
The 3 L'il Pigs (2007)

Gênero : Comédia

Runtime : 2H 4M

Director : Patrick Huard


As their mother lies in a coma, two brothers discuss the advantages and disadvantages of adultery, under the nose of their virtuous elder, who tries in vain to discourage them.


Claude Legault
Claude Legault
Guillaume Lemay-Thivierge
Guillaume Lemay-Thivierge
Sophie Prégent
Sophie Prégent
Paul Doucet
Paul Doucet
Julie Perreault
Julie Perreault
Isabel Richer
Isabel Richer
Mahée Paiement
Mahée Paiement
France Castel
France Castel
Réal Bossé
Réal Bossé
Maxim Gaudette
Maxim Gaudette
Marie-Hélène Gendreau
Marie-Hélène Gendreau
Marie-Laurence Moreau
Marie-Laurence Moreau
Luc Senay
Luc Senay
Gaston - mari jaloux
Violette Chauveau
Violette Chauveau
Sophie - maîtresse virtuelle
Khanh Hua
Khanh Hua
Propriétaire de l'épicerie
Martin Dion
Martin Dion
Rosie Yale
Rosie Yale
Médecin de Lucille
Antoine Vézina
Antoine Vézina
Sabine Karsenti
Sabine Karsenti
Infirmière de Lucille
Pascal Darilus
Pascal Darilus
Gars Jeet Kune Do
Juliette Martin
Juliette Martin
Camille - fille de Mathieu
Mariane Lalumière
Mariane Lalumière
Chloé - fille de Mathieu
Audréane Carrier
Audréane Carrier
Laurence - fille de Mathieu
Marcel Girard
Marcel Girard
Monsieur Lavigne
Steven Poirier
Steven Poirier
Alexandre Côté
Alexandre Côté
Martin Dubreuil
Martin Dubreuil
Liveur du chien
Isabelle Grenier
Isabelle Grenier
Jeune fille Jeet Kune Do
Marius Petitclerc
Marius Petitclerc
Enfant tricycle
Camille Vanasse
Camille Vanasse
Préposée aux commande
Matthew Bousquet
Matthew Bousquet
Mathieu 5 ans
Gabriel Gagné
Gabriel Gagné
Christian 8 ans
Philippe Nadon
Philippe Nadon
Rémi 11 ans
Léo Fournier
Léo Fournier
Doublure de Mathieu
Frédéric Brossoit
Frédéric Brossoit
Le petit
Denis Brosseau
Denis Brosseau
Vieux monsieur
Chantal Ambridge
Chantal Ambridge
Kathleen Ambridge
Kathleen Ambridge
Guillaume Baillargeon
Guillaume Baillargeon
Étudiant sportif
Cathy Brisset
Cathy Brisset
Femme BCBG
Olivier Girard
Olivier Girard
Homme BCBG
Patrice St-Germain
Patrice St-Germain
Jeune obèse
Isabelle Pastena
Isabelle Pastena
Kenneth Fernandez
Kenneth Fernandez
Holden Wong
Holden Wong
Jocelyne Cousineau
Jocelyne Cousineau
Andrée Rodrigue
Andrée Rodrigue
Directrice garderie
Annick D'Amours
Annick D'Amours
Jolie professeur primaire
William Monette
William Monette
Élève rouquin gymnase
Raphaël Dury
Raphaël Dury
Élève baskettball
Virginie Blais
Virginie Blais
Élève baskettball
Laurence Guèvremont
Laurence Guèvremont
Élève baskettball
Marc-Antoine Bastien
Marc-Antoine Bastien
Élève baskettball
Isabelle Dugal-Thompson
Isabelle Dugal-Thompson
Belle infirmière
Ève Bouchard
Ève Bouchard
Lucille 30 ans
Martin Champagne
Martin Champagne
Collègue de Mathieu
Jean-Pascal Fournier
Jean-Pascal Fournier
Collègue de Mathieu
Kevin Kelsall
Kevin Kelsall
Élève Jeet Kune Do
Patrick Kerton
Patrick Kerton
Jean Grandmont
Jean Grandmont


Patrick Huard
Patrick Huard
Claude Lalonde
Claude Lalonde
Pierre Lamothe
Pierre Lamothe
Pierre Gendron
Pierre Gendron
Christian Larouche
Christian Larouche


Depois de uma festa regada a álcool na casa de seus amigos heterossexuais, Russell decide passar por uma discoteca gay. Pouco antes do local fechar, ele encontra Glen, e o que parecia ser no início apenas um caso de uma noite torna-se algo diferente, especial. Filme premiado em mais de 10 festivais.
Jag saknar dig
Tina and Cilla will soon turn 15 years old and is in the middle of teens search for an adult identity. They are identical twins but completely different. Tina cares mostly about makeup and falls in love with a new guy every week. Cilla is perceived as odd because she does not care at all about superficialities. She is a director of her own theater play to get money for starving children in third world countries. A young local rock musicians, Ailu, is making the music to her show. On her mother's birthday, Cilla die in an accident. Now it's as if half of her is lost.
Living It Up
1989. A recently laid off steel mill worker in the little town of Piombino starts losing his wife to a local TV anchor.
Hotel Sorrento
Meg, Pippa, and Hillary are sisters who grew up in Sorrento, a small seaside town in Australia. Meg, who has lived in England for 10 years has just written a criticially acclaimed novel which she claims is entirely fictional. The book causes a stir in Sorrento and in her family when it is supected that the book is not as fictional as she claims.
"Oddly" was created in 2009, adapted from the ancient Chinese ghost story "liao zhai zhi yi-BaiLianJiao." A Taoist priest goes out on a boat. While he is away, his wife cheats on him with his apprentice. The Taoist priest turns the apprentice into a pig and eats him. His child witnesses the entire event.
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As Irmãs Brontë
Na Inglaterra do século XIX, as irmãs Brontë - Charlotte, Emily e Anne - moram no campo de Yorkshire com o pai e o irmão Branwell, pintor e escritor. Elas enganam o isolamento através da escrita, disciplina pela qual demonstram grande disposição.
The Pink Telephone
A small industrialist from Toulouse, goes to Paris to negotiate the buyout of his company from an American financial group. During his stay, the representative of the large firm calls on a luxury call girl to facilitate their "business".
A Voz Adormecida
María León interpreta a Pepita, uma jovem cordobesa de origem rural, que vai a Madrid no pós guerra para estar perto de sua irmã Hortensia (Inma Cuesta) que está grávida e na prisão. Pepita conhece Paulino (Marc Clotet), um valenciano de família burguesa, que luta junto a seu cunhado na guerra de Madrid. Apesar da dificuldade de sua relação, se apaixonam. Hortensia é julgada e condenada a morte. A execução será feita somente após o parto. Pepita tenta por todos os meios e em todas as instâncias que cancelem a execução. Vai todos os dias a prisão com o objetivo de que lhe entreguem o futuro filho de Hortensia, suplicando que não o entreguem para adoção, ou o internem num orfanato.
A noite de encerramento do último cinema drive-in na América e Cecil B. Kaufman tem planejado a maratona de final de filme perdeu impressões sobre a desencadear de seus patronos cinéfilos fieis. Quatro filmes tão raro que nunca foram expostos publicamente em solo americano até esta noite! Com títulos como Wadzilla, eu era um Homem-Urso Adolescentes, O Diário de Anne Frankenstein, e Zom-B-Movie, Chillerama não só celebra a idade de ouro do drive-in B Shlock horror, mas também se estende por mais de quatro décadas de cinema com algo para todos os mau gosto.
Na Terra de Amor e Ódio
A trama romântica se desenrola durante a Guerra da Bósnia, conflito armado que aconteceu nos Balcãs entre 1992 e 1995 envolvendo a Bósnia, a Sérvia e a Croácia. Goran Kostic faz um sérvio que se apaixona por uma muçulmana em pleno conflito. O veterano Rade Serbedzija (24 Horas), nascido na Croácia e de etnia sérvia, faz o pai do protagonista.
Stuff Stephanie in the Incinerator
A bored, filthy rich married couple and their hired help play sordid games of deception, kidnap, sexual intrigue, and perhaps murder when a secret alliance is formed to kill domineering husband Jared for money he's been hoarding from them. Meanwhile, he may have a secret or two up his sleeves.
The Place Without Limits
Father and daughter compete for the same passion in a ruthless place where kindness mixes with hate.
Changing Husbands
A bored rich housewife wants to go on the stage, but her husband won't let her. When she meets a despairing actress who looks exactly like her, she suggests they swap places for a little while, giving the actress a break while the rich husband is out of town. But the rich husband comes back early, causing havoc for the actress, plus the rich housewife is finding herself attracted to the actress's boyfriend.
Lunch Hour
A young female designer is on the brink of an affair with a married male executive at the company where she works. The film tells the story of their illicit lunch hour rendezvous.
Bel Ami: O Sedutor
Georges Duroy viaja, através da década de 1890, em Paris, desde sótãos repletos de baratas até salões de beleza luxuosos, usando a sua inteligência e poder de sedução para subir da pobreza à riqueza, do abraço de uma prostituta aos encontros apaixonados com as mulheres mais belas e ricas, num mundo onde a política e os media disputam influência, onde o sexo é poder e ser uma celebridade é uma obsessão.
Café com Leite
Um jovem estava prestes a sair de casa para morar com o namorado, quando os pais morrem em acidente. Ele precisa, então, cuidar do irmão caçula. A partir daí, descobrem o que não sabiam um sobre o outro.
August é um filme intenso sobre um triângulo amoroso, que nos deixa inquietos com as situações causadas por um ex-namorado, que resolve voltar pra sua cidade e acaba interferindo no relacionamento de um casal prestes a morar juntos.
The Joke
In the 1950s, Ludvik Jahn was expelled from the Communist Party and the University by his fellow students, because of a politically incorrect note he sent to his girlfriend. Fifteen years later, he tries to get his revenge by seducing Helena, the wife of one of his accusers.
The Call of Sex
A man finds a woman that reminds him of his long lost love: his step-sister with whom he initiated his sex life. But he is married and his wife wants proof of the cheating to get a divorce.