Yoshiya Obara


Startup Girls
Sound Recordist
A young female founder runs in to societal barriers during her drive to create startup projects, in a Japanese society that hasn't traditionally accepted entrepreneurs . She finds herself, and maturity along the way.
Mischievous Kiss The Movie: High School
Sound Recordist
Based on a popular manga series of the same name, this Japanese romantic comedy follows the lives of two high school students, Kotoko, a bubbly girl who’s hopeless in school, and Naoki, her smart and handsome senior. Although Kotoko gathers up the courage to confess her love to him, he bluntly rejects her in public. But fate works in mysterious ways - when her house collapses, a childhood friend of her father’s, Mr. Irie, invites them to live with his family, and she learns that the son of Mr. Irie is none other than Naoki himself…
High Kick Angels
Sound Recordist
In this high-octane slugfest, a group of badass female students are forced to battle a gang of criminals. Even with their short skirts and leather boots, the HIGH KICK ANGELS prove to be martial arts masters.
Detective Story
Sound Designer
A detective and a businessman search for a serial killer who removes people's organs.
A viagem mística de um mago curandeiro pelo interior do Japão. Baseado num famoso mangá de mesmo nome, trata-se de um dos poucos filmes live action do mestre Katsuhiro Ôtomo, criador de "Akira".
Uma guerra no Japão faz com que o país seja devastado. Desesperado em restaurar a paz, Tokugawa Shogun, líder de um clã, ordena o assassinato de um comandante inimigo. Para realizar a tarefa é selecionada Azumi (Aya Ueto), uma jovem e bonita mulher que foi selecionada ao nascer, juntamente com outros 9 órfãos, para se tornar uma assassina.
The Man in White
After his father figure like mafia boss is murdered, Azusa Moribe (Masaya Sato) goes on a one man killing spree to exact revenge.
Shangri-La follows the lives of a group of homeless people in Japan who run into a man who nearly commits suicide and decide to help him out of his financial troubles. Using their various ingenious resources they embark on a complex scheme to blackmail a crooked businessman, whose bankruptcy claim has put people out of work. It’s a fun romp as these seemingly homeless people manage to outsmart the very people who cast them from society.
Sound Recordist
When a young man is sent to a prison workhouse for a crime he did not commit his friend on the outside must find evidence to clear his name.
The Happiness of the Katakuris
The Katakuri family has just opened their guest house in the mountains. Unfortunately their first guest commits suicide and in order to avoid trouble they decide to bury him in the backyard. Things get way more complicated when their second guest, a famous sumo wrestler, dies while having sex with his underage girlfriend and the grave behind the house starts to fill up more and more.
Ichi, o Assassino
Anjo, um chefe da máfia japonesa, a Yakuza, desaparece com três milhões de ienes. Os membros de sua gangue, liderados pelo masoquista Kakihara, saem em busca de Anjo, mas os métodos extremamente violentos do novo líder acabam chamando a atenção negativamente de gangues rivais. Tudo piora quando ele contrata o misterioso assassino psicopata Ichi, controlado por um policial aposentado.
Visitor Q
Uma família completamente desestruturada: o pai, obsessivo com a profissão de jornalista, faz qualquer coisa para conseguir uma matéria polêmica; o filho, humilhado na escola constantemente pelos colegas, desconta sua frustração espancando a própria mãe todos os dias; a mãe, com a violência do filho e abandono do marido, prostitui-se para comprar heroína e aliviar-se; a filha, fugiu de casa e agora é prostituta, atendendo até mesmo o próprio pai. A vida de todos eles mudará quando um completo desconhecido começar a viver em sua casa, um homem que aos poucos vai restaurar a harmonia e amor que sentem uns pelos outros.
Man, a Natural Girl
Miike's first television production in seven years (since 1992's Last Run), Tennen Shoujo Mahn (lit: Natural Girl Mahn) is an adaptation of a manga series by Tetsuya Koshiba about a schoolgirl with extraordinary fighting prowess.
Ambição dos Jovens
Sound Designer
Nostalgia is Takashi Miike’s favorite film of his considerable body of work. Including biographical elements, Nostalgia centers around the home and school of a young boy, whose family mix the violent and dysfunctional with the comic and the loveable. Though containing elements of the sudden and shocking brutality that many associate with this director, Young Thugs – Nostalgia is more concerned with a child’s moment of leaving the internalized world of fantasy, and passing on eagerly to the next stage of life. A wonderful, touching, startling vision that is uniquely Miike’s.
August in the Water
Sound Recordist
A teenage girl gains supernatural power after an accident and comes to understand her place in the universe.