National Theatre Live: As You Like It (2016)
Gênero : Comédia
Runtime : 3H 5M
Director : Polly Findlay, Tim Van Someren
Escritor : William Shakespeare
With her father the Duke banished and in exile, Rosalind and her cousin Celia leave their lives in the court behind them and journey into the Forest of Arden. There, released from convention, Rosalind experiences the liberating rush of transformation. Disguising herself as a boy, she embraces a different way of living and falls spectacularly in love.
The culmination of Orson Welles’s lifelong obsession with Shakespeare’s robustly funny and ultimately tragic antihero, Sir John Falstaff; the often soused friend of King Henry IV’s wayward son Prince Hal. Integrating elements from both Henry IV plays as well as Richard II, Henry V, and The Merry Wives of Windsor.
No início do século 20, o duque Teseu lida com os desencontros amorosos na cidade de Monte Atena, Itália, enquanto na floresta, o rei dos duendes, Oberon, ordena que Puck coloque filtros mágicos nos olhos dos mortais para tentar resolver tudo.
Hamlet é o príncipe da Dinamarca que deseja vingar o assassinato de seu pai e ocupar seu lugar como rei. Mas não será fácil, pois terá que brigar com sua própria família para recuperar o que lhe pertence.
A trama gira em torno do casal de namorados, Cláudio e Hero, que tiveram consentimento para casarem-se. Porém o melhor amigo de Cláudio, Benedito, está apaixonado pela bela e venenosa Beatriz, mas não ousa reconhecer seu amor por ela. Beatriz está na mesma situação. Os dois vivem discutindo e brigando, mas um fato inesperado poderá ajudar essa história a ter um final feliz.
A Scottish warlord and his wife murder their way to a pair of crowns.
Londres, Inglaterra. Dorian Gray é um jovem que de alguma forma mantém a sua beleza eternamente, enquanto um misterioso retrato de si mesmo revela gradualmente sua decadência moral.
Young love is poisoned by a generations long feud between two noble families.
The Lecturer, leader of the Feminine League Against Frivolity, tells the history of eroticism and censorship from the beginning of time until the late 1960s.
Filme baseado na obra de Shakespeare, que conta a história de Rosalind, filha de um duque banido do reino pelo irmão mais velho. Depois de ameaçada de morte, a jovem foge para a floresta e decide vestir-se como homem para não ser descoberta. O disfarce vai ajudar Rosalind a descobrir o verdadeiro sentimento de seu amado, Orlando, que também está exilado.
Itália, século XVI. Petruchio, um proprietário rural pobre e irado de Verona, chega a Pádua em busca de fortuna e uma esposa, enquanto Baptista, um comerciante rico, anuncia que não permitirá que Bianca, sua filha mais nova, se case até que a temperamental e indisciplinada Katherina, sua filha mais velha, o faça.
Com os hormônios masculinos em fúria e o quociente de riso ativado, Chris Salvatore e Daniel Skelton retornam, junto com Rebekah Kochan e o ícone do culto Mink Stole na quarta parte do hilariante e exagerado sexo de Allan Brocka, Eating Out Series!
The tale begins when a brother and sister are separated in a shipwreck, but survive to be washed up on the shore of Illyria. The sister, Viola, disguises herself as a man and takes service with Duke Orsino, who has fallen in love with Lady Olivia. Entrusted with pleading on her master's behalf, Viola is utterly disconcerted to find that Olivia has fallen in love with her. Thus begins the confusion of this delightful comedy.
A corrupt village commissar insists on mounting a production of Hamlet. The clever local teacher, however, casts the son of a man framed for theft as Hamlet, and the commissar as the usurping king, leading to a climax of truly Shakespearean proportions.
An adaptation of Shakespeare's play.
Popeye has replaced Bluto in the Spinach Theatre's production of Romeo and Juliet (Olive, of course), much to Bluto's surprise and dismay. Bluto does what he can to sabotage the production, like cranking up the snow and wind machines, and eventually coming onstage, even though Olive wants no part of him.
A documentary about the 1978 stage production of The Taming of the Shrew by the New York City Shakespeare company at the Delacorte Theatre in Central Park. Includes scenes from the production, interviews with Meryl Streep (Kate) and Raul Julia (Petruchio) as well as an introduction by producer Joseph Papp and audience commentary.
Iago and a comrade-in-arms are outside the Venice home of Desdemona's father, who does not yet know that she has eloped with Othello. Iago confides to his friend -- who had hoped to marry Desdemona -- that he serves Othello to further his own ends. Venice needs Othello to protect its commercial interests in Cyprus where the Turkish fleet is headed. Desdemona insists on going to Cyprus, too. In Cyprus, Iago plots to convince Othello that Desdemona has betrayed him with Cassio. A lot more than political ambition seems to be motivating Iago.
Hamlet comes home from university to find his uncle married to his mother, and his father's ghost haunting the battlements and scaring the watch. Then his father's ghost directs him to seek revenge.
Henry is a proud monarch who flies in the face of the church in seeking to divorce Queen Katherine and marry Anne Bullen. As cardinal Wolsey, the powerful Lord Chancellor of England, attempts to bend Rome to the King's wishes, the court reverbates with political intrigue and accusations of treachery.
A monarch ordained by God to lead his people. But he is also a man of very human weakness. A man whose vanity threatens to divide the great houses of England and drag his people into a dynastic civil war that will last 100 years.