Andrea Porporati


Sorelle per sempre
Sorelle per sempre
Il giorno e la notte
After a terrorist attack in Rome, the government urges the population not to leave their houses: several couples clash during isolation. Shot during the first COVID-19 lockdown.
Our Family Three More
Elena, a Sicilian mother of three, is murdered by her husband. Her cousin, Roberto decides to take the three orphans into custody. Together with his wife, Anna, he takes charge of the maintenance of the three nephews, who join the other two children of the couple. The adaptation of the three children to the new reality is complex and conflicting. The backlash on the family budget is heavy. Roberto and his wife make do to ensure that the children are supported, trying not to let them know how their mother died.
Our Family Three More
Elena, a Sicilian mother of three, is murdered by her husband. Her cousin, Roberto decides to take the three orphans into custody. Together with his wife, Anna, he takes charge of the maintenance of the three nephews, who join the other two children of the couple. The adaptation of the three children to the new reality is complex and conflicting. The backlash on the family budget is heavy. Roberto and his wife make do to ensure that the children are supported, trying not to let them know how their mother died.
La classe degli asini
Una casa nel cuore
When a man disappears and leaves a daughter and mother in heavy debt they have to live on a houseboat to make ends meet. - IMDB
Uma amizade com Papa João Paulo II
Uma história verídica sobre uma improvável amizade entre um instrutor de esqui chamado Lino Zani e o Papa João Paulo II durante sua estada no chalé de esqui da família de Lino. Com a ajuda da orientação espiritual do Papa, Lino é inspirado a realizar seus sonhos escalando o Monte Everest.
Faccia d'angelo
Faccia d'angelo
I Vicerè
In late 19th-century Sicily, the noble Uzeda family – whose lineage dates back to the ancient viceroys that ruled those lands – fights to preserve its waning power in the face of the newly unified Italian regime.
The Sweet and the Bitter
Saro, a young Sicilian thug, that from jobs assigned by his godfather, won the favor of leaders of Cosa Nostra, becoming a "man of honor".
The Sweet and the Bitter
Saro, a young Sicilian thug, that from jobs assigned by his godfather, won the favor of leaders of Cosa Nostra, becoming a "man of honor".
Missão Romana
No ano 33 d. C. o grande imperador romano Tiberius está perturbado com estranhos eventos: um terremoto balançou seu reino e o céu escureceu como em um eclipse. Parte da população está aos poucos se rebelando, desobedecendo às leis. Tudo isso por causa de uma lenda que está mexendo com todos: um homem, chamado Jesus de Nazaré, teria ressuscitado. Para desmentir esta notícia, Tiberius convoca seu melhor soldado, Tauro, que acaba de retornar da Germânia.
Empty Eyes
The Crusaders
Towards the end of the eleventh century, Pope Urban II announces a crusade against the Saracens, who have occupied the holy city of Jerusalem. Three young friends Richard, Peter and Andrew set off to join the crusading army.
América - O Sonho de Chegar
Quando cai o comunismo na Albânia, dois italianos compram uma fábrica de sapatos, visando aproveitar o início de uma nova era para os negócios, mas cometem o erro de chamar um ex-preso político para assinar o contrato da empresa como testa-de-ferro.
América - O Sonho de Chegar
Quando cai o comunismo na Albânia, dois italianos compram uma fábrica de sapatos, visando aproveitar o início de uma nova era para os negócios, mas cometem o erro de chamar um ex-preso político para assinar o contrato da empresa como testa-de-ferro.
Stato d'emergenza - Il caso Dozier