Jakob Fabian, um jovem publicitário, passa seus dias em uma empresa de cigarros e suas noites vagando pelas ruas de Berlim, quando se apaixona por Cornelia, uma bela atriz. Quando a carreira dela floresce, as perspectivas de futuro diminuem em meio ao hedonismo crepuscular da Alemanha pré-nazista.
A young woman loses herself thoughtfully in the architectural backdrop of Marzahn in Berlin. Matching scenes and sounds from “La Notte” (Michelangelo Antonioni, 1964), the film examines the cinematic quality of Marzahn’s formerly utopian urbanity. The protagonist’s melancholy is reflected in empty spaces and planned urban infrastructure.
Between seafaring romanticism and the real, almost unknown world lies a great difference. The film opens up this unknown world and shows what nevertheless drives people to spend their lives at sea and with the sea.