Keiji Ueda


The 'summer generals' are the clouds that rise in the summer sky. The languour and excitement that one feels only in summer, are symbolised by the clouds that disappear so bravely and so fleetingly. The boredom and freedom that one feels only at certain times of life. The strength and vulnerability to the loneliness that only girls feel. The film succeeds in visualising these uncertain and subtle moods in a delicate way.
Director of Photography
The 'summer generals' are the clouds that rise in the summer sky. The languour and excitement that one feels only in summer, are symbolised by the clouds that disappear so bravely and so fleetingly. The boredom and freedom that one feels only at certain times of life. The strength and vulnerability to the loneliness that only girls feel. The film succeeds in visualising these uncertain and subtle moods in a delicate way.
The 'summer generals' are the clouds that rise in the summer sky. The languour and excitement that one feels only in summer, are symbolised by the clouds that disappear so bravely and so fleetingly. The boredom and freedom that one feels only at certain times of life. The strength and vulnerability to the loneliness that only girls feel. The film succeeds in visualising these uncertain and subtle moods in a delicate way.
Uma Cidade de Amor e Esperança
Masao mora com a mãe doente e a irmã pequena na periferia de Tóquio. A mãe é engraxate e não quer que Masao trabalhe para se concentrar nos estudos, única forma de sairem dali e terem uma vida digna. Mas a família passa momentos de penúria e ajudado por uma garota rica e por sua professora, Masao tenta emprego na indústria de televisores. No Japão, porém, a integridade moral da pessoa é pré-requisito e Masao dará margens a que todos duvidem dele. Primeiro filme de Nagisa Oshima.