Morris Stoloff

Morris Stoloff

Nascimento : 1898-07-30, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

Morte : 1980-04-16


Morris W. Stoloff was a musical composer. Stoloff worked with Sammy Davis Jr., Dinah Shore and Frank Sinatra. Stoloff worked as music director at Columbia Pictures from 1936 to 1962. Among space age pop fans, he is best remembered for his 1956 Top 10 hit that paired the swing era tune "Moonglow" with the love theme from the movie Picnic, the medley called "Moonglow and Theme from Picnic". It sold over one million copies, and was awarded a gold disc by the RIAA. Stoloff was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. A child prodigy on the violin, Stoloff was taken under the wing of W. A. Clark. After studying with Leopold Auer for several years, Stoloff was touring the U.S. as a featured soloist at the age of 16, and joined the Los Angeles Philharmonic a year later as its youngest member ever. When sound came to motion pictures, studios came looking for musicians to provide it, and Stoloff was one of the first to cross over from classical music to movies. He was the first concertmaster on Paramount Pictures' payroll, and he worked with setting up the mechanics of a system that had to provide a steady stream of music for everything from epic dramas to serials and comedy shorts. In 1936, Stoloff moved over to Columbia Pictures, where he took the title of music director, a new position unique to the studio system. As music director, he was the chief executive responsible for providing musical production support to every film the studio released. This meant matching up composers, orchestrators, conductors, musicians and recording facilities to meet the creative scope of each project as well as its schedule and budget. Stoloff often took partial credit for a picture's score when he worked closely with a particular composer to work out a theme, motifs, and melodies. As a result, he ranks among some of the most-nominated individuals in the history of the Academy Awards. He won three Oscars for best scores, including those for Cover Girl (1944), The Jolson Story (1946), and Song Without End (1960), and was nominated 14 other times. By the late 1940s, film music was beginning to be recognized on its own, and Stoloff began recording some of the more popular numbers as singles for Decca Records. When long-play albums were perfected, the studios saw the opportunity to market more than just singles to the listening audience, and soundtrack albums became a hot commodity. Stoloff exercised his privilege as musical director to record these soundtrack albums himself, working with material from the actual scores. When Frank Sinatra founded Reprise Records in the early 1960s, he hired Stoloff as musical director; the two having worked successfully before on Pal Joey (1957). One of Stoloff's most noteworthy achievements while at Reprise was the release of a set of re-recordings of great Broadway musicals, including Kiss Me, Kate with a studio cast. Stoloff died in Los Angeles, California, aged 81.


Morris Stoloff


Lawrence da Arábia
Music Coordinator
Graças ao seu conhecimento dos beduínos, o oficial britânico T.E. Lawrence é enviado à Arábia para encontrar o príncipe Faisal e servir de ligação entre árabes e ingleses na luta contra os turcos. Com a ajuda do nativo xerife Ali, Lawrence se rebela contra as ordens de seus superiores e enfrenta uma jornada através do deserto para atacar um porto turco bem protegido.
Sonho de Amor
Music Supervisor
A história romântica do pianista húngaro Franz Liszt, cujo escandaloso caso de amor o forçou a abandonar seu público adorador. (e 10 - Estimado 10 Anos)
Meus Dois Carinhos
Joey Evans (Frank Sinatra) é charmoso, bonito, engraçado, talentoso, de primeira classe, o maior dos malandros. Quando Joey encontra a ex corista e agora rica viúva Vera Simpson (Rita Hayworth), os dois desregrados parecem feitos um para o outro. Isto é, até surgir Linda English (Kim Novak). Linda é uma "mouse on the line" e vive como se não houvesse amanhã. Mas ela é a típica boa menina de uma boa família - exatamente o ingrediente certo para bagunçar a confortável situação do Joey.
Meus Dois Carinhos
Music Supervisor
Joey Evans (Frank Sinatra) é charmoso, bonito, engraçado, talentoso, de primeira classe, o maior dos malandros. Quando Joey encontra a ex corista e agora rica viúva Vera Simpson (Rita Hayworth), os dois desregrados parecem feitos um para o outro. Isto é, até surgir Linda English (Kim Novak). Linda é uma "mouse on the line" e vive como se não houvesse amanhã. Mas ela é a típica boa menina de uma boa família - exatamente o ingrediente certo para bagunçar a confortável situação do Joey.
Galante e Sanguinário
Music Director
Quando o charmoso bandido Ben Wade é capturado após o assalto de uma diligência, o proprietário da linha Sr. Butterfield oferece 200 Dólares para o homem que escoltar o bandido até a cidade de Contention para apanhar o trem das 15:10 para Yuma e lá ser julgado. O rancheiro Dan Evans que está quebrado e precisa de dinheiro para salvar seu gado e sustentar sua família aceita o trabalho. Durante sua jornada, Dan salva a vida de Ben quando um vigilante tenta executar o criminoso. Enquanto isso, a gangue de Ben se separa e sai em busca de onde Ben está e, em seguida, resgatar seu chefe. Quando eles descobrem que Ben está preso em um quarto de hotel, eles colocaram o lugar sob cerco e Dan não consegue encontrar nenhum homem para ajudá-lo.
Jeanne Eagels
Biographical film based loosely on the life of 1920's stage star Jeanne Eagels.
A Sombra na Janela
Three delinquents murder a prosperous farmer at an isolated farm house. One witness to the crime - the dead man's secretary - is then taken hostage. The other witness - her young son - is thrown into state of shock. Can he recover soon enough to help the police - and his father - rescue his mother before it's too late?
Not One Shall Die
A short film by the United Jewish Appeal, directed by David Lowell Rich and starring Guy Madison, Felicia Farr and Agnes Moorehead, made by the core crew of many Columbia noirs, including cinematographer Burnett Guffey, art director Cary Odell, editor Al Clark, set decorator Frank Tuttle, and composer Morris Stoloff.
Full of Life
A father-in-law's visit makes life even more complicated for a struggling writer and his pregnant wife. Director Richard Quine's 1956 film stars Judy Holliday, Richard Conte and Salvatore Baccaloni.
Férias de Amor
Dia do Trabalho em uma pequena cidade agrícola do Kansas. Hal, um vagabundo corpulento e resoluto, salta de um vagão de carga empoeirado para visitar Alan, um antigo colega de quarto universitário e filho do homem mais rico da cidade.
Three Stripes in the Sun
A racist sergeant stationed in post-war Japan finds himself softening towards the children and falling for a local woman.
Os Amores Secretos de Eva
A devilish Southern woman, married to a man who despises her, manages to manipulate those around her under the guise of being kind. But, when her sister-in-law is engaged to be married to the woman's former lover and her husband starts up an affair with her cousin, visting from New York, things start to go awry and she sets a plan to destroy it all.
Um Certo Capitão Lockhart
O misterioso Will Lockhart entrega suprimentos à lojista Barbara Waggoman em Coronado, uma cidade isolada em território Apache. Em pouco tempo, ele é confrontado por Dave Waggoman, o sádico filho do fazendeiro Alec e primo da bela Bárbara. Mas ele fica para a cidade, e sua presença é um catalisador de mudança na vida do povo, procurando alguém que não sabe quem ele é... mas que foi responsável pela venda de espingardas para os Apaches.
Um Pecado em Cada Alma
A former Union Army officer plans to sell out to Anchor Ranch and move east with his fiancée, but the low price offered by Anchor's crippled owner and the outfit's bullying tactics make him reconsider. When one of his hands is murdered he decides to stay and fight, utilizing his war experience. Not all is well at Anchor with the owner's wife carrying on with his brother who also has a Mexican woman in town.
Demônio de Mulher
Music Director
Gladys Glover has just lost her modeling job when she meets filmmaker Pete Sheppard shooting a documentary in Central Park. For Pete it's love at first sight, but Gladys has her mind on other things, making a name for herself. Through a fluke of advertising she winds up with her name plastered over 10 billboards throughout city.
A Um Passo da Eternidade
Music Director
O filme relata histórias de vidas em um campo do exército americano no Havaí, às vésperas do ataque japonês à Pearl Harbor. Centraliza as ações acompanhando os conflitos de três militares da base. Roteiro baseado num livro de James Jones.
Os 5.000 Dedos do Dr. T.
Music Director
Bart tem um único inimigo: seu professor de piano, Dr. Terwilliker. Dr. T. tem o maluco plano de forçar 500 garotos a praticar no seu piano gigante 24h por dia. Bart é o único que pode salvar as crianças.
Let's Do It Again
Music Director
Composer Gary Stuart (Ray Milland) and his wife, Connie (Jane Wyman), have an argument over her alleged affair with Courtney Craig (Tom Helmore). The Stuarts agree to get divorced, and each tries to move on to a new love: Gary with socialite Deborah Randolph (Karin Booth) and Connie with businessman Frank McGraw (Aldo Ray). However, they start to realize that they still have strong feelings for each other. The Stuarts must make a decision before their divorce is final.
O Malabarista
Music Director
A Holocaust survivor moves to Israel and experiences difficulty adjusting to life.
Eight Iron Men
Music Director
During the World War II in Italy, Sergeant Joe Mooney is leading his small squad on the front-lines but is ordered to avoid rescuing a soldier trapped in no man's land.
Assignment: Paris
Music Director
Paris-based New York Herald Tribune reporter Jimmy Race (Andrews) is sent by his boss (Sanders) behind the Iron Curtain in Budapest to investigate a meeting involving the Hungarian ambassador.
Uma Viúva em Trinidad
Music Director
Cantora de boate e seu cunhado tentam encontrar o assassino de seu marido. Quando Steve Emery chega a Trinidad a pedido urgente de seu irmão, ele fica surpreso ao descobrir que seu irmão não só foi assassinado, mas que a esposa de seu irmão, Chris, está sucumbindo às tentativas de sedução do homem que possivelmente é o assassino. Seus sentimentos ficam ainda mais exacerbados quando ele descobre que também está se sentindo fortemente atraído por Chris, que é uma apaixonada cantora de cabaré. Ela, por sua vez, joga um contra o outro enquanto trai os segredos dos dois homens para a polícia, para quem trabalha secretamente. (e 14 - Estimado 14 Anos) O filme marca o retorno de Rita Hayworth ao cinema depois de quatro anos longe da Columbia.
Death of a Salesman
Music Director
Willy Loman is an aging salesman who was recently fired from his job. Dealing with feelings of failure, Willy begins to relive events from the past that involve his older son, Biff, and his wife, Linda. Willy tries to learn from past mistakes and works to make amends with his family, but his biggest struggle is to make peace with himself over a failed dream of financial success.
Music Director
Owen Merrit (Randolph Scott), um pequeno fazendeiro, está sendo ameaçado pelo poderoso vizinho Will Isham. Quando Will contrata atiradores para intimidá-lo, Owen precisa defender a si mesmo e a sua propriedade por meio da violência.
The Son of Dr. Jekyll
Music Director
The son of the notorious Dr. Henry Jekyll is determined to prove that his father's reputation has been unjustly deserved. He sets out to develop his father's formula in order to prove that he was a brilliant scientist rather than a murderous monster.
The Lady and the Bandit
Music Director
Highwayman Dick Turpin rides 200 miles to save his wife from the gallows in 18th-century England.
The Harlem Globetrotters
Music Director
All-American basketball player, Billy signs up with the world-famous "Harlem Globetrotters", an all-Negro professional team. Billy struggles with important life decisions and their consequences.
Santa Fé
Music Director
Depois da Guerra Civil, quatro irmãos mudam-se para o oeste em busca de aventura e trabalho. Após tomarem caminhos diferentes, entre boas e más escolhas, seus destinos se cruzam no final.
Nascida Ontem
Music Director
Um empresário que prosperou negociando com ferro-velho vai a Washington participar de uma negociata que envolve um congressista corrupto. Ele contrata um jornalista para que ele ensine boas maneiras, o modo de vestir, de falar e de andar a sua inculta amante, para que ela não cause problemas enquanto ele negocia. Mas professor e aluna se apaixonam e ela aprende a pensar sozinha, causando problemas inesperados ao namorado.
The Flying Missile
Music Director
A Navy commander experiments with launching missiles from submarines.
A Dominadora
Music Director
A perfectionist woman's devotion to her home drives away friends and family.
The Fuller Brush Girl
Music Director
A daffy door-to-door saleswoman blunders into a murder investigation.
O Sentenciado
Music Director
A prison warden fights to prove one of his inmates was wrongly convicted.
Fortunes of Captain Blood
Music Director
When he unwittingly sends some of his men into a trap, pirate Captain Peter Blood decides to rescue them. They've been taken prisoner by the Spanish Marquis de Riconete who is now using them as slave labor harvesting pearls from the sea.
No Silêncio da Noite
Music Director
O roteirista Dixon Steele (Humphrey Bogart) é conhecido por ter um temperamento bem explosivo, o que dificulta um pouco sua carreira. Steele tem a chance de recomeçar roteirizando um livro de grande sucesso, mas como não quer ler o livro convida para ir na sua casa a funcionária da chapelaria Mildred Atkinson (Martha Stewart), para lhe contar a história com suas próprias palavras. Um pouco depois da meia-noite ele diz para Mildred que está cansado, agradece a colaboração, dá a ela o dinheiro do táxi e se despedem. Mas naquela mesma noite ela é morta e Steele é o principal suspeito. Seus antecedentes de comportamento violento e seu macabro senso de humor acabam por complicá-lo ainda mais. Para sua sorte Laurel Gray (Gloria Grahame), sua amável vizinha, lhe proporciona um álibi. Laurel era exatamente o que Steele precisava e a amizade deles rapidamente se transforma em amor, mas talvez as desconfianças, dúvidas e demônios internos de Dixon atrapalhem essa relação.
O Tesouro do Bandoleiro
Music Director
Para encontrar o ouro roubado, agente do Governo trabalha secretamente com um fora da lei.
Na Teia do Destino
Music Director
Após a morte acidental do amante indesejável de sua filha, Lucia Harper (Joan Bennett) esconde o corpo para proteger sua família. Após um tempo, o parceiro do morto (James Mason) aparece e começa a chantageá-la. O conforto e a segurança de seu mundo está em perigo, logo tudo começa a desmoronar.
Tell It to the Judge
Music Director
Marsha Meredith, an attorney-at-law, is nominated for a federal judgeship, but her nomination is opposed by a 'Good-Government' group that thinks her divorce makes her unfit for the job. This evolves into situations, happening in Florida, New England, Washington D.C., and the Adirondacks, such as the misunderstood husband trying to win back his wife, and the misunderstood wife trying to make her husband jealous, and one case of mistaken identity after another, after another.
A Grande Ilusão
Music Director
O filme conta a história de ascensão e queda de um político rebelde do interior que começa exigindo reformas e justiça social, mas acaba embriagado pelo próprio poder. O roteiro é uma adaptação do romance de Robert Penn Warren, publicado em 1946, e pelo qual o autor recebeu o Prémio Pulitzer de Literatura.
Miss Grant Takes Richmond
Music Director
A bookie uses a phony real estate business as a front for his betting parlor. To further keep up the sham, he hires dim-witted Ellen Grant as his secretary figuring she won't suspect any criminal goings-on. When Ellen learns of some friends who are about to lose their homes, she unwittingly drafts her boss into developing a new low-cost housing development.
A Vida é um Jogo
Music Director
When he learns that a gangster has taken over his nightclub and murdered his partner, returning WWII hero Joe Miracle steals the money from the club's safe and hides in a settlement home, while the mob is on his tail.
Era Somente Amor
Music Director
A film director, in bad standing with his studio, tries to turn a local carnival dancer into a "French" movie star and pass her off as his big new discovery
Music Director
Depois de ter cumprido 5 anos de prisão, por ter matado um homem enquanto defendia seu amante de má reputação Harry (John Baragrey), Jenny Marsh (Patricia Knight) está pronta para a liberdade condicional. Seu oficial de condicional, Griff Marat Cornel Wilde está determinado a fazer Jenny andar na linha. Por falta de outras perspectivas, Griff arruma um emprego para Jenny em sua própria casa, algo totalmente contra os regulamentos. No começo, Jenny ainda tem sentimentos por Harry, mas como Griff mostra mais compaixão e cuidado, ela se apaixona por ele - o que Harry parece encorajar, porque ele tem planos de acabar com Griff e seus sonhos de cargo político, e a situação logo se torna ainda mais perigosa.
O Crime Não Compensa
Music Director
Jovem e atraente, um desajustado descendente de italianos é preso como o principal suspeito da morte de um policial. Apesar dos esforços de seu advogado, um homem que superou os obstáculos de uma origem humilde, ele logo está no crime outra vez e com poucas chances de ser absolvido.
The Untamed Breed
Music Director
A cowboy sets out to capture an escaped Brahma bull that is terrorizing local ranchers. Based on a story by Eli Colter that appeared in The Saturday Evening Post.
A Dama de Shanghai
Music Director
Elsa 'Rosalie' Bannister é uma mulher que é salva de um grupo de ladrões pelo jovem Michael O'Hara. Como agradecimento, ela o convida para trabalhar no iate de seu milionário marido. Michael aceita o emprego, mas não pelo dinheiro, e sim para ficar mais próximo de Elsa e, assim, tentar fugir com ela - pois agora ele está completamente apaixonado pela moça.
Tem Que Ser Você
Music Director
A chronic runaway bride is haunted by her conscience, who becomes reality.
Music Director
Truck driver Mike Lambert is a down-and-out mining engineer searching for a job. When his rig breaks down in a small town, he happens upon a venomous seductress. When her boyfriend robs a bank, they intend to frame Lambert.
Mr. District Attorney
Music Director
An assistant district attorney gets mixed-up with a woman who is working for the group that he is investigating.
Music Director
Um soldado foge ao invés de receber a Medalha de Honra. Então o seu amigo recebe permissão para investigar o caso. E amor e morte logo surgem na história. Ele não confia em ninguém... especialmente em mulheres!
Dama, Valete e Rei
Music Director
Junto a outro sócio, Johnny é proprietário de um cassino que passa por dificuldades, e para tentar resolver os problemas pede ajuda a um policial corrupto.
Music Director
Na Argentina, Johnny Farrell é um jogador de dados que se vê numa situação de roubo e é salvo por Ballin Mundson, um proprietário de um casino. Johnny começa a trabalhar para Ballin como seu braço-direito. A situação muda com a chegada de Gilda, sua amante no passado e que recentemente se casou com Ballin.
Over 21
Music Director
A woman screenwriter lives in a shabby bungalow in order to be near her husband, a 39-year-old newspaper editor who has just joined the army.
Together Again
Music Director
Anne Crandall is the mayor of a small town in Vermont. Her deceased husband had been the mayor for years and when he died, she was left to carry on and to raise his daughter from his first marriage. She lives with the daughter, her father-in-law and a housekeeper. In the town square, there was a statue of her late husband and every year since his death, they have an anniversary celebration there. This year during a thunderstorm, the statue is hit by lightning and the head falls off. The daughter insists that a new statue be erected instead of patching the old one. Mayor Crandall is sent to New York to interview the prospective sculptor, George Corday.
Strange Affair
Music Director
Eminent psychiatrist Dr. Brenner invites cartoonist Bill Harrison and his wife, Jack, to a banquet honoring war refugees. Bill volunteers to pick up fellow psychiatrist Dr. Baumler at the train station, but the man vanishes when he has Bill stop so he can use a pay phone. At the dinner, Bill and Jack are seated with Brenner's daughter, Freda, and, to Bill's surprise, another man is introduced as Baumler -- who dies moments later.
Secret Command
Secret Command features Pat O'Brien as a onetime foreign correspondent in the wartime employ of the FBI. Under an assumed name, O'BRIEN goes to work at a shipyard, intending to keep both eyes open for potential saboteurs. To maintain the cover, O'BRIEN is given a "wife" (Carole Landis) and two children. When O'BRIEN's brother Chester Morris shows up, he can't comprehend the charade and nearly spills the beans to the Nazi spies O'BRIEN hopes to trap. Based on the short story The Saboteurs by John and Ward Hawkins, Secret Command offers a graying but still feisty Pat O'Brien doing what he does best.
Endereço Desconhecido
Music Director
When a German art dealer living in the US returns to his native country he finds himself attracted to Nazi propaganda.
Music Director
Ao vencer concurso de beleza, jovem dançarina deixa o namorado para trás a fim de trabalhar como modelo. Mas descobre que o sucesso não substitui um grande amor. No Brooklyn, a dançarina de cabaré Rusty Parker tem uma vida simples mas feliz dançando no McGuire, cabaré de propriedade de seu namorado Danny. Rusty, Danny e Genius tem um ritual nas noites de sexta-feira: eles encomendam ostras em um bar, tentando encontrar uma pérola. A vida de Rusty muda quando ela participa e ganha um concurso para ser a garota da capa da revista Vanity. Ela é convidada a trabalhar em um grande teatro na Broadway, cujo proprietário propõe se casar com ela. Ela perde a felicidade e começa a beber em seu novo estilo de vida, sem o amor de Danny e seus velhos amigos.
The Chance of a Lifetime
Music Director
A mad scramble for stolen loot ensues after Boston Blackie has prisoners released for work in a wartime defence plant.
Footlight Glamour
Original Music Composer
Mr. Dithers is trying to encourage a businessman to build a war-time manufacturing plant on land he owns while Dagwood tries to prevent the businessman from learning his daughter is involved in a local theatre production.
Sahara: Em Busca da Sobrevivência
Music Director
O sargento Joe Gunn e sua tripulação de tanque acolhem cinco soldados britânicos, um francês e um sudanês com um prisioneiro italiano, e cruzam o deserto da Líbia para voltar ao comando após a queda de Tobruk. Tambul, o sudanês leva-os a uma fortaleza abandonada no deserto onde eles esperam encontrar água. Logo um destacamento de soldados alemães chega e tenta barganhar comida por água, mas Gunn e sua turma recusam. Quando os alemães atacam, Gunn leva seus homens cansados do deserto em uma batalha desesperada, esperando que os reforços britânicos possam chegar a tempo.
Passaporte para Suez
Music Director
The Lone Wolf goes undercover in Egypt to foil a Nazi plot to bomb and disable the Suez canal, which is vital to England's war effort.
Encontro em Berlim
Music Director
The "war of nerves" which gripped the European continent in 1938, is the background for this war thriller starring George Sanders.
It's a Great Life
Original Music Composer
When the profits of their various film series began slumping in the mid-1940s, Columbia Pictures tried to broaden the appeal of these films by disguing the fact that they were indeed series entries. Thus it was that Columbia's 13th "Blondie" picture was shipped out as It's a Great Life. The comic confusion begins when Dagwood Bumstead (Arthur Lake), intending to buy a house, buys a horse instead. Before the film's 75 minutes have run their course, Dagwood gets mixed up in a fox hunt. But Blondie (Penny Singleton) saves the day as usual, with the help of eccentric millionaire Timothy Brewster (Hugh Herbert). After It's a Great Life and #14 "Footlight Glamour", Columbia restored the name "Blondie" to the titles of all subesequent installments in this long-running comedy series.
Império da Desordem
Music Director
Cheyenne Rogers (Ford), um caçador de recompensas, viaja até Red Valley, onde conhece e enamora-se de Allison MacLeod (Evelyn Keyes). Tentará então, de levar uma vida fastada do seu passado, porém não será fa´cil. Western que se passa em 1860 e tem como protagonista o xerife Upton (Randolph Scott), que tenta manter a lei numa pequena cidade de Utah. Seu principal problema e com seu amigo Cheenne (Glenn Ford), que durante algum tempo foi um deliquente, mas se aposentou há muitos anos. Quando o banco é roubado, Cheyenne se converte, diante dos olhos da comunidade, no principal suspeito. Somente seu amigos parece estar convencido da sua inocência. Um dos primeiros filmes rodados em Technicolor, e também a primeira pareceria entre o ditador Charles Vidor e Glenn Ford, que depois alcançariam a glória com Rita Hayworth, em Gilda (1946) e Os Amores de Carmen (1948). O conflito entre a lei e a amizade.
Murder in Times Square
Music Director
An actor becomes a suspect in the murders of four New Yorkers injected with rattlesnake venom.
Quanto Mais, Melhor
Music Director
Washington. Durante a 2ª Guerra Mundial uma jovem, Connie Milligan, aluga metade da sua casa para Benjamin Dingle, um amável senhor. Ele por sua vez aluga metade da sua parte para Joe Carter, um sargento da força aérea. Esta situação resulta em um inocente ménage à trois, na qual Benjamin banca o cupido.
A Night to Remember
Music Director
A woman rents a gloomy basement apartment in Greenwich Village thinking it will provide the perfect atmosphere for her mystery writer husband to create his next book. They soon find themselves in the middle of a real-life mystery when a corpse turns up in their apartment.
Overland to Deadwood
Music Director
Cash Quinlan, owner of the Hauling Company, is the leader behind a gang of raiders who have been robbing stagecoaches between Mesquite and Deadwood. He hopes by doing so to drive his competitors out of business so that he can get the railroad franchise for himself.....
Solteiras às Soltas
Sisters Ruth and Eileen Sherwood move from Ohio to New York in the hopes of building their careers. Ruth wants to get a job as a writer, while Eileen hopes to succeed on the stage. The two end up living in a dismal basement apartment in Greenwich Village, where a parade of odd characters are constantly breezing in and out. The women also meet up with magazine editor Bob Baker, who takes a personal interest in helping both with their career plans.
Dama em Perigo
Music Director
The Lone Wolf tracks down Nazi spies in London during the German bombing.
Atlantic Convoy
Music Director
American naval forces are using a port in Iceland as a base for anti-submarine patrols to protect North Atlantic convoys from Nazi subs. The Nazis send undercover agents into the port in a scheme to blow up the entrance to the harbor and keep the patrols blocked in. The officers in charge of the patrols have to find the spies and stop them before they achieve their objective.
Submarine Raider
Music Director
On December 6, 1941, Captain Yamanada of the Japanese aircraft carrier "Hiranamu", orders full steam ahead for Pearl Harbor. His ship encounters and sinks an American yacht and the single survivor, Sue Curry, is rescued by an American submarine, the "Sea Serpent", commanded by Commander Chris Warren. He hears her story and attempts to radio a warning to Pearl Harbor. Yamanada, hearing the signals, orders the airlines jammed, and then sends his son into the air to sink the sub. The attack fails, after the sub makes a crash dive, but they fail in their warning attempts. The next morning, December 7th, the men on the sub hear the story of the bombing of Pearl Harbor, and devise a desperate plan to sink the Japanese carrier by letting the carrier know their position. The carrier comes in search of the submarine.
Meet the Stewarts
Music Director
A young newlywed couple learns to make their new marriage work; trying to impress family, stay on budget, and remain as diplomatic towards each other as possible.
Blondie's Blessed Event
Music Director
Cookie is born, producing unmitigated joy in the Bumstead household. Adding to the chaos a new baby always creates is the appearance of Hans Conried as a cynical author who becomes caught up in the Bumstead lifestyle.
Vingança Frustrada
Music Director
Blackie rastreia um prisioneiro injustamente condenado que escapa durante um show de mágica de Natal.
Blondie Goes to College
Original Music Composer
Number 10 in the Blondie series, Blondie Goes to College is predicated on the notion that Dagwood Bumstead (Arthur Lake) must receive a college diploma or lose his job with the Dithers Construction Company. Not wishing to be separated from her husband, Blondie (Penny Singleton) enrolls in college as well. But Leighton College rules stipulate "No Married Couples", forcing Blondie and Dagwood to pretend that they're not married. This causes quite a dilemma when coed Laura Wadsworth (Janet Blair) begins flirting with Dagwood and Rusty Bryant (Larry Parks) does same with Blondie. And Blondie's discovery of a very pleasant secret threatens to expose her and Dagwood's marital status too. The student body at this particular seat of learning is comprised of quite a few familiar faces, including Lloyd Bridges, Sid Melton, and Adele Mara.
Honolulu Lu
Music Director
While in Hawaii, Velez begins the film as a risque nightclub act and due to her involvement with a group of sailors becomes a beauty queen.
Ao Compasso do Amor
Depois que sua esposa descobre um bracelete de diamantes revelador, o empresário Martin Cortland tenta mostrar que ele não está correndo atrás da showgirl Sheila Winthrop. O coreógrafo Robert Curtis é pego no meio do esquema do patrão. O recrutamento pelo Exército oferece a Robert o local perfeito para fugir de seus problemas. Ou não é?
Ladies in Retirement
Music Director
Ellen Creed is a housekeeper who looks after Leonora Fiske, a retired actress living in the English countryside. When Ellen's eccentric sisters visit their sibling at Leonora's home, tensions soon lead to murder.
Que Espere o Céu
Music Director
Boxer Joe Pendleton, flying to his next fight, crashes...because a Heavenly Messenger, new on the job, snatched Joe's spirit prematurely from his body. Before the matter can be rectified, Joe's body is cremated; so the celestial Mr. Jordan grants him the use of the body of wealthy Bruce Farnsworth, who's just been murdered by his wife. Joe tries to remake Farnsworth's unworthy life in his own clean-cut image, but then falls in love; and what about that murderous wife?
Serenata Prateada
Music Director
Enquanto Julie se prepara para deixar seu marido Roger, ela decide colocar um disco para tocar. A cada música, ela relembra de eventos em suas vidas juntos. Uma delas é a música que estava tocando quando ela e Roger se conheceram em uma loja de música. Outras canções lembram a ela o namoro, o casamento, o desejo de ter um filho e as alegrias e tristezas que ele compartilharam. Uma enxurrada de lembranças volta para ela enquanto ela pondera os problemas atuais e como eles surgiram.
Blondie Goes Latin
Original Music Composer
The 8th film in the Blondie series - Blondie Goes Latin. Mr. Dithers invites the Bumstead's on a South American cruise. Somehow Dagwood winds up as the female drummer in the ship's band, while Penny Singleton gets to show off her Broadway background in some lively musical numbers.
Os Mortos Falam
Original Music Composer
Um cientista mata vítimas inocentes em seus esforços para se comunicar com sua falecida esposa.
The Face Behind the Mask
Music Director
In this low-budget thriller, Peter Lorre plays Janos Szabo, an immigrant from Hungary who is a skilled craftsman. After he's caught in a fire, his face is horribly scarred; his terrifying appearance makes it impossible for him to get a job. With nowhere else to turn, Janos begins working for the criminal underworld. Janos begins having second thoughts about his life of crime when he falls in love.
Blondie Plays Cupid
Original Music Composer
The Bumstead family is off to see relatives in the country when Blondie runs into Charlie and Millie, an eloping couple needing her help.
Blondie Has Servant Trouble
Original Music Composer
Things get under way when Blondie Bumstead demands that her husband request a raise from his boss Mr. Dithers, so that she can afford to hire a maid. But Dithers has no time for any salary disputes: his construction firm is currently stuck with an unsaleable old mansion that is rumored to be haunted. To disprove this theory, Dithers asks the Bumstead family to spend a night in the crumbling old house, throwing a retinue of servants into the bargain.
Girls of the Road
Music Director
A story of the great-depression era about women hobos, tramps, job-seekers, fugitives and runaways running from or toward something as they hitch-hiked their way across the United States, dodging the police, do-gooders, lustful men and pursuing-husbands in a bad mood. One of them is a killer, another is a girl hitch-hiking to her wedding in order to afford a wedding gown, and there is also the Governor's daughter who crusades on their behalf, while hitch-hiking along with them.
Island of Doomed Men
Music Director
Undercover agent Mark Sheldon gets paroled to a remote tropical island with a diamond mine manned by slave labor run by sadistic Stephen Danel.
The Doctor Takes a Wife
Music Director
A best-selling author of women's issues and a medical academic find it is to their mutual advantage to falsely claim that they are married.
A Ilha dos Ressuscitados
Music Director
Dr. Leon Kravaal develops a potential cure for cancer, which involves freezing the patient. But an experiment goes awry when authorities believe Kravaal has killed a patient. Kravaal freezes the officials, along with himself. Years later, they are discovered and revived in hopes that Kravaal can indeed complete his cure. But human greed and weakness compound to disrupt the project.
Florisbella Quer o Divórcio
Original Music Composer
Dagwood wants to join the trout club and Blondie wants a fur coat. Jealousy reigns when Dag's old girlfriend Joan shows up, but nothing else matters when a drawing at the movie theatre provides money for the coat.
Convicted Woman
Music Director
A reporter and a lawyer investigate a women's prison and help an inmate who does not belong there.
Pérolas Fatídicas
Music Director
Delia Jordan's father is murdered and some very valuable jewelry stolen. She hires The Lone Wolf.
Jejum de Amor
Music Director
Uma repórter (Rosalind Russell) anuncia que está deixando o trabalho para levar uma vida doméstica ao lado do noivo rico. Seu editor e ex-marido (Cary Grant) tenta convencê-la a mudar de idéia.
Amor a Prestações
Music Director
The Amazing Mr. Williams é um filme de 1939 estrelado por Melvyn Douglas como o tenente de polícia Kenny Williams, que anda ocupado demais resolvendo crimes para passar um tempo com sua noiva Maxine Carroll, interpretada por Joan Blondell.
A Mulher Faz o Homem
Music Director
Ingênuo homem do interior (James Stewart) é convidado para preencher uma vaga no Senado dos Estados Unidos. Aos poucos vai descobrindo o mar de lama que é o ambiente político dos comandantes de seu país. Tudo em que acredita está ameaçado. Como enfrentar esses poderosos Senadores e dirigentes políticos?
Conflito de Duas Almas
Music Director
Despite his talent as a musician, a city boy decides to become a boxer. He's successful as a fighter — much to the dismay of his parents. When gangsters try to by a piece of him, he begins to have second thoughts.
O Homem Imortal
Music Director
Dr. Henryk Savaard is a scientist working on experiments to restore life to the dead. When he is unjustly hanged for murder, he is brought back to life by his trusted assistant. Re-animated he turns decidedly nasty and sets about murdering the jury that convicted him.
Blondie Takes a Vacation
Original Music Composer
Blondie and Dagwood are in charge of operations at a mountain motel. The elderly owners of the establishment are in danger of losing their life savings. Among other things, arson threatens.
Good Girls Go to Paris
Jenny Swanson, a waitress on a college campus, is dying to visit Paris. Thanks to English professor Ronald Brooke, she manages to make her dream come true. Besides seeing the sights in the French capital she makes friends with a wealthy family there, the Brands.
Mandrake, O Mágico
Music Director
Mandrake e seu assistente Lothar estão trabalhando nas linhas de cruzeiro e conhecem o professor Houston, que desenvolveu uma máquina de energia de rádio, muito cobiçada por um lorde do crime mascarado conhecido como "A Vespa".
The Lady and the Mob
Music Director
Hattie Leonard sets out to break a criminal gang controlling the dry cleaning business.
Let Us Live
Music Director
When a confused eyewitness identifies New York City cabbie Brick Tennant as a killer, he is sentenced to death for a murder that he wasn't involved in. Though no one is willing to listen to the innocent prisoner's pleas for freedom, Brick's faithful fiancée, Mary, knows that her lover is innocent because she was with him when the crime was committed. As the scheduled execution draws ever nearer, Mary begins to investigate the murder herself.
Do Mundo Nada Se Leva
Alice Sycamore (Jean Arthur) deseja apresentar Tony Kirby (James Stewart), seu noivo, à sua família, mas como ele provêm de uma família rica e influente e a sua é composta de pessoas extrovertidas e um tanto lunáticas, há um choque de comportamentos. Para completar, Anthony P. Kirby (Edward Arnold), o pai do seu noivo, já comprou todos os imóveis da região onde a família de Alice vive para um importante empreendimento, com exceção da casa de Alice. Sem este imóvel o projeto não pode ir adiante e, como há uma recusa em vender, este posicionamento gera um clima desfavorável entre as duas famílias.
Music Director
The story of a D.A. who becomes a prison warden and winds up overseeing the sentence of a man he prosecuted.
Murder in Greenwich Village
Music Director
A society girl is suspected of murdering an artist whose brother is a notorious racketeer. In her pursuit of an alibi, she inadvertently implicates a struggling advertisement photographer. Now they must keep up the appearance of being engaged as a bumbling detective snoops around, and their initial distaste for each other blossoms into romance.
Cupido é Moleque Teimoso
Music Director
Suspeitas infundadas levam um casal a iniciar um processo de divórcio, quando começam a minar as tentativas, de um e do outro, de encontrar um novo romance.
Aconteceu em Hollywood
Music Director
A silent Western star has trouble adjusting to the coming of sound.
Os Pecados de Theodora
Music Director
The small-town prudes of Lynnfield are up in arms over 'The Sinner,' a sexy best-seller. They little suspect that author 'Caroline Adams' is really Theodora Lynn, scion of the town's leading family. Michael Grant, devil-may-care book jacket illustrator, penetrates Theodora's incognito and sets out to 'free her' from Lynnfield against her will. But Michael has a secret too, and gets a taste of his own medicine.
Craig's Wife
Music Director
Harriet, Walter Craig's wife, is an upper-class woman obsessed with control, material possessions and social status whose behavior makes difficult her relationship with domestic service and family members.