Patrick Godfrey

Patrick Godfrey

Nascimento : 1933-02-13, Finsbury Park, London, England, UK


Patrick Godfrey


Uma Razão para Viver
Mr. Tolland
A história real de Robin, um homem brilhante e aventureiro que fica paralisado por conta da poliomelite. Contra todos os conselhos, ele e sua amada Diana se recusam a ser aprisionados pelo sofrimento e vivem uma intensa história de amor, com cada respiração como se fosse a última.
National Theatre Live: As You Like It
With her father the Duke banished and in exile, Rosalind and her cousin Celia leave their lives in the court behind them and journey into the Forest of Arden. There, released from convention, Rosalind experiences the liberating rush of transformation. Disguising herself as a boy, she embraces a different way of living and falls spectacularly in love.
Sr. Turner
Lord Egremont
"Sr. Turner" explora o último quarto de século da vida do ótimo e excêntrico pintor britânico JMW Turner (1775-1851). Profundamente afetado pela morte de seu pai, amado por sua governanta que ele ocasionalmente explora sexualmente, ele cria uma relação estreita com uma senhoria à beira-mar com quem ele eventualmente vive incógnito no Chelsea, onde ele morre. Enquanto tudo isso acontece ele viaja, pinta, convive com a aristocracia do país, visita bordéis, é um membro popular e anárquico da Royal Academy of Arts, se faz amarrar ao mastro de um navio para que possa pintar uma tempestade de neve e é, ao mesmo tempo, celebrado e insultado pelo público e pela realeza.
The Borderlands
Father Calvino
Se você acha que ainda não viu found-footages baseados em temas sobrenaturais o suficiente, aqui vai mais um pra você: The Borderlands. O filme de Elliot Goldner segue uma equipe de investigadores do Vaticano, enviada ao interior da Inglaterra para investigar relatos de atividade paranormal em uma igreja distante.
Os Miseráveis
Na França do século 19, o ex-prisioneiro Jean Valjean, perseguido ao longo de décadas pelo impiedoso policial Javert por ter violado sua liberdade condicional, busca redenção pelo seu passado e decide acolher a filha da prostituta Fantine.
The Professor
Stephen is a brilliant young boy who lives in England, in what appears to be the 1920s—but nothing in Stephen’s life is quite as it seems. His world is turned upside down upon meeting a charismatic and inspirational professor at a garden party, who demonstrates to Stephen and his friends what life would be like if they themselves were merely one, or two, dimensional beings. He then proceeds to explain that by manipulating other dimensions, time travel may actually be possible. As Stephen’s life unfolds, events lead him to dedicate himself to turning the Professor’s theories of time travel into reality. Jealousy, love, obsession, temptation and greed surround him, influencing his fragile mind and the direction of his work.
Love's Labour's Lost - Live at Shakespeare's Globe
Sir Nathaniel
When the King of Navarre and his three courtiers forswear all pleasure - particularly of the female variety - in favour of a life of study, the arrival of the Princess of France and her ladies plays havoc with their intentions. Using every kind of verbal gymnastics to poke fun, Shakespeare's most intellectual comedy is brought to hilarious life in this highly entaining production, rich in visual humour and sexual innuendo.
Sombras no Sol
Numa casa remota na costa de Anglia Leste nos anos 1960, Hannah (Jean Simmons) vive uma vida perfeitamente feliz com seu poeta, jardineiro e amigo muito mais jovem Joe (Jamie Dornan). Quando o filho de Hannah, Robert (James Wilby) aparece com a filha adolescente e filho mais novo, fica chocado com a intimidade de sua mãe com seu jovem amigo. Emoções e tensões entre o grupo começam a dar à tona, e pode ser que apenas um trágico incidente os una de volta.
Sir John Barrow
With a unique blend of dramatic action and behind-the-scenes documentary footage, filmmaker John Walker shares the multi-layered story of British explorer Sir John Franklin and his crew of 128 men, who perished in the Arctic ice during an ill-fated attempt to discover the Northwest Passage, and John Rae, the Scottish doctor who in 1851, discovered their dismal fate. Rae's dark report, which described the crew’s madness and cannibalism, did not sit well with Sir John's widow, Lady Franklin, nor with many others in British society, including Charles Dickens. They waged a bitter public campaign to discredit Rae's version of events and mark an entire nation of northern Inuit with the label of murderous cannibals. A stunning face-to-face meeting between the great-great grandson of Charles Dickens and Tagak Curley, an honoured Inuit statesman who challenges the fraudulent history, vaults the story from the past into the present and we are witness to history in the making.
A Duquesa
Dr. Neville
Georgiana Spencer casou-se aos 18 anos com o Duque de Devonshire, que queria a todo custo ter um filho. Possuindo o título de Duquesa de Devonshire, logo Georgiana demonstrou sua inteligência e perspicácia perante a corte inglesa. Entretanto, ela não conseguia dar ao duque um filho, com todas as suas tentativas de ficar grávida resultando em abortos ou em filhas. Isto faz com que o relacionamento entre eles se deteriore, pouco a pouco.
The Shell Seekers
Mr. Enderby
Penelope Keeling, a sixty-four-year-old daughter of a famous artist, reflects on her life, and the fate and choices that defined it, when she arrives in the Mediterranean to stay with her headstrong daughter. Shifting through time, and falling into place like the pieces of a jigsaw, the truth of Penelope's rich, heartbreaking and surprising life unfolds.
Fazendo História
Sleeping Clergyman
Em 1980, um grupo de jovens britânicos estuda para as melhores universidades do país, como Oxford e Cambridge. Apesar de ter ótimos professores, o diretor da escola não está satisfeito. Ele decide contratar Irwin (Stephen Campbell Moore) para ajudar os estudantes em sua preparação, garantindo a melhor chance possível para todos.
Oliver Twist
Oliver Twist (Barney Clark) é um órfão entre as centenas que sofrem com a fome e o trabalho escravo na Inglaterra vitoriana. Vendido para um coveiro, ele sofre com a crueldade da família deste e acaba fugindo para Londres. Lá ele é recolhido das ruas por Artful Dodger (Harry Eden), um ladrão que o leva até Fagin (Ben Kingsley), um velho que comanda um exército de prostitutas e pequenos marginais. Quando Oliver conhece um bondoso homem em quem finalmente enxerga um possível pai, Fagin teme que ele denuncie seu esquema. Para evitar isso Fagin planeja um assalto à casa do rico Sr. Brownlow (Edward Hardwicke), o pai desejado por Oliver.
O Carrasco
Filme que se passa no século 16, durante uma época turbulenta, violenta e intolerante, principalmente por parte da milionária igreja católica da época. Dois amigos são criados em um monastério, mas quando adultos, seguem caminhos separados. Enquanto um escolhe a vida eclesiástica, o outro opta por servir ao estado na condição de um soldado. Depois de um longo tempo, os dois acabam, novamente, se encontrando em meio aos tumultos entre a reforma luterana e a igreja católica. Os anos se passam e o soldado se apaixona e se casa com uma mulher que é filha do carrasco da cidade, a figura mais temida e odiada pela população. Ela é, injustamente, acusada de bruxaria e passa a ser perseguida pela igreja. O casal inicia uma fuga desesperada que vai colocar os dois amigos, em lados opostos, em uma crise sem precedentes, e em xeque a própria amizade entre eles.
Lindsay Anderson: Lucky Man?
Lindsay Anderson (voice)
A documentary about film director Lindsay Anderson, made for BBC Scotland television series "Artworks Scotland."
Armadilhas do Coração
Nesta hilariante adaptação da obra-prima do escritor Oscar Wilde, Algy e Jack são dois jovens cavalheiros que vivem na Inglaterra do século XIX. Usando o pseudônimo, Earnest, eles se aproveitam desse fato para suas aventuras amorosas, até que um dia, apaixonados pela mesma mulher, Cecily, os dois se encontram face a face. Sem saída, eles precisam encontrar uma boa explicação para não perderem a mulher amada.
The Falklands Play
Rt Hon Michael Foot MP (Leader of the Opposition)
The Falklands Play is a dramatic account of the political events leading up to, and including, the 1982 Falklands War. The play was written by Ian Curteis, an experienced writer who had started his television career in drama, but had increasingly come to specialise in dramatic reconstructions of history. It was originally commissioned by the BBC in 1983, for production and broadcast in 1986, but was subsequently shelved by Controller of BBC One Michael Grade due to its alleged pro-Margaret Thatcher stance and jingoistic tone. This prompted a press furore over media bias and censorship.The play was not staged until 2002, when it was broadcast in separate adaptations on BBC Television and Radio.
My Brother Tom
Father Felix
A teenage girl, Jessica, befriends a teenage boy called Tom, who is bullied by a local gang. She is abused by Jack, who is both her neighbour and school teacher, and Tom is sexually abused by his father. Together they bond in the woods, creating a private reality that no-one else can enter.
The Miracle Maker
Matthew / Annas
Aclamada versão animada da vida do Rei dos reis, com as vozes de consagrados atores britânicos e um roteiro excepcional, considerado um dos mais fiéis ao texto do Evangelho.
Para Sempre Cinderela
Leonardo da Vinci
O clássico conto da Gata Borralheira ganha uma nova versão, mostrando o que seria a “verdadeira” história da Cinderela. Danielle perde seu pai muito nova e é criada por uma madrasta muito má. Já crescida, ela se apaixona pelo Príncipe Henry, o que pode estragar os planos ambiciosos da madrasta.
The Gambler
Professor Olkhin
Under pressure from his publisher, Russian novelist Fyodor Dostoyevsky gets work on his latest piece, 'Rouletenberg'. In the 27 days it takes for him to complete the novel reality and fiction become blurred; in this feverish atmosphere of excess Dostoyevsky's characters come to life as he struggles to complete his work.
Message for Posterity
1st Conservative MP
A version of Dennis Potter's play for television, remade shortly before his death as the original 1960s version had been wiped.
Genghis Cohn
Deputy Mueller
In the midst of World War II, Nazi officer Otto Schatz declares the execution of Jewish music-hall comedian Genghis Cohn. Many years later, Otto is comfortably retired into the life of a highly respected police commissioner, and is investigating a series of murders when he encounters the ghost of Genghis Cohn. The haunting turns into a taunting, and before he knows it, Schatz is slowly driven mad as he is lured into a trap.
Bermuda Grace
Vestígios do Dia
1958. James Stevens (Anthony Hopkins), um homem de idade, em um grande carro antigo começa uma viagem pela Inglaterra em direção ao mar. Por muitos anos ele foi o mordomo-chefe de Darlington Hall, uma famosa casa de campo. Neste época sacrificou sua vida pessoal por vários anos para ter um alto desempenho profissional, reprimindo seus sentimentos e aparentando uma frieza que na verdade não era parte da sua personalidade. Ele está indo visitar Sally Kenton (Emma Thompson), que tinha sido governanta em Darlington e ele não vê há muito tempo. Ele pensa que talvez ela possa ser persuadida a retomar a sua antiga posição, trabalhando para o novo proprietário de Darlington, um congressista americano aposentado. (e Livre - Estimado Livre)
O Processo
Court Usher
Joseph K. awakes one morning, to find two strange men in his room, telling him he has been arrested. Joseph is not told what he is charged with, and despite being "arrested," is allowed to remain free and go to work. But despite the strange nature of his arrest, Joseph soon learns that his trial, however odd, is very real, and tries desperately to spare himself from the court's judgement.
The Count of Solar
The true story of mysterious deaf-mute boy Joseph in France just before the revolution.
Amidst the thaw of glasnost, the Kremlin discovers that two Soviet agents, sent to England under deep cover in 1965, have been “lost.” A beautiful and ambitious Russian agent, sent to London to track them down, becomes embroiled in a tangle of CIA, KGB and MI-5 plots and counterplots as the two lost agents, now utterly assimilated, try to avoid detection.
Do Not Disturb
Geoffrey Alderney
When Jenny and Bruce Coldfield bring a curious party of literary enthusiasts to a remote Norfolk village to visit the hidden world of ghost story writer Eleanor Mont other forces start to stir.
Come Home Charlie and Face Them
Adapting R.F. Delderfield's classic story of love, lust, crime and betrayal, this three-part mini-series centres around a young bank clerk whose yearning to escape the mundanity of 1930s small-town life is answered all too readily when he falls for an exotic beauty with dangerous intentions.
On the Black Hill
The Auctioneer
The story covers eighty years in the lives of a pair of Welsh identical twins with an unusual bond, as they go through war, love affairs, and land disputes.
Manifesto Por uma Noite de Amor
Dr. Lombrosow
In a small European country, the king is scheduled to visit a small, quiet and "safe" village. It turns out that while the village may indeed be small, it's neither as quiet nor as safe as it's expected to be.
The Interrogation of John
Supt. Sidebotham
A suspect is brought to a London police station charged with gross indecency. Police at the station believe he is connected with a murder in the area earlier that night, but the suspect refuses to speak.
Maurice conta a história de dois jovens estudantes ingleses que se tornam grandes amigos. Cada vez mais íntimos, Maurice Hall e Clive Durham percebem que estão apaixonados, mas lutam contra esse sentimento já que a homossexualidade, além de condenada socialmente, era considerada crime na Inglaterra do século XIX,O Mais lindo filme Gay de todos os tempos, uma história do amor entre amigos em uma época distante ,conservadora e cheia de preconceitos. Este clássico é estrelado por Hugh Grant e James Wilber.
The Devil's Disciple
Lawyer Hawkins
Shaw turned to the classic Victorian melodrama to focus on the insincerity of much that his audience held dear, especially family and marriage. In 1777 as the American War of Independence rages, Dick Dudgeon returns to the family he revolted against years ago. But his life is about to take another twist as the british arrive and seem set on an execution...
Foreign Body
Banerjee stars as Ram Das, a jobless Indian man who, tired of life in Calcutta, steals money from his father in order to afford a passage to Britain and while there, falls in love with a white woman.
Theban Plays: Antigone
In a final battle for the control of Thebes, Oedipus's two sons kill each other. Creon issues an order that no one is to bury Polynices upon pain of death. But Antigone is determined that her brother's body will have the proper rites of burial.
Uma Corrida Contra o Tempo / O Homem Que Perdeu a Hora
An uncompromising British school headmaster finds himself beset by one thing going wrong after another.
Uma Janela Para o Amor
The Reverend Mr. Eager
When Lucy Honeychurch and chaperon Charlotte Bartlett find themselves in Florence with rooms without views, fellow guests Mr Emerson and son George step in to remedy the situation. Meeting the Emersons could change Lucy's life forever but, once back in England, how will her experiences in Tuscany affect her marriage plans?
Pericles, Prince of Tyre
When Pericles discovers the dread answer to Antioch's riddle, he flees for his life straight into famine, shipwreck, love, fatherhood, and another shipwreck; he loses his wife and daughter, and doesn't find them again until the story moves us through resurrection, attempted murder, pirates, prostitution, and divine revelation.
Rainy Day Women
Commanding Officer
In 1940, during World War II, an officer is sent to investigate rumours of German spies in a sleepy village where various people are the victims of war hysteria.
The Tragedy of Coriolanus
BBC rendition of Shakespeare's Coriolanus
Verão Vermelho
Dr Saunders
Anne está investigando a vida de sua tia avó Olívia, cujo destino sempre foi envolto em escândalo. A busca remonta ao início da década de 1920, quando Olívia, recém-casada com Douglas, funcionário público da administração colonial, vai morar com ele na Índia. Lentamente, Olivia fica fascinada pela Índia e pelo governante local, um Nawab que combina a distinção britânica com a pompa e crueldade da Índia. Esse fascínio não é isento de riscos: a região está sendo saqueada por um grupo de bandidos sanguinários, e as intrigas se opõem à comunidade britânica preconceituosa liderada pelo Major Minnies e pelo Dr. Saunders contra o Nawab. Como Anne investiga a história de sua tia-avó, ela é levada a reconsiderar sua própria vida. (e 14 - Estimado 14 Anos)
Ballet Shoes
Donald Houghton
Pauline, Petrova, and Posy Fossil live with Sylvia Brown, their guardian. Money is tight and as the story opens, three boarders - a garage owner, a retired English professor, and a dance teacher - come to stay. Theo Dane, the dance teacher, has the girls accepted at her school by the formidable Madame, and the three go on the stage to help raise money. Each discovers her talents - Pauline as an actress, Petrova in fixing engines, and Posy as a dancer.
Doctor Who: The Mind of Evil
Major Cosworth
Professor Emil Keller has created a machine that can pacify even the most dangerous of criminals. But when the Doctor and Jo arrive at Stangmoor Prison for a demonstration, things start to go horribly wrong - especially when they discover that the Doctor's old enemy the Master is responsible for the machine.
John Clare:
WF Knight
A film biography by David Jones with Freddie Jones as John Clare "I am - yet what I am, none cares or knows" (John Clare) John Clare (1792-1864), farm labourer, had three obsessions: his youthful love for Mary Joyce, the countryside of his native Northamptonshire, and the need to celebrate both in his poetry. Clare cracked under the increasing strain of poverty and neglect, and spent the last 23 years of his life in Northampton General Lunatic Asylum. He imagined himself to be Lord Byron, a bigamist, and a prize-fighter; but the poems of his madness are perhaps the most remarkable he ever wrote. "Clare's asylum foretells our need for an asylum, his deprivation foretells our deprivation" (Geoffrey Grigson) Commentary spoken by Tony Church (from BBC Midlands) (David Jones and Patrick Stewart are members of the Royal Shakespeare Company; Tony Church appears by permission of the Northcott Theatre, Exeter)
Doctor Who: The Savages
The TARDIS has arrived on a far-distant and seemingly idyllic world. Yet the Doctor, Steven and Dodo learn it hides a terrible secret: the apparently civilised Elders maintain their advanced society by draining and transferring to themselves the life-force of the defenceless Savages.
Black and White
Black and White is the story of Lisa, a young Soviet emigre studying medicine in Manhattan, Roy, an African American building superintendent on New York's Lower East Side, and the bond that they form from living on the edges of Manhattan. Filled with an assortment of fringe artists, disenfranchised immigrants, diamond dealers and sexual surrogates, the film is ultimately about breaking down barriers between people.