidades do Rio Marne e aproveitar da calmaria do local. Porém, o contato com dois jovens camponeses da localidade apresenta-se como uma sedutora aventura para Henriette e sua mãe.
Box of Dreams
Director of Photography
Nicole tries to seduce a young man who lead a bohemian life in an untidy flat with his three pals.
Mãos Vermelhas
Director of Photography
A história de uma família charentaise de camponeses astutos, os Goupi. O patriarca Goupi traz seu filho de volta de Paris, onde deveria ter se tornado um homem importante e atingido uma boa situação financeira, com a intenção de promover o casamento dele com uma prima. Mas o ciúme de "Tonkin", outro de seus primos, enfrentando este nativo recém-chegado, fará da noite de sua chegada uma noite de inquietação e crimes inexplicados que semearão pânico e dúvidas na família.
Cristobal's Gold
Director of Photography
Dupuy, the first officer of the Cristobal, a French merchant ship, is informed by cabaret dancer La Rubia that the Cristobal carries a priceless secret cargo of gold. Based on the novel by Albert t'Serstevens.
A Marselhesa
Director of Photography
A film about the early part of the French Revolution, shown from the eyes of the citizens of Marseille, counts in German exile and, of course, the king Louis XVI, each showing their own small problems.
A Grande Ilusão
First Assistant Camera
A Primeira Guerra Mundial em uma época que ela não era conhecida como tal - o filme conta a história de um grupo de soldados franceses presos em um campo de prisioneiros na Alemanha em 1916, de suas análises sobre a guerra e do comportamento humano no meio dela.
A Vida é Nossa
Director of Photography
A propaganda film of the communist party of France, showing how the comrades help the proletariat against the capitalists.