Andrea Porporati


Sorelle per sempre
Sorelle per sempre
Il giorno e la notte
After a terrorist attack in Rome, the government urges the population not to leave their houses: several couples clash during isolation. Shot during the first COVID-19 lockdown.
Our Family Three More
Elena, a Sicilian mother of three, is murdered by her husband. Her cousin, Roberto decides to take the three orphans into custody. Together with his wife, Anna, he takes charge of the maintenance of the three nephews, who join the other two children of the couple. The adaptation of the three children to the new reality is complex and conflicting. The backlash on the family budget is heavy. Roberto and his wife make do to ensure that the children are supported, trying not to let them know how their mother died.
Our Family Three More
Elena, a Sicilian mother of three, is murdered by her husband. Her cousin, Roberto decides to take the three orphans into custody. Together with his wife, Anna, he takes charge of the maintenance of the three nephews, who join the other two children of the couple. The adaptation of the three children to the new reality is complex and conflicting. The backlash on the family budget is heavy. Roberto and his wife make do to ensure that the children are supported, trying not to let them know how their mother died.
La classe degli asini
Una casa nel cuore
When a man disappears and leaves a daughter and mother in heavy debt they have to live on a houseboat to make ends meet. - IMDB
Non avere paura - Un'amicizia con Papa Wojtyla
Faccia d'angelo
Faccia d'angelo
История семейного клана Удзеда, поданная зрителю вместе с историей Италии... XIX век. Пожилой сицилиец, деспот и тиран, запрещает своей дочери даже думать о любви. В то же самое время в монастыре, что находится неподалеку от имения, где томится девушка, монахи позволяют себе устраивать оргии. Об этом узнает глава римской католической церкви...
The Sweet and the Bitter
Saro, a young Sicilian thug, that from jobs assigned by his godfather, won the favor of leaders of Cosa Nostra, becoming a "man of honor".
The Sweet and the Bitter
Saro, a young Sicilian thug, that from jobs assigned by his godfather, won the favor of leaders of Cosa Nostra, becoming a "man of honor".
Расследование. Дело Назаретянина
Император Тиберий отправляет своего советника по имени Таурус в Палестину, чтобы расследовать обстоятельства исчезновения тела Иисуса из Назарета, распятого тремя годами ранее. Для выяснения ситуации он посылает туда молодого сенатора и варвара-телохранителя…
Empty Eyes
Италия конца 11-го столетия. Трое друзей — Пьетро, Андреа и Риккардо — вступают в армию крестоносцев и отправляются в крестовый поход за освобождение Святой земли от мусульман. Одним из друзей движет жажда знаний, другим — азарт воина, третьим — сила веры. Пережитые опасности и приключения укрепляют их дружбу, но она должна пройти суровые испытания перед лицом жесткости многих из их товарищей по крестовому походу, мудрости и утонченности нечестивых «иноверцев» и любви друзей к одной и той же восточной красавице…
Fiore, an Italian conman, arrives in post Communist Albania with Gino, his young apprentice, to set up a shoe factory that will never open. The con requires a native Albanian, so they designate Spiro, an impoverished and confused former political prisoner as chairman of the board. When Fiore returns to Italy to get government funds for the project, Spiro unexpectedly disappears and Gino sets out on a journey to find him. The search leads him to discover Spiro's tragic personal history and witness Albanian poverty firsthand.
Fiore, an Italian conman, arrives in post Communist Albania with Gino, his young apprentice, to set up a shoe factory that will never open. The con requires a native Albanian, so they designate Spiro, an impoverished and confused former political prisoner as chairman of the board. When Fiore returns to Italy to get government funds for the project, Spiro unexpectedly disappears and Gino sets out on a journey to find him. The search leads him to discover Spiro's tragic personal history and witness Albanian poverty firsthand.
Stato d'emergenza - Il caso Dozier