Um museu como um ser vivo, uma entidade que respira e tem personalidade própria. Sokúrov empresta alma ao colossal palacete do Hermitage, em São Petersburgo, um dos maiores museus do mundo. Arca Russa foi filmado em um único plano-seqüência, sem cortes, que dura 97 minutos e atravessa 35 salas do museu, transformando a tela de cinema em um quadro vivo por onde desfilam personagens importantes da história da Rússia: Pedro, o Grande; Catarina, a Grande; Catarina II, Nicolau e Alexandra.
Nikolai (played by Sergei Dontsov) has been fired from his job as a music teacher and has to live in the gym until he finds a place to stay. Finally, he gets a communal room in the apartment of Gorokhov (Victor Mikhalkov). The room's previous inhabitant, an old lady, has died a year ago, and yet her cat, Maxi, is still in the locked room, healthy and fat. Soon, Nikolai and his neighbours discover the mystery: there is a window to Paris in the room. That's when the comedy begins - will the Russians be able to cope with the temptation to profit from the discovery?