Christian Larouche


Você Vai Lembrar Meu Nome
Edouard é um professor de história aposentado que começa a perder a memória. Como ninguém ao seu redor pode vigiá-lo, ele é colocado aos cuidados de Berenice, uma jovem rebelde e sem perspectiva de futuro. O encontro entre eles cria uma amizade inesperada que levará Edouard a revisitar um trauma que ele escolheu esquecer e Berenice a encontrar sentido em sua vida.
Confessions of a Hitman
A paid assassin working for the biker gangs of Quebec outsmarts both the police and the underworld for decades, committing 28 hits over 25 years.
Une bombe au coeur
To follow the passion that makes his heart beat or to risk his integrity in order to reach the firmament. This is a man's ultimate dilemma when he finds himself at the edge of the precipice.
Before We Explode
The Third World War is on the horizon. Despite attempts at nuclear deterrence, the threat of atomic bombings between North Korea and the United States is bringing the world's population back into a Cold War-like climate. In the small town of Baie-St-Paul (Québec, Canada), Pier-Luc is afraid: afraid of dying, of course, but, above all, afraid of dying before he could make love for the first time. With his buddies, Hubert and Samuel, he goes through "the summer of last chances" and takes drastic measures in order to lose his virginity - Before we explode.
O Último Suspiro
Em um futuro próximo, a cidade de Paris é sitiada por uma névoa misteriosa capaz de matar seus moradores. Um jovem casal precisa garantir a sobrevivência de sua família dentro do caos que se instaura na região. Sem eletricidade, comida ou água, fica evidente que eles não receberão nenhum tipo de ajuda e para sobreviver será necessário deixar o local e enfrentar a terrível fumaça.
Junior Majeur
Five years after winning the Quebec Pee-Wee tournament with his team, 18-year-old hockey prodigy Janeau Trudel is playing for the Chicoutimi Saguenéens in the Quebec Major Junior Hockey League.
The 3 L'il Pigs 2
Rémy is always between two planes, travels to Shanghai on business. During this trip, he takes the opportunity to cheat Dominique first with a woman, then with a man. Upon his return, his wife puts him out after showing him more than compromising photos of his Asian aspirations.
Chasse-Galerie : La Légende
In 1863, a group of snow-bound travelers invokes the devil, who gives them a flying canoe for them to go home. When one of them finds his wife about to die in labor, he makes a pact with the devil to save her and his newborn daughter Liza. He then cheats the devil of his prize by sacrificing himself. 25 years later, Liza wants to marry her beloved Jos, who has to go away to a remote logging camp to earn money to save his farm, but the devil is determined to ruin her happiness.
The Mirage
Le Mirage is the perspective of a man in his thirties asking himself "what am I chasing?" Our society has become all about consumerism, if not excess. Success is determined by what and how much we have and "stuff" becomes the band-aid to a meaningless existence. Stuff fills the void of the existence we weren't meant to lead.
Henri Henri
Henri was raised by religious in a convent and lived with them until the women, now elders, moved, leaving him alone. Henri fixes lamps. Since his young age, he's been replacing burned light bulbs and illuminates people's lives. After following signs, he finds himself working in a lamp company. Through his new work, he meets an old man trying to never forget his glory days and a blind woman, teller in an adult cinema, with whom he falls in love.
Louis Cyr : The Strongest Man in the World
Biopic of Louis Cyr, strongest man in the world at the end of the 19th Century.
For twenty-two years, Leo Huff has been working as a secretary in the same office. Living with the same wife in the same suburban bungalow, with the same old furniture and is the same old daily routine, his life is a monotonous statement. Things take a sudden turn when Leo has to stand in for an engineer and give a presentation in a small rural community. There, Leo is swept away by Lou, a distressed young woman who takes him beyond the beaten track. This encounter spells a new beginning for Leo, a strange, chaotic journey filled with unexpected twists and turns.
Depois de Partir
Nathan (Romain Duris) é um bem-sucedido advogado, com uma ascendente carreira, mas sua vida pessoal é muito solitária desde que ele se divorciou de sua esposa. Ele conhece, então, o doutor Joseph Kay (John Malkovich), um misterioso médico que se apresenta a ele como um "mensageiro", afirmando que pode prever a morte das pessoas. A princípio Nathan não acredita em nada do que o homem fala, mas ao testemunhar algumas cenas perturbadoras, ele percebe que o médico fala a verdade.
The 3 L'il Pigs
As their mother lies in a coma, two brothers discuss the advantages and disadvantages of adultery, under the nose of their virtuous elder, who tries in vain to discourage them.
Taking the Plunge
A quiet and introverted high school senior by the name of Gaby is asked by the school's principal to welcome and supervise the integration of a new student, Sandrine. Outgoing and cheerful Sandrine is the complete opposite of Gaby; yet, the two girls soon develop a bond and Gaby slowly comes out of her shell. Pent up emotions about a past accident and old friendships comes back to hunt Gaby after she learns that she will have to tutor Frédérick, the swim team's champion and school hunk.
Without Her
During a brief stay in Florence, Camille believes she's victim of an enormous flood. Urgently taken to a psychiatric hospital, she is diagnosed with the Stendhal Syndrome: a temporary psychological disorder well known to affect tourists who are too vulnerable to the beauty of art work. This disorder which is considered benign doesn't worry the medical staff who asks that she be sent back to her country. Back home, she has to come to terms with a tragedy she has wanted to flee: her mom had gone missing right before her departure. Convinced that she has to move on with her life for her mental sanity, Camille decides that it is time to accept the fact that her mother will never come back. But when she goes to Matane, the last place where her mother had been seen alive, Camille comes across many clues that will propel her into an emotional roller coaster.
Elvis Gratton 3: Le retour d'Elvis Wong
O Último Túnel
Michel Talon passou a maior parte da sua vida adulta dentro e fora das grades. Dono de um espírito indomável, se lançou em um golpe que o transformaria em uma “celebridade” internacional, roubar U$ 200 milhões do cofre de um dos bancos mais prestigiados do Canadá. Para este evento, chamou antigos amigos. Vamos nos empolgar com esta história real que abalou a segurança dos bancos no mundo inteiro.
Dead Awake
Executive Producer
An insomniac who walks the streets at night witnesses a murder which triggers a strange chain of events.
The Bottle
Réal and François are two old buddies in their early 30s who reunite at last to unearth a time capsule bottle which contains their dreams and ambitions from 15 years earlier. The problem is, their little treasure is buried on a plot of land that now belongs to a grumpy old coot, Antoine. Paying big bucks to get at their bottle, they discover that Antoine's daughter, Lea is trying to become pregnant and seeks the help of a gay friend to do it. Back in boyhood mode, Lea becomes the object of their desire.
Executive Producer
Ben Stiles (Ricky Mabe) adora assustar as pessaos. Mas agora ele está prestes a passar pelo maior susto de sua vida, quando um misterioso fantasma que vaga no antigo e sombrio casarão de seu avô, faz suas aparições para ele e sua amiga Katherine (Elisha Cuthbert) arrastando-se para o sinistro e tenebroso mundo sobrenatural. Quem é ela? O que ela quer? Será que ele conseguirá se comunicar com os mortos? Agora Ben terá que colocar sua vida - e sua santidade - em perigo para revelar a chocante verdade por trás dessas aparições. Um filme que deixará você sem fôlego e de cabelos em pé!
The Witness
Executive Producer
When a criminal threatens husband and wife, their family and their business, their son is the prime target. With the help of one of their employees, the son goes on the run to find safety.
L'homme idéal
Marie, incapable of choosing between three marriage proposals, decides to give up. Circumstances mean that the three men meet. Far from being hostile, Stéphane, Fabrice and Paul console each other....